से पुनः पोस्ट किया:Bunker Gate
I have decided to leave telegram completely.
The channels won't be deleted, but there won't be any new posts either. The invitation links for the private channels will stop working once i delete my accounts, so join them now if you want to see them:
- The Bunker
- The Radicalization Library
- Also throwing in this one, will be probably deleted soon
Nigger Hate Archive
If you donated for the new hardware a few months ago and feel scammed now, you can send me (to the contact E-Mail) the tx hash and tx private key and the address you want the XMR refunded to, and i will send you your donation back.
I will check the E-Mails for another month before deleting that as well.
Finally thanks for your interest. I hope you got something out of it. Good Bye!
The channels won't be deleted, but there won't be any new posts either. The invitation links for the private channels will stop working once i delete my accounts, so join them now if you want to see them:
- The Bunker
- The Radicalization Library
- Also throwing in this one, will be probably deleted soon
Nigger Hate Archive
If you donated for the new hardware a few months ago and feel scammed now, you can send me (to the contact E-Mail) the tx hash and tx private key and the address you want the XMR refunded to, and i will send you your donation back.
I will check the E-Mails for another month before deleting that as well.
Finally thanks for your interest. I hope you got something out of it. Good Bye!
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