से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
White Lives Matter Official

मीडिया सामग्री तक पहुँच नहीं हो सकी
We are going towards our fourth year of existence as an initiative with the same consistency: legal, anonymous, pro-White activism on every Saturday of every month.
We are grateful for being part of the most righteous of struggles: securing a future for our children. We are happy to see that other, formerly "country" focussed groups have now adopted an explicitly pro-White stance and that pro-White slogans are normalized.
We also want to thank our online and off-line allies who have set aside any differences and united behind the 14 words: @CIG_telegram, @PrivSecGoy, @friendlyfather, @frens_chan, @BellumActaNews, @europa_the_last_battle_blu_ray and others.
Our track record speaks for itself at @wlm_events. Please forward this on for all Whites to know!
@wlmcontactbot to get involved.
X - follow us on twitter
We are going towards our fourth year of existence as an initiative with the same consistency: legal, anonymous, pro-White activism on every Saturday of every month.
We are grateful for being part of the most righteous of struggles: securing a future for our children. We are happy to see that other, formerly "country" focussed groups have now adopted an explicitly pro-White stance and that pro-White slogans are normalized.
We also want to thank our online and off-line allies who have set aside any differences and united behind the 14 words: @CIG_telegram, @PrivSecGoy, @friendlyfather, @frens_chan, @BellumActaNews, @europa_the_last_battle_blu_ray and others.
Our track record speaks for itself at @wlm_events. Please forward this on for all Whites to know!
@wlmcontactbot to get involved.
X - follow us on twitter
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
White Lives Matter Official

📌 Again, WLM took to the streets to keep the flame of our People alive, across Europe and the United States.
For us, our race is an extension of our family. Other healthy White people are like siblings to us, as we recognize a common destiny ordained by our blood and shared history.
Our purpose is to revive our Racial Consciousness and, together, secure a future for our White Children.
Activists are involved because their heart commands so - not because of any exoteric reward. For what is the biggest reward of all if not the ability to raise your children in a loving society, that cherishes honor and a will to continue its own glorious existence?
Our activism is positive because a positive White future must be fought for. Activism is fun, really fun - and whitepilling. But above all, it is the only way to 14!
Honor to all pro-White activists! Take part at @wlmcontactbot.
For us, our race is an extension of our family. Other healthy White people are like siblings to us, as we recognize a common destiny ordained by our blood and shared history.
Our purpose is to revive our Racial Consciousness and, together, secure a future for our White Children.
Activists are involved because their heart commands so - not because of any exoteric reward. For what is the biggest reward of all if not the ability to raise your children in a loving society, that cherishes honor and a will to continue its own glorious existence?
Our activism is positive because a positive White future must be fought for. Activism is fun, really fun - and whitepilling. But above all, it is the only way to 14!
Honor to all pro-White activists! Take part at @wlmcontactbot.
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
White Lives Matter Official

📌This Saturday marked 41 consecutive months of pro-White activism by WLM. Regardless of circumstances, the heroes of the race continue to do the activism that matters. Real life, positive, encouraging and future-looking engagement with other healthy Whites is the only way forward.
As activists, the future of the White Race is in our hands. We must shape it into a positive, self-sustaining future that is rooted in the 14 words.
As an activist, ask yourself: are you able to make a compelling case in favor of the 14 words in front of an audience of unknown people?
The only topic is the 14 words. We will always be active every 3rd Saturday of every month, indefinitely, even if the internet went down.
Get involved at @wlmcontactbot.
As activists, the future of the White Race is in our hands. We must shape it into a positive, self-sustaining future that is rooted in the 14 words.
As an activist, ask yourself: are you able to make a compelling case in favor of the 14 words in front of an audience of unknown people?
The only topic is the 14 words. We will always be active every 3rd Saturday of every month, indefinitely, even if the internet went down.
Get involved at @wlmcontactbot.
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
White Lives Matter Official

🚨WLM does not condone violence.🚨
WLM is a peaceful, legal & anonymous initiative. Apolitical and non-religious, upheld by freedom of expression and of self-determination.
Any deviation to the above is not to be considered part of this initiative started in April 2021.
Any one person not acting in line with the manual is not part of WLM.
WLM is a peaceful, legal & anonymous initiative. Apolitical and non-religious, upheld by freedom of expression and of self-determination.
Any deviation to the above is not to be considered part of this initiative started in April 2021.
Any one person not acting in line with the manual is not part of WLM.
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:

👉 Ein weiterer Anschlag aufgrund fehlender Remigration
💥 In Magdeburg verübt ein Migrant, der schon längst aufgrund seiner Verbrechen in Saudi Arabien abgeschoben werden sollte, ein schreckliches Attentat. Ein tragischer Vorfall, der nicht nur in Deutschland Wellen schlägt, sondern auch die Verantwortung der Schweiz ins Licht rückt.
📥 Die Schweizer Behörden lassen weiterhin ungehindert illegale Migranten ins eigene Land und nach Europa. Diese fahrlässige Politik der offenen Grenzen werden mit ziemlicher Sicherheit eines Tages auch in der Schweiz zu einem ähnlichen Anschlag führen.
❗️ Wie lange wollen die Verantwortlichen noch wegsehen? Der Schutz unserer Bürger und dementsprechend unserer Grenzen, muss endlich oberste Priorität haben – in der Schweiz, in Deutschland und in ganz Europa!
📣 Einmalige & monatliche Spenden via Boosty (Kreditkarte)
Für weiter Möglichkeiten uns zu unterstützen hier klicken!
❗Folgt unseren Kanälen:
Telegram | Twitter / X | Youtube | Rumble
💥 In Magdeburg verübt ein Migrant, der schon längst aufgrund seiner Verbrechen in Saudi Arabien abgeschoben werden sollte, ein schreckliches Attentat. Ein tragischer Vorfall, der nicht nur in Deutschland Wellen schlägt, sondern auch die Verantwortung der Schweiz ins Licht rückt.
📥 Die Schweizer Behörden lassen weiterhin ungehindert illegale Migranten ins eigene Land und nach Europa. Diese fahrlässige Politik der offenen Grenzen werden mit ziemlicher Sicherheit eines Tages auch in der Schweiz zu einem ähnlichen Anschlag führen.
❗️ Wie lange wollen die Verantwortlichen noch wegsehen? Der Schutz unserer Bürger und dementsprechend unserer Grenzen, muss endlich oberste Priorität haben – in der Schweiz, in Deutschland und in ganz Europa!
📣 Einmalige & monatliche Spenden via Boosty (Kreditkarte)
Für weiter Möglichkeiten uns zu unterstützen hier klicken!
❗Folgt unseren Kanälen:
Telegram | Twitter / X | Youtube | Rumble
📍 Zurich Summer Throwback
💬 @WLMContactBot
🌐 @WhiteLivesMatterOfficial
💬 @WLMContactBot
🌐 @WhiteLivesMatterOfficial
Do you think our little Switzerland is untouchable, immune to the attacks spreading across Europe?
Wake up. It's only a matter of time, it could be you, your family, your friends. We need to act now.
Keep in mind, a quarter of our population is foreign and rapidly increasing. If you’re not getting involved politically, whether it’s speaking out, taking action, or even just starting conversations with friends and colleagues, you’re standing by and letting White people die.
Wake up. It's only a matter of time, it could be you, your family, your friends. We need to act now.
Keep in mind, a quarter of our population is foreign and rapidly increasing. If you’re not getting involved politically, whether it’s speaking out, taking action, or even just starting conversations with friends and colleagues, you’re standing by and letting White people die.
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
Action Radar Europe

Philippine (19) - Europewide action
🟥 After the murder of the young Philippine in Paris last week by an a
african migrant we call for an european action against remigration.
❗️Philippine would still be alive if her murder, who already raped a woman before, would have been deported. But the state did nothing.
💪🏻 We need to get active an bring the message of remigration to the streets. It must become the most popular term, the vision of all of Europe.
📁Download the Posters + an editable PSD and spread them:
🔗 All our links: https://campsite.bio/actionradar
🤝 Support via BTC: bc1qevlwwrlefv7cvdqkrf5luul5hucdgae3233z8u
🟥 After the murder of the young Philippine in Paris last week by an a
african migrant we call for an european action against remigration.
❗️Philippine would still be alive if her murder, who already raped a woman before, would have been deported. But the state did nothing.
💪🏻 We need to get active an bring the message of remigration to the streets. It must become the most popular term, the vision of all of Europe.
📁Download the Posters + an editable PSD and spread them:
🔗 All our links: https://campsite.bio/actionradar
🤝 Support via BTC: bc1qevlwwrlefv7cvdqkrf5luul5hucdgae3233z8u
मीडिया सामग्री तक पहुँच नहीं हो सकी
💬 @WLMContactBot & Admin
🌐 @WhiteLivesMatterOfficial
🌐 @WhiteLivesMatterOfficial
मीडिया सामग्री तक पहुँच नहीं हो सकी
Wake up and get active.
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:

Remigration gleich Volksverhetzung - Aktivisten zu Bewährungsstrafe verurteilt 👩🏻⚖️🏳️🌈
Letzten Sommer stiegen unsere Aktivisten als Reaktion auf gehäufte sexuelle Übergriffe auf das Dach des Stuttgarter Inselbads, um Remigration zu fordern. Deswegen wurden drei unserer Jungs wegen Volksverhetzung zu 6 Monaten Freiheitsstrafe auf Bewährung verurteilt.
Die Urteilsbegründung ist vollkommen lächerlich. Es ist ein offensichtlicher Versuch, Aktivismus und die Forderung nach Remigration zu kriminalisieren und uns zum Schweigen zu bringen.
Wir lassen von dieser Repression aber nicht beeindrucken. Berufung ist bereits eingelegt, ein ausführliches Statement folgt morgen.
✊🏻 Europa, Jugend, Reconquista!
Letzten Sommer stiegen unsere Aktivisten als Reaktion auf gehäufte sexuelle Übergriffe auf das Dach des Stuttgarter Inselbads, um Remigration zu fordern. Deswegen wurden drei unserer Jungs wegen Volksverhetzung zu 6 Monaten Freiheitsstrafe auf Bewährung verurteilt.
Die Urteilsbegründung ist vollkommen lächerlich. Es ist ein offensichtlicher Versuch, Aktivismus und die Forderung nach Remigration zu kriminalisieren und uns zum Schweigen zu bringen.
Wir lassen von dieser Repression aber nicht beeindrucken. Berufung ist bereits eingelegt, ein ausführliches Statement folgt morgen.
✊🏻 Europa, Jugend, Reconquista!
📍 Bern
💬 @WLMContactBot & Admin
🌐 @WhiteLivesMatterOfficial
💬 @WLMContactBot & Admin
🌐 @WhiteLivesMatterOfficial
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