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Meme Cannons avatar
Meme Cannons
so many tards, and we can't J-pill them all,,,
Hansel and Gretel – Allegedly, the SS at the Majadanek camp built gas chambers specifically for killing children that were nicknamed “The Garden of Roses”. 500,000 children were lured to their fate by a trail of sweets.

[“Lured by Sugar & Chocolates: 500,000 Children in Gas Chambers” in the October 11th, 1945 issue of the Hartlepool Northern Daily Mail. Image generated by Grok 2 (Twitter/X).]
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The Noticing needs to continue. The Holocaust orthodoxy must fall.
Lava Pit – At Auschwitz, gas chamber victims were allegedly dumped directly into a furnace that was located directly under the “showers” via a collapsible floor.

Furnaces are not pools of molten steel that can instantly disintegrate corpses.

[Pg. 336-337 in The Making of the Auschwitz Myth by Carlo Mattogno and pg. 130 in Inside of the Concentration Camps: Eyewitness Accounts of Life in Hitler’s Death Camps by Eugène Aroneanu and Thomas Whissen. Clip from Terminator 2: Judgment Day.]
Shrek's Swamp - According to the International Military Tribunal transcripts, there was allegedly a massive swampland in the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp.

In one account, Ze Evil Nazis made burning pits in the swamp due to the supposed inefficiency of the camp’s crematoria. To do this, they had the laborers drain the swamp in the Birkenau section of the camp during the winter. It rained and snowed often. The inmates had to be careful in the thick mud and quicksand as they prepared the cremation pits. Once everything was set, it was filled with bodies and doused with gasoline. A lit match did the rest.

Do I need to explain why it is terrible idea to burn bodies in a swamp?

In a similar account, the Krauts reportedly forced women and children into a swamp near the Pripyat river to drown them. This was a waste of time because the swamp was not deep enough to do the job. Why did they not just shoot them at that point?

[Pg. 64, 89-96, and 346 in Made in Russia: The Holocaust by Carlos Whitlock Porter. Image generated by Grok 2 (Twitter/X).]
Destroy the Child – According to Eva Mozes Kor, a Holocaust survivor, she alleged that Josef the Death Eater violated twins in all sorts of heinous ways in the name of science.

Some of Josef’s experiments on them reportedly included:

- Shooting children up with diseases such as scarlet fever, along with various drugs

- Sex change operations via blood transfusions and/or slicing up their genitalia (Changing one’s sex, regardless of what method is used, is impossible unless they are killed or commit suicide.)

- Chopping twin boys’ balls off

- Sewing Gypsies together by attaching one’s back to another

- Connecting “the urinary tract of a seven-year-old girl to her own colon.”

- Surgically conjoining twins

- Creating a wall of eyeballs in his laboratory

- Involuntary organ donation while they were fully conscious

The fantasies from these eyewitnesses know no boundaries.

[Ch. 5 in Surviving the Angel of Death: The True Story of a Mengele Twin in Auschwitz by Eva Mozes Kor and Lisa Rojany Buccieri and “SICK & TWISTED: Inside evil Nazi experiments on kids who were stitched together like Frankenstein Siamese twins by ‘Angel of Death’” by Felix Allen in The Sun. Image from [REDACTED].]
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
Irelands Woes 🇮🇪 avatar
Irelands Woes 🇮🇪
Dodeca Kill – At Auschwitz, SS Darth Moll allegedly scored twelve kills by lining up twelve women in a line and shooting all of them in the head with one round.

I am no expert in ballistics, but I believe this is only possible with a .50 cal sniper rifle.

[Pg. 350 in the The Buchenwald Report by David A. Hackett. ".50 Cal William Tell" clip from RocketJump on YouTube.]
Loli Season – According to the totally honest USSR Commies, the Hitler Youth allegedly refined their firearm skills by using Jewish children for target practice.

Live targets are very useful for figuring out if your rounds are actually hitting something. If the target yells and screams in pain, you are on target!

(Do not try this at home.)

[“Propaganda” in ARMREG’s Holocaust Encyclopedia]
Bone Glue – Allegedly at Auschwitz, electric furnaces made by Siemens were used in the extraction of fat from dead Jews. There was even a “large bone-glue factory” at the camp.

How exactly does one make glue out of Jewish bones? That just sounds as impractical as making crackers with the blood of Christian children.

I sometimes wonder if it possible to produce gold and silver coins out of the blood of Jewish Minecraft of course.

(Do not attempt to do this in real life.)

[Pg. 179 in The Making of the Auschwitz Myth by Carlo Mattogno]
Taylor Tales: Deep Throat Poker – Jews at Manthausen were reportedly tortured by means of a red hot poker getting shoved down their throat.

[Pg. 140 in Justice in Dachau: The Trials of an American Prosecutor. Image from an Amazon listing.]
Sourceless Claims: Tit Wallets – Allegedly, the Nazis made wallets out of Jewesses' breasts.

[Image from Wikimedia. Did you honestly expect me post bare breasts on here?]
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