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The Anglospherian avatar
The Anglospherian
The Anglospherian avatar
The Anglospherian
दृश्य की संख्या


रिपोस्ट छिपाएं
They're just against Nationalism, in any form, racism, fascism, whatever they want to cry about, "because it's Western", particularly if it is Anglo, they're anti-White. And this is why the Dissident Duginist* Right are so against 'Nazism', because it undermines all the progress we have made understanding WW2 (the jew) over the years, and how it shapes our world, it undermines our awakening and our strength, it undercuts our White racial consciousness by diverting us away from its foundations.
New laws about to drop 🇬🇧
I honour those that sacrificed, to keep it safe for me, from Brunanburh to Agincourt, you've doused the enemy; the White Dragon of England, your emblem held up high, all your victories held within, for future ones to ply; you lost your way in modern times, but unity shall come, I'm here for you, my England, and shall always vow to thee.
Chabad Lubavitch and Putin
Mentally demented hypocrite antifa will show up to British patriot protests/marches screaming "nazi scum off our streets", "no borders, no fascists", while singing "free Palestine" at their own events.

Tens of thousands of jews can gather and march on our streets in jewish pride and against anti-semitism without issues. But ordinary British people are labelled 'racists' and 'fascists' for waving their own flags and caring about their own nation.

BOTH OF THAT LOT SHOULD BE REMIGRATED: https://t.me/HomelandParty/1799
Children's books do not educate anymore. They lack beauty, heroism, pride, and inspiration. It's just all marxist degeneracy and meaninglessness. Buy the old books and ditch the smartphones.
🎵 @TheAnglospherian 🎶
Anglophobes get their eye poked out
🎵 @TheAnglospherian 🎶
Don't let the jews and commies divide our race
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
Jimeone Roberts avatar
Jimeone Roberts
The idea that we can attain any real victory without addressing the Big Lie surrounding WWII is a retarded and weak take.

A victory in which we continue to perpetrate the mythos of the enemy is no victory at all.

We already had one of those.
How'd that work out for us?

I'd rather be speaking German.
'It staggers the imagination to envisage what would happen to the civilised nations of Europe if they were to fall into the hands of the Bolsheviks or the American gangster politicians.' - Joseph Goebbels, in his diary, 28 April 1943.
They hate this.
Don't let the jews and commies demoralise you, keep working hard, keep plugging away, stay determined and on the right path, be relentless.
A Happy Birthday to the Aussie Legend, Hail @Thomas_Sewell
Have a great day ⚡️⚡️
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