Taking a moment out of my hopefully brief respite to rage post.
@PeteHegseth @dod The decision to not release the identity of the 3rd member of the Blackhawk fight crew is the most terrible decision since the pullout in Afghanistan. This is almost unprecedented and destroys whatever credibility remains of our military hierarchy. Secretary Hegseth, we elected Donald Trump (3x) to end this kind of bulls**t and it has to stop.
I grieve with her family. But if they don't want her name released, I don't care. None of us should care. Unless there are legitimate national security reasons, and i cannot imagine how there could be, you owe it to the American public to release all information about this tragedy, or confidence in air travel will be destroyed.
"It would really embarrassing the military" is not a valid national security concern. I now have to assume that that pilot had no business having the job she did. PLEASE prove me wrong. Please.
Hiding crucial information from the American people is no way to start this administration, and casts serious doubts.