“At the Edge of the Abyss” is a powerful documentary, honest and profoundly sad. It is powerful because it is authentic, free of censorship, sugar-coating or touch-ups. It is honest because the film is just war footage, without feigned emotions and corny clichés. But it is also sad, because many of the people it shows were killed in action. One moment he is alive—a man smiling at the camera. And the next moment he is dead. And all of that is a chronicle of war. A recording of life and death.
Nothing grandiose about this war, nothing dramatic or over-the-top.
This is a brand new type of war documentary. They simply couldn't do it like this before—it wasn't technologically possible. And it was a different value system. But now they've done it. And what we have as a result is a chronicle of true heroism.
A chronicle of brave men fighting for every inch of our land, saving innocent civilians, and sacrificing their lives.
A chronicle of our future Victory...