Recognizing when your nervous system is dysregulated will help with facing this journey and all that comes with it.
I think it’s kind of a requirement in order to be able to heal.
And right now, actually for the last couple days, I’ve been very dysregulated. So, I’m going to hop off for a while, maybe a day or two—I have no idea — And deal with this.
Not an endorsement - just good info here: https://www.primaltrust.org/understanding-a-dysregulated-nervous-system/
I think it’s kind of a requirement in order to be able to heal.
And right now, actually for the last couple days, I’ve been very dysregulated. So, I’m going to hop off for a while, maybe a day or two—I have no idea — And deal with this.
Not an endorsement - just good info here: https://www.primaltrust.org/understanding-a-dysregulated-nervous-system/
“Maui Police Chief John Pelletier, who gave the order to TRAP VICTIMS IN THE LAHAINA FIRE, has now been named as a co-conspirator in the Diddy case
Pelletier ALSO happened to be the Incident Commander during the Las Vegas shootıng.
Pelletier FORCIBLY took a Diddy victim at gunpoint from Vegas to California to be r*ped by Diddy by posing as a sheriff executing a fake warrant, according to the suit.
Even after these incidents occurred, Pelletier was STILL named Chief of Maui Police, and the devastating fires happened shortly after.
Many questions have loomed as to whether or not children went missing after the fires, where entire families disappeared without a trace.
The government disputes this claims, and they have not been verified.
This story goes MUCH deeper than what we already know.”
Pelletier ALSO happened to be the Incident Commander during the Las Vegas shootıng.
Pelletier FORCIBLY took a Diddy victim at gunpoint from Vegas to California to be r*ped by Diddy by posing as a sheriff executing a fake warrant, according to the suit.
Even after these incidents occurred, Pelletier was STILL named Chief of Maui Police, and the devastating fires happened shortly after.
Many questions have loomed as to whether or not children went missing after the fires, where entire families disappeared without a trace.
The government disputes this claims, and they have not been verified.
This story goes MUCH deeper than what we already know.”
It’s an 11 extravaganza! ❤️🔥
This book “Reaching Through Time and Space” has changed my life. The book is sitting beside me now. My first copy got annointed in a freak rainstorm so I bought another.
Tears wouldn’t stop with the light energy coming through. Ohh Lah Lah…it’s happening to me again.
You’re giving me power now!
I’m gonna harness this thing, TR, if it kills me. It won’t!
This is breathing NEW LIFE into these old bones. It’s a wonder to behold.
And the Sungazers Guide to the Galaxy?
Don’t get me started! What a hoot!
Sun~Sol~Soul that must be connected.
Something is there bc the sun cranks me up energy wise.
Thanks TR…you rock!
Tears wouldn’t stop with the light energy coming through. Ohh Lah Lah…it’s happening to me again.
You’re giving me power now!
I’m gonna harness this thing, TR, if it kills me. It won’t!
This is breathing NEW LIFE into these old bones. It’s a wonder to behold.
And the Sungazers Guide to the Galaxy?
Don’t get me started! What a hoot!
Sun~Sol~Soul that must be connected.
Something is there bc the sun cranks me up energy wise.
Thanks TR…you rock!
18 U.S. Code § 871 - Threats against President and successors to the Presidency
(a)Whoever knowingly and willfully deposits for conveyance in the mail or for a delivery from any post office or by any letter carrier any letter, paper, writing, print, missive, or document containing any threat to take the life of, to kidnap, or to inflict bodily harm upon the President of the United States, the President-elect, the Vice President or other officer next in the order of succession to the office of President of the United States, or the Vice President-elect, or knowingly and willfully otherwise makes any such threat against the President, President-elect, Vice President or other officer next in the order of succession to the office of President, or Vice President-elect, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.
(a)Whoever knowingly and willfully deposits for conveyance in the mail or for a delivery from any post office or by any letter carrier any letter, paper, writing, print, missive, or document containing any threat to take the life of, to kidnap, or to inflict bodily harm upon the President of the United States, the President-elect, the Vice President or other officer next in the order of succession to the office of President of the United States, or the Vice President-elect, or knowingly and willfully otherwise makes any such threat against the President, President-elect, Vice President or other officer next in the order of succession to the office of President, or Vice President-elect, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.
Yeah who’s gonna stop me,
the fire is in me now.
the fire is in me now.
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:

Everything you need is inside of you. The answers, the wisdom, the information. The codes are inside of you and they are being released…awakened one layer at a time.
The earth is changing because the codes are being given back to humanity. The lies are being shattered and the new ideas and energies are coming in.
That sense you have that things are changing is 100% correct. Trust it.
Do not listen as the darkness flails and tries to pull you back in. It won’t work. Things ARE DIFFERENT. You know this.
Your Heart knows this.
Your Soul knows this.
Everything is becoming easier: Tapping in to the aethers, accessing the information you need. Finding your way…
And as you do this you are helping others to find theirs. You are the lighthouses, the outposts of truth…and people will be drawn to you as they sense your frequency. This is the work you came here to do. And my goodness, it is glorious!
There is nothing for you to run out and “do”. The way is being laid for you. All you have to do is keep putting one foot in front of the other. And your path will emerge as you move ahead.
You will not fall.
Everything you do is “right”.
Everything you do is Holy.
You ARE the Suns of God.
-TR ✨💕✨
23 June 2022, Mt Shasta, CA
The earth is changing because the codes are being given back to humanity. The lies are being shattered and the new ideas and energies are coming in.
That sense you have that things are changing is 100% correct. Trust it.
Do not listen as the darkness flails and tries to pull you back in. It won’t work. Things ARE DIFFERENT. You know this.
Your Heart knows this.
Your Soul knows this.
Everything is becoming easier: Tapping in to the aethers, accessing the information you need. Finding your way…
And as you do this you are helping others to find theirs. You are the lighthouses, the outposts of truth…and people will be drawn to you as they sense your frequency. This is the work you came here to do. And my goodness, it is glorious!
There is nothing for you to run out and “do”. The way is being laid for you. All you have to do is keep putting one foot in front of the other. And your path will emerge as you move ahead.
You will not fall.
Everything you do is “right”.
Everything you do is Holy.
You ARE the Suns of God.
-TR ✨💕✨
23 June 2022, Mt Shasta, CA

Once we can Innerstand that WE are in charge, everything changes.
In Love,
TR 💖
In Love,
TR 💖
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:

What I am, is a consolidator, a condenser…a transducer. Both metaphysically and in more of a tangible way with information.
Truth = Light = Energy
A transducer takes energy and converts it from one form to another. (If you want more on this, just search the channel for the word.)
When I was in the Air Force, I was a Sensor Management Officer or SMO. I was the one who decided how to best use the radar on our aircraft to manage the battlefield. Eventually, they made me an instructor and at one point I was told that I was really good at taking complex concepts (like radar physics and whatnot) and explaining them in layman’s terms.
I think that’s what I do here.
My life is about learning. Always has been. For some reason I am utterly compelled to seek info, integrate it and then explain it. I guess that’s my superpower. I’m also terribly irreverent which gives me a voice that’s different than many others. A superpower and a vulnerability all rolled into one, as most superpowers are.
What this book is, is a compilation of my writings that span the period of time from around the election of 2020 till early 2024. It’s kind of a map of my own Spiritual Journey. I wish I could have put even more into it, if I’m honest. But bc the writings already existed, it made more sense to compile them as they were and retain as much of the vibration that they held when first written as possible. That also meant that I had to leave the things I’ve since changed my understandings of. And to allow for people to see my own growth and mistakes. That’s hard. But I think it’s necessary bc this is a messy process, and learning how to let go of things is as important as allowing new understandings in.
My aim is to show my own Journey in the hopes that it would light a path for people to see that we ALL have access to God. We ALL travel our own Journeys and that each of us is precious in our own way.
I also wanted to get the things that I’ve learned and come to Innerstand out into the world. My voice doesn’t resonate for everyone, and that’s ok. It’s not supposed to I don’t think. But for those who can hear the Messages, I give them freely to you as a gift with Love in my Heart and Peace in my Soul.
May the Messages go to whomever needs them at whatever juncture of Time & Space they find themselves when they arrive.
In Love,
TR ✨💞✨
Truth = Light = Energy
A transducer takes energy and converts it from one form to another. (If you want more on this, just search the channel for the word.)
When I was in the Air Force, I was a Sensor Management Officer or SMO. I was the one who decided how to best use the radar on our aircraft to manage the battlefield. Eventually, they made me an instructor and at one point I was told that I was really good at taking complex concepts (like radar physics and whatnot) and explaining them in layman’s terms.
I think that’s what I do here.
My life is about learning. Always has been. For some reason I am utterly compelled to seek info, integrate it and then explain it. I guess that’s my superpower. I’m also terribly irreverent which gives me a voice that’s different than many others. A superpower and a vulnerability all rolled into one, as most superpowers are.
What this book is, is a compilation of my writings that span the period of time from around the election of 2020 till early 2024. It’s kind of a map of my own Spiritual Journey. I wish I could have put even more into it, if I’m honest. But bc the writings already existed, it made more sense to compile them as they were and retain as much of the vibration that they held when first written as possible. That also meant that I had to leave the things I’ve since changed my understandings of. And to allow for people to see my own growth and mistakes. That’s hard. But I think it’s necessary bc this is a messy process, and learning how to let go of things is as important as allowing new understandings in.
My aim is to show my own Journey in the hopes that it would light a path for people to see that we ALL have access to God. We ALL travel our own Journeys and that each of us is precious in our own way.
I also wanted to get the things that I’ve learned and come to Innerstand out into the world. My voice doesn’t resonate for everyone, and that’s ok. It’s not supposed to I don’t think. But for those who can hear the Messages, I give them freely to you as a gift with Love in my Heart and Peace in my Soul.
May the Messages go to whomever needs them at whatever juncture of Time & Space they find themselves when they arrive.
In Love,
TR ✨💞✨
The book I’m working on now focuses on how we have everything backwards and we don’t understand how things actually WORK.

Elon’s reply to the above.
From the chat 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
If the things posted here this morning interest you, then you may want to read about how I came to Know them.
You guys know I really dislike promoting my own books but I do think they serve a purpose. They were written to help guide people out of their enslaved states. There is no massive external event that needs to happen in order for you to be Free.
To REMEMBER that you are Sovereign.
You guys know I really dislike promoting my own books but I do think they serve a purpose. They were written to help guide people out of their enslaved states. There is no massive external event that needs to happen in order for you to be Free.
To REMEMBER that you are Sovereign.

Yes. We absolutely can. 😉
Bending spoons is a fantastic way to retrain your brain. What you think is real and solid…just isn’t. UNLESS you continue to believe it to be.
When I learned to do this it changed my entire understanding of this world and our place in it. And it’s a huge part of why I teach what I teach and say the “heretical” things that I say. Because I KNOW them to be True and I’m sick and tired of people being enslaved by what we’ve been conditioned to believe.
~ TR
Bending spoons is a fantastic way to retrain your brain. What you think is real and solid…just isn’t. UNLESS you continue to believe it to be.
When I learned to do this it changed my entire understanding of this world and our place in it. And it’s a huge part of why I teach what I teach and say the “heretical” things that I say. Because I KNOW them to be True and I’m sick and tired of people being enslaved by what we’ve been conditioned to believe.
~ TR
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