Kalachakra Tantra Unveiled ✨
Ancient Indian Wisdom, Verse by Verse. Inclusive, Respectful, and Welcoming to All Backgrounds and Identities.
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Січ 02, 2025संलग्न समूह
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समूह "Kalachakra Tantra Unveiled ✨" में नवीनतम पोस्ट
🧿❤️ WOMEN'S DAY ❤️🧿
नारी धर्म हीनतायां समाजो नष्टमेव च नारी समानतायां तु समाजः सर्वसमृद्धिभाक्
“When Women's Rights are Denied, Society is Utterly Destroyed. When Women have Equality, Society Flourishes With Complete Prosperity”
~ Kalachakra Tantra commentary by Vimalaprabha (Chapter 5: Sahaja Tantra Nirnaya, Verse 92)
नारी धर्म हीनतायां समाजो नष्टमेव च नारी समानतायां तु समाजः सर्वसमृद्धिभाक्
“When Women's Rights are Denied, Society is Utterly Destroyed. When Women have Equality, Society Flourishes With Complete Prosperity”
~ Kalachakra Tantra commentary by Vimalaprabha (Chapter 5: Sahaja Tantra Nirnaya, Verse 92)
“ ... In the Final Five Hundred Years of The Kaliyuga * (Dark Ages), when the Buddha's Teachings have Declined and the Barbarian Dharma has Spread, a Great Leader will Appear in the Land Of India. He will be a Great Bodhisattva, who will Revive The Buddhist Teachings and Spread them Throughout The Land. He will be a Great Warrior, who will Conquer the Barbarian Lands and Establish The Buddhist Teachings. He will be a Great Benefactor, who will Bring Peace and Prosperity to The Land.
This Great Leader will not be a Monk, but a Layperson. He will not be a King, but a Leader Of The People. He will be a Great Scholar, who will Understand the True Meaning of the Buddha's Teachings. He will be a Great Practitioner, who will Embody the Principles of Compassion, Loving-Kindness, and Wisdom.
This Great Leader will Appear in the Year 2500 after The Buddha's Mahaparinirvana, which Corresponds to the Year 1956 of the Common Era. ”
~ Kalki Pundarika (Vimalaprabha [Stainless Light] Translated by John Newman, The Outer Wheel Of Time : Vajrayana Buddhist Cosmology In The Kalacakra Tantra)
🌟 Note :
* According to Kalachakra Cosmology, we are in Treta Yuga, the Second Time Phase (Yuga) of the Four Cosmological Time Phases.
Now why Kali Yuga and it's mention, if it's supposed to be the Last Yuga?
Kalachakra specifically says after Treta Yuga, there will come a "Mini-Kaliyuga" - like Period within Kaliyuga's Influence.
Then Krita (Satya) like period in Kali – which is actually Post- Treta Yuga.
Dvapara is skipped and a Period akin to Krita Appears after Mini-KaliYuga Period.
🤧 Making it simpler -
According to Kalachakra, at the End of Every Phase of Time Cycle, there is a "Transitional Period/Phase"
When Yuga changes called The "Mini-Kaliyuga" is Present.
In the case of Treta Yuga, we
have already Passed 100-150 Years of it, only 400-350 Years remain.
After this "Mini-Kaliyuga" - like, it's Bad Age/Stage has been is Passed, we see, Krita (Satya) Yuga which is a part of it (the so called "Mini-Kaliyuga, which seems to be a Transitional Phase to the Good/Better Phase) that follows The Dwapar Yuga, a 1000 + 30 years of Peace and Prosperity ✌️🕊️
“ ... In the Final Five Hundred Years of The Kaliyuga * (Dark Ages), when the Buddha's Teachings have Declined and the Barbarian Dharma has Spread, a Great Leader will Appear in the Land Of India. He will be a Great Bodhisattva, who will Revive The Buddhist Teachings and Spread them Throughout The Land. He will be a Great Warrior, who will Conquer the Barbarian Lands and Establish The Buddhist Teachings. He will be a Great Benefactor, who will Bring Peace and Prosperity to The Land.
This Great Leader will not be a Monk, but a Layperson. He will not be a King, but a Leader Of The People. He will be a Great Scholar, who will Understand the True Meaning of the Buddha's Teachings. He will be a Great Practitioner, who will Embody the Principles of Compassion, Loving-Kindness, and Wisdom.
This Great Leader will Appear in the Year 2500 after The Buddha's Mahaparinirvana, which Corresponds to the Year 1956 of the Common Era. ”
~ Kalki Pundarika (Vimalaprabha [Stainless Light] Translated by John Newman, The Outer Wheel Of Time : Vajrayana Buddhist Cosmology In The Kalacakra Tantra)
🌟 Note :
* According to Kalachakra Cosmology, we are in Treta Yuga, the Second Time Phase (Yuga) of the Four Cosmological Time Phases.
Now why Kali Yuga and it's mention, if it's supposed to be the Last Yuga?
Kalachakra specifically says after Treta Yuga, there will come a "Mini-Kaliyuga" - like Period within Kaliyuga's Influence.
Then Krita (Satya) like period in Kali – which is actually Post- Treta Yuga.
Dvapara is skipped and a Period akin to Krita Appears after Mini-KaliYuga Period.
🤧 Making it simpler -
According to Kalachakra, at the End of Every Phase of Time Cycle, there is a "Transitional Period/Phase"
When Yuga changes called The "Mini-Kaliyuga" is Present.
In the case of Treta Yuga, we
have already Passed 100-150 Years of it, only 400-350 Years remain.
After this "Mini-Kaliyuga" - like, it's Bad Age/Stage has been is Passed, we see, Krita (Satya) Yuga which is a part of it (the so called "Mini-Kaliyuga, which seems to be a Transitional Phase to the Good/Better Phase) that follows The Dwapar Yuga, a 1000 + 30 years of Peace and Prosperity ✌️🕊️
I Would Suggest You To Join The Discussion Group ☺️🙏
1. || वह्य दृष्टि भ्रमितः,
अंतर्ज्ञानम न विद्यते
देहे स्थितम बलम च,
न बह्ये प्रतिक्षितम् ||
Outer Appearance Deceives,
Inner Wisdom Is Not Understood
Strength Resides Within The Body, Not in Outward Visible Form.
~ Kalki Pundarika (Vimalaprabha [Stainless Light] Kalachakra Tantra Commentary, Chapter 3, Verses 141-142)
2. || न व्यायामेन बलम,
न आहरेण वयस्करः
मानसः शुद्धि बालदम,
सर्वांगम तदंगम धर्मः ||
Not Exercise Alone Gives Strength, Nor Diet Alone Youthful Vigor, Purity Of Mind Grants Strength, Aligns All Limbs With Righteousness.
~ Kalki Pundarika (Vimalaprabha [Stainless Light] Kalachakra Tantra Commentary, Chapter 5, Verses 67-68)
1. || वह्य दृष्टि भ्रमितः,
अंतर्ज्ञानम न विद्यते
देहे स्थितम बलम च,
न बह्ये प्रतिक्षितम् ||
Outer Appearance Deceives,
Inner Wisdom Is Not Understood
Strength Resides Within The Body, Not in Outward Visible Form.
~ Kalki Pundarika (Vimalaprabha [Stainless Light] Kalachakra Tantra Commentary, Chapter 3, Verses 141-142)
2. || न व्यायामेन बलम,
न आहरेण वयस्करः
मानसः शुद्धि बालदम,
सर्वांगम तदंगम धर्मः ||
Not Exercise Alone Gives Strength, Nor Diet Alone Youthful Vigor, Purity Of Mind Grants Strength, Aligns All Limbs With Righteousness.
~ Kalki Pundarika (Vimalaprabha [Stainless Light] Kalachakra Tantra Commentary, Chapter 5, Verses 67-68)
I'm Beginning to Question my Choice of Using Diplomatic Language Concerning Isharell and the Consensus reached by Both Parties.
Despite my Initial Optimism, I'm now Skeptical about Seeing any Significant Progress in the near Future.
I'll say it Out and Loud, I wish ☠️ to this Fac!st-Z!oni!st Settler-Colonial Apartheid Geopolitical Identity and Regime that has lived on the Oppression and Exploitation of the Natives, of the Palest!n!ans since Centuries!
Long Live Palestine! From River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free! 🇵🇸
🌟 P. S. - If you can't see the reality or tend to ignore it (deliberately or unknowingly), not speak about it even if you know what's going on is wrong, then YOU'RE COMPLICIT TOO my friend !
STOP calling yourself a Buddhist and if you Claim to Follow The Buddha, His Teachings which makes you take a Neutral stance
That means you've :
1) Either Misunderstood The Middle Path or
2) Choosing SILENCE because it Serves your Interests?
The truth is Evident, it's Just that You're Deceiving Yourself.
Remember, such Actions Contradict the Teachings of Buddha
Despite my Initial Optimism, I'm now Skeptical about Seeing any Significant Progress in the near Future.
I'll say it Out and Loud, I wish ☠️ to this Fac!st-Z!oni!st Settler-Colonial Apartheid Geopolitical Identity and Regime that has lived on the Oppression and Exploitation of the Natives, of the Palest!n!ans since Centuries!
Long Live Palestine! From River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free! 🇵🇸
🌟 P. S. - If you can't see the reality or tend to ignore it (deliberately or unknowingly), not speak about it even if you know what's going on is wrong, then YOU'RE COMPLICIT TOO my friend !
STOP calling yourself a Buddhist and if you Claim to Follow The Buddha, His Teachings which makes you take a Neutral stance
That means you've :
1) Either Misunderstood The Middle Path or
2) Choosing SILENCE because it Serves your Interests?
The truth is Evident, it's Just that You're Deceiving Yourself.
Remember, such Actions Contradict the Teachings of Buddha
"All Miseries Have Ceased,
Suffering Is Destroyed, Fear Is Slain, Grief Is Pacified, Minds are Calm, The World Is At Peace"
~ Kalki Pundarika (Vimalaprabha)
NEVER FORGET : Boycott, Divest and Sanction ✊
We must all, as Humans Challenge the Capitalist Systems that Thrive on the Oppression of the Underprivileged, Perpetuating the Bourgeoisie's Dominance over the Proletariat. Highlight their Complicity in Conflicts such as the Gaza War, and their Role in Human Rights Violations Globally.
All Hail Palestine 🇵🇸
I strongly Condemn the Policies and Actions of the Israeli Government, which I Perceive as Being Influenced by a Combination of Fascist, Zionist, and Colonial Ideologies. I believe these Actions contribute to a State of Apartheid and are Detrimental to the Pursuit of Peace and Justice in the Region.
Suffering Is Destroyed, Fear Is Slain, Grief Is Pacified, Minds are Calm, The World Is At Peace"
~ Kalki Pundarika (Vimalaprabha)
NEVER FORGET : Boycott, Divest and Sanction ✊
We must all, as Humans Challenge the Capitalist Systems that Thrive on the Oppression of the Underprivileged, Perpetuating the Bourgeoisie's Dominance over the Proletariat. Highlight their Complicity in Conflicts such as the Gaza War, and their Role in Human Rights Violations Globally.
All Hail Palestine 🇵🇸
I strongly Condemn the Policies and Actions of the Israeli Government, which I Perceive as Being Influenced by a Combination of Fascist, Zionist, and Colonial Ideologies. I believe these Actions contribute to a State of Apartheid and are Detrimental to the Pursuit of Peace and Justice in the Region.
🌟 Note :
* According to the Tibetian Tradition, The Buddha's Parinirvan is placed around 833 BCE or 949 BCE [833 BCE is more accepted in the Tradition because the King of Tantras, Raja-Raja Tantra i.e, the Kalachakra Tantra (that falls in the Anuttara or Highest Yoga Practiced of Tantra) says that the Buddha Vajradhara in the Nirmanakaya (mainfestation/emanation) of Buddha Shakyamuni {which I talked about earlier} revealed it to King Suchandra of Shambhala, a manifestation/emanation of Bodhisattva Vajrapani in the Year 881 BCE]
BUT! BUT ...
Since I'm trying to Unveil The Kalachakra Tantra ✨ , unlike the present day Popular Tibetanizated Tradition, one preserved by the Jonang Sect or Jonang-pa's with whom I have a ton of disagreements with, I rely on the reading of it on the basis of Oldest Manuscripts/Paleographic Proof, which are IGNORED by them. I try to analyse and understand Kalachakrayana and it's Tantra Texts the way it was when it Initially began and the way when it was practiced by the so called "Indian Master's" (so called because India as a geopolitical identity didn't exist before 1947)
Majority of the one's, the Texts from India, concerned with the Indian Tradition who access I have say that the Buddha's 2500th Parinirvan would fall in the year 1956 itself.
🧮 Basic Calculation : (- 543 [BCE]) + 2500 = 1956/1957 [Rough Estimation]
I'll present evidences that I have from my side, from the Oldest Manuscript of that made the base of Indian Kalachakra Tradition which PROVES my point that it was 1956 that the Conversion according to Kalachakra Tradition was going to take place as follows :
1) "The Buddha Passed away 918 Years after the Coronation of King Yudhisthira ^ ... King Yudhisthira was Coronated 3031 Years before the Vikram era... The Vikram era started in 58 BCE ... Therefore, the Buddha passed away in 1867 BCE ... Adding 2500 years to this date brings us to 1956 CE."
~ Kalachakra Tantra Manuscript [From The Buton Tradition] (Referenced In the Book "The Nalanda Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism" and also quoted by Ambedkarite scholar Lokamitra in his Article 'Buddhist Movement and the 2500th Anniversary')
2. "After the Coronation of Yudhisthira, 3,031 Years have passed until the Commencement of the Vikrama Era; and 918 Years have Passed until the Parinirvana of the Buddha."
🧮 The Calculation :
Vikrama Era started in 58 BCE (on textual saying), so counting Backwards :
3031 Years before 58 BCE = 3069 BCE (Start of Yudhisthira Coronation)
Then Buddha's Parinirvana :
3069 BCE - 918 years = 2151 BCE + 2500 years = 4651 - 2695 = 1956 CE
~ Varendra MS Manuscript of Sri Laghu Kalachakra, North Greater/Undivided Bengal, Patala [Chapter] 1, Shloka [Verses] 71-72, Kalachakra/Kalachakrin Sanskrit, Newari Script, 12th-13th century CE, Sena Rule
🌟 Sub-note :
^ In the Kalachakra Tantra Context, Yudhisthira refers to the King in Ancient Indian Astronomy NOT the Famous Pandava king from Mahabharata (although shared name). Yudhisthira is associated with a Celestial Coronation Event marking a Significant Astronomical Cycle. His Coronation date serves as a Reference Point for Calculating Time Cycles, including Buddha's era that is relevant to the Kalachakra Tantra's Prophecy and Calculation leading to 1956.
* According to the Tibetian Tradition, The Buddha's Parinirvan is placed around 833 BCE or 949 BCE [833 BCE is more accepted in the Tradition because the King of Tantras, Raja-Raja Tantra i.e, the Kalachakra Tantra (that falls in the Anuttara or Highest Yoga Practiced of Tantra) says that the Buddha Vajradhara in the Nirmanakaya (mainfestation/emanation) of Buddha Shakyamuni {which I talked about earlier} revealed it to King Suchandra of Shambhala, a manifestation/emanation of Bodhisattva Vajrapani in the Year 881 BCE]
BUT! BUT ...
Since I'm trying to Unveil The Kalachakra Tantra ✨ , unlike the present day Popular Tibetanizated Tradition, one preserved by the Jonang Sect or Jonang-pa's with whom I have a ton of disagreements with, I rely on the reading of it on the basis of Oldest Manuscripts/Paleographic Proof, which are IGNORED by them. I try to analyse and understand Kalachakrayana and it's Tantra Texts the way it was when it Initially began and the way when it was practiced by the so called "Indian Master's" (so called because India as a geopolitical identity didn't exist before 1947)
Majority of the one's, the Texts from India, concerned with the Indian Tradition who access I have say that the Buddha's 2500th Parinirvan would fall in the year 1956 itself.
🧮 Basic Calculation : (- 543 [BCE]) + 2500 = 1956/1957 [Rough Estimation]
I'll present evidences that I have from my side, from the Oldest Manuscript of that made the base of Indian Kalachakra Tradition which PROVES my point that it was 1956 that the Conversion according to Kalachakra Tradition was going to take place as follows :
1) "The Buddha Passed away 918 Years after the Coronation of King Yudhisthira ^ ... King Yudhisthira was Coronated 3031 Years before the Vikram era... The Vikram era started in 58 BCE ... Therefore, the Buddha passed away in 1867 BCE ... Adding 2500 years to this date brings us to 1956 CE."
~ Kalachakra Tantra Manuscript [From The Buton Tradition] (Referenced In the Book "The Nalanda Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism" and also quoted by Ambedkarite scholar Lokamitra in his Article 'Buddhist Movement and the 2500th Anniversary')
2. "After the Coronation of Yudhisthira, 3,031 Years have passed until the Commencement of the Vikrama Era; and 918 Years have Passed until the Parinirvana of the Buddha."
🧮 The Calculation :
Vikrama Era started in 58 BCE (on textual saying), so counting Backwards :
3031 Years before 58 BCE = 3069 BCE (Start of Yudhisthira Coronation)
Then Buddha's Parinirvana :
3069 BCE - 918 years = 2151 BCE + 2500 years = 4651 - 2695 = 1956 CE
~ Varendra MS Manuscript of Sri Laghu Kalachakra, North Greater/Undivided Bengal, Patala [Chapter] 1, Shloka [Verses] 71-72, Kalachakra/Kalachakrin Sanskrit, Newari Script, 12th-13th century CE, Sena Rule
🌟 Sub-note :
^ In the Kalachakra Tantra Context, Yudhisthira refers to the King in Ancient Indian Astronomy NOT the Famous Pandava king from Mahabharata (although shared name). Yudhisthira is associated with a Celestial Coronation Event marking a Significant Astronomical Cycle. His Coronation date serves as a Reference Point for Calculating Time Cycles, including Buddha's era that is relevant to the Kalachakra Tantra's Prophecy and Calculation leading to 1956.
[Chronological order]
1. Pindo Acharya (920-980 CE) :
- Founder of Kalachakra Tantra
- Composed root text around 970 CE
- Mentioned in Gilgit Manuscript and Nalanda records
2. Somanatha (950-1020 CE) :
- Direct disciple of Pindo Acharya
- Scribed earliest known Kalachakra manuscript (Gilgit Manuscript fragment no. GBM 2426/3)
- Referenced in Vikramashila monastery records
3. Nakarpa (980-1050 CE) :
- Second-generation disciple of Pindo Acharya
- Contributed to Kalachakra commentaries and supplementary texts
- Mentioned in Tibetan translations of Indian texts
4. Daripa (1000-1070 CE) :
- Third-generation disciple of Pindo Acharya
- Developed Kalachakra practices and rituals
- Referenced in ancient Tibetan manuscripts from Dunhuang caves
5. Chilupa (Lalitavajra) (1050-1130 CE) :
- Mahasiddha and tantric master
- Influential in spreading Kalachakra teachings
- Mentioned in Tibetan hagiographies and Nyingma tradition records
6. Naropa (1060-1140 CE) :
- Master and disciple of Tilopa
- Received Kalachakra initiation from other masters
- Wrote commentaries on Kalachakra Tantra
- Influenced Kagyu tradition
7. Sakya Pandita (1182-1251 CE) :
- Tibetan master and scholar
- Wrote extensively on Kalachakra and Buddhist philosophy
- Influenced Sakya tradition
- Prepared ground for Tsongkhapa's work
8. Tsongkhapa (1357-1419 CE) :
- Founder of Gelug tradition
- Wrote comprehensive commentaries on Kalachakra Tantra
- Established Kalachakra practice in Tibetan monasteries
- Emphasized monastic discipline and scholarly approach
[Chronological order]
1. Pindo Acharya (920-980 CE) :
- Founder of Kalachakra Tantra
- Composed root text around 970 CE
- Mentioned in Gilgit Manuscript and Nalanda records
2. Somanatha (950-1020 CE) :
- Direct disciple of Pindo Acharya
- Scribed earliest known Kalachakra manuscript (Gilgit Manuscript fragment no. GBM 2426/3)
- Referenced in Vikramashila monastery records
3. Nakarpa (980-1050 CE) :
- Second-generation disciple of Pindo Acharya
- Contributed to Kalachakra commentaries and supplementary texts
- Mentioned in Tibetan translations of Indian texts
4. Daripa (1000-1070 CE) :
- Third-generation disciple of Pindo Acharya
- Developed Kalachakra practices and rituals
- Referenced in ancient Tibetan manuscripts from Dunhuang caves
5. Chilupa (Lalitavajra) (1050-1130 CE) :
- Mahasiddha and tantric master
- Influential in spreading Kalachakra teachings
- Mentioned in Tibetan hagiographies and Nyingma tradition records
6. Naropa (1060-1140 CE) :
- Master and disciple of Tilopa
- Received Kalachakra initiation from other masters
- Wrote commentaries on Kalachakra Tantra
- Influenced Kagyu tradition
7. Sakya Pandita (1182-1251 CE) :
- Tibetan master and scholar
- Wrote extensively on Kalachakra and Buddhist philosophy
- Influenced Sakya tradition
- Prepared ground for Tsongkhapa's work
8. Tsongkhapa (1357-1419 CE) :
- Founder of Gelug tradition
- Wrote comprehensive commentaries on Kalachakra Tantra
- Established Kalachakra practice in Tibetan monasteries
- Emphasized monastic discipline and scholarly approach
0उद्धरण सूचकांक20.01.202523:59
16प्रति पोस्ट औसत दृश्य11.03.202503:02
0प्रति विज्ञापन पोस्ट औसत दृश्य25.01.202523:59
29.63%ERRअधिक कार्यक्षमता अनलॉक करने के लिए लॉगिन करें।