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Николаевский Ванёк
Николаевский Ванёк
Лёха в Short’ах Long’ует
Лёха в Short’ах Long’ует
Laura Towler avatar
Laura Towler
Laura Towler avatar
Laura Towler
दृश्य की संख्या


रिपोस्ट छिपाएं
Can’t sleep so catching up on the Reform/Rupert Lowe stuff and it’s reminded me how utterly repetitive and tedious I find electoral politics. Every now and again some nationalist/patriotic party will get a bit of a boost only to be damaged by egos, infighting and stupid decisions. Meanwhile a dozen nationalist micro parties all compete for attention instead of working together. Some of them won’t stand anybody, they’ll just talk about what they’re gonna do, and those who do stand people get 1% of the vote if they’re lucky. In addition, for many, their politics and ideals are watered down and they betray their initial intentions in order to keep their positions and abide by ever changing “diversity and inclusion” laws.

Now you might think I’m being defeatist but really I’m not, and that’s because I didn’t put all my faith and effort over the last few years into thinking we’re going to vote our way to victory. Patriotic Alternative offers something different to everybody else. We don’t just believe in taking part in the system that’s been set up by our enemies, we believe in building something ourselves. We’ll win by building communities, unapologetically advocating for ourselves, creating parallel structures, influencing public discourse and action, and by engaging in top tier activism that makes things better for our people, not by repeating the same cycles and mistakes that we’ve ran through for decades already.
This is absolutely atrocious. Special treatment for “ethnic minorities” (and other groups) when it comes to sentencing. If you’re a straight, White man this country hates you. This is nothing new of course but it’s still shocking seeing it written out like this.

से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
The Golden One avatar
The Golden One
Young women (the primary victims of mass immigration) overwhelmingly vote Left.

• Why?

Essentially, they are only doing what they are told.

Their entire lives they have been tasked with upholding a certain Moral Framework.

That Moral Framework presents taking care of the Other as the ultimate good.

The ultimate evil is to support anything approaching “Fascism” (i.e. law, order, restriction on immigration, etc.).

This brainwashing comes from both their “education” (i.e. the Left-wing extremist curriculum) as well as from “culture” (i.e. Hollywood).

• What can be done?

We must continue to be steadfast in our positions. Once a critical mass has been reached, young women will follow the trend.

Anti-social and anti-female sentiments have to go.

The media is hard at work portraying men on the Right as immoral and uncultured (plenty of examples to be found). We must continue to prove them wrong. We are the good guys. We are the gentlemen. We are the loving fathers and brothers.

I believe in our women, they will come around.

से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
Mark Collett avatar
Mark Collett
Stop the Mass Rape of White Children!
Let me take your Cameron and Blair and raise you to these three
Starmer the Farmer Harmer is such a good nickname 😁
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
Saint Harrison avatar
Saint Harrison
Some good news.
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
English Wanderer avatar
English Wanderer
We need to distract women with cute babies and puppies when elections are taking place
Back on the road!
What’s everybody’s thoughts on these new book covers by Penguin?

Personally I think they’re awful. They’re nothing like the characters in the stories for a start. Just leave stuff alone. Stop modernising everything and making it ugly.
This is better than any TV drama
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
Mark Collett avatar
Mark Collett
The only time Zelensky wears a suit.
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
Mark Collett avatar
Mark Collett
I am a dad again.
I am very happy to announce that today we welcomed our son into the world.
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
Patriotic Alternative Official avatar
Patriotic Alternative Official
Patriotic Alternative Yorkshire

Patriotic Alternative activists gathered in Castleford, Yorkshire, near Home Secretary Yvette Cooper’s office to protest against the establishment’s failings against British people.

For too long our people have been ignored in favour of profits. Patriotic Alternative demands that all those who played their part in the attacks against our people be held to account.

We received a overwhelmingly positive response from the public who beeped their horns and gave us thumbs up in support. Video incoming shortly…

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Where to even begin with this?
I prefer six pointed starmer but I fully accept it’s probably never going to be mainstreamed 😁
I spoke with Connor Tomlinson briefly when he was publicising Sam’s case and although he did a good job on his show, it was clear he’s not “our guy” and there’s things he hasn’t fully grasped. Just let him do his thing and sit near the gateway and pass people through.

But do you know what’s even gayer than Connor’s post here? Responding to it by disavowing Mark Collett, “ethno-nationalism” (I actually don’t use that word but I won’t disavow it), discussion of the JQ and reading certain books. If this is your response, you’re not in the dominant position, Connor is. Because you’ve felt the need to defend yourself according to his value system.
Another attack in France. Another person dead. How much more of this do we have to put up with?
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
Mark Collett avatar
Mark Collett
Remigration is NOT Inevitable
LIVESTREAM: Tonight, 7pm UK time (2pm EST)

Find out the true demographic, economic and political reality that faces Britain and how these realities mean that the inevitability is not remigration, but in fact a White British minority – which will come about sooner than ‘experts’ have predicted.
Odysee: https://odysee.com/@MarkCollett:6/Remigration-is-NOT-Inevitable:b
It's a terrible nickname 😅. TwoTierKier was a great nickname. Short and to the point!
She’s on the run!
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