On the Armed Forces:
The British Armed Forces are, overall, in a terrible state. I have experienced this first hand during my own time in the ranks (2015-21). Most of the equipment is decades out of date and with serious reliability problems. Manpower levels are suitable only for manoeuvres or peacetime operations. Production levels of weapons and equipment are non-existent. The MOD's procuring system has wasted billions of pounds.
None of these issues are solvable at a field level. They are the result of strategic level problems, particularly an over-reliance on NATO, a war industry driven by profit rather than effectiveness, and total absence of military experience or strategy by the ultimate decision makers.
Great Britain must shift to a state of military independence of any foreign power or entity.
In practice, this means expansion of the armed forces, expansion of military industries at home in partnership with the state, and changes in foreign policy which are based around British interests only.
Part of these reforms include the general re-militarization of our country, including, as per the National Agenda, Demand #7:
"We demand that all British men must perform some kind of military service for a period of at least 18 months, to the best of their ability."
Alek Yerbury
Party Leader
National Rebirth Party