It can get overwhelming when you become aware of all the things to watch out for when it comes to looking after our health. It seems like we’re being bombarded from every direction. Artificial light, EMF’s, PFAS, endocrine disruptors, glyphosate, fake foods, contaminated water, microplastics and so on. We can only do so much with the circumstances we’re in, but at the end of the day knowledge is power, which becomes empowerment. Many don’t seem to care about these things that may sound a little silly, that is until we’re forced to due us or a loved one falling ill.
Microplastics can be seen as one of these things that is rather inconvenient to think about, especially when you come to realise just how constantly we’re exposed to them. Microplastics have been found in every tissue of the human body like the brain, lungs, liver, blood, testicles, ovaries, semen, breastmilk, the heart - the list goes on and on. A study by the University of Newcastle found that people can consume approximately 5 grams of microplastics each week, which is equivalent to the weight of a credit card. They can enter the body through inhalation, swallowing and absorbed through the skin.
The biggest culprits? Plastic water bottles, teabags, plastic food containers, canned foods, kitchenware (plastic cutting boards, plastic utensils and non-stick pans), synthetic fibers (polyester clothing) and even not rinsing dishes before using them due to the microplastic dust floating in the air from outside and inside the home (depending on where you live and obviously your household). Full on, I know. It almost seems impossible, but when we make a combination of small changes they soon add up.
The effects? The New England Journal of Medicine published a finding that the accumulation of microplastics in the body is linked to an increased risk of heart attack and stroke. Not to mention the developing evidence linking micro and nanoplastics to various cancers, respiratory disorders, neurological symptoms, gut disturbances and inflammatory bowel disease.
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