

👆An irresistible urge to frighten fellow Australians with the mythical Russian threat. No evidence? Never mind, "it is conceivable".
🙏 This time, at least, the audience was spared cheap theatrical tricks like conversing with imaginary Russian spies.
🙏 This time, at least, the audience was spared cheap theatrical tricks like conversing with imaginary Russian spies.
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
Russian MFA 🇷🇺

🎙️Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s answers to questions from Rossiya 1 television channel (Riyadh, February 18, 2025)
❓Question: When will President of Russia Vladimir Putin and US President Donald Trump meet?
Sergey Lavrov: When the presidents come to an agreement.
❓Question: Has a dedicated negotiation team been established?
Sergey Lavrov: It was agreed that teams from both sides would be formed following reports to our respective heads of state.
❓Question: Do you consider today’s negotiations successful?
Sergey Lavrov: I would characterise them as positive.
❓Question: Were you acquainted with Mr Marco Rubio prior to this meeting, or was this your first interaction?
Sergey Lavrov: This was our first meeting.
❓Question: What impression did the other negotiators leave?
Sergey Lavrov: We engaged in good, positive negotiations. The atmosphere was exceedingly positive. A positive atmosphere is cultivated by positive individuals.
❓Question: Reports suggest you employed humour extensively during the talks.
Sergey Lavrov: Those are intimate details. Who precisely alleges this?
❓Question: American representatives claim you made jokes during negotiations.
Sergey Lavrov: I am gratified that they enjoyed it, given their comments.
❓Question: When will President of Russia Vladimir Putin and US President Donald Trump meet?
Sergey Lavrov: When the presidents come to an agreement.
❓Question: Has a dedicated negotiation team been established?
Sergey Lavrov: It was agreed that teams from both sides would be formed following reports to our respective heads of state.
❓Question: Do you consider today’s negotiations successful?
Sergey Lavrov: I would characterise them as positive.
❓Question: Were you acquainted with Mr Marco Rubio prior to this meeting, or was this your first interaction?
Sergey Lavrov: This was our first meeting.
❓Question: What impression did the other negotiators leave?
Sergey Lavrov: We engaged in good, positive negotiations. The atmosphere was exceedingly positive. A positive atmosphere is cultivated by positive individuals.
❓Question: Reports suggest you employed humour extensively during the talks.
Sergey Lavrov: Those are intimate details. Who precisely alleges this?
❓Question: American representatives claim you made jokes during negotiations.
Sergey Lavrov: I am gratified that they enjoyed it, given their comments.


The ABC has been tirelessly brainwashing its audience to demonise Russia and obfuscate the responsibility the West and their Kiev puppets bear for the tragic conflict in Ukraine. The recent Four Corners production, Endurance, marks a new and shameful low in ABC’s propaganda journalism.
During prime time on 10 February reporter Mark Willacy invited Australians to savour in detail the process of killing of a Russian soldier by kamikaze drones. «Kill Russians» was suggestively reiterated, accompanied by smiles and jeering laughter, for a dozen times throughout the documentary.
Let’s face it: Australia’s national broadcaster is openly inciting hatred based on ethnic origin.
It is well known that all Australian mainstream media are strongly biased against Russia. However, the ABC takes it to a degree of sickening Russophobia. Not bothering, notably, about the hate crimes legislation passed by the Federal Parliament just a few days ago.
During prime time on 10 February reporter Mark Willacy invited Australians to savour in detail the process of killing of a Russian soldier by kamikaze drones. «Kill Russians» was suggestively reiterated, accompanied by smiles and jeering laughter, for a dozen times throughout the documentary.
Let’s face it: Australia’s national broadcaster is openly inciting hatred based on ethnic origin.
It is well known that all Australian mainstream media are strongly biased against Russia. However, the ABC takes it to a degree of sickening Russophobia. Not bothering, notably, about the hate crimes legislation passed by the Federal Parliament just a few days ago.
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
МИД России 🇷🇺

🎙 Видеопоздравление С.В.Лаврова по случаю Дня дипломатического работника (10 февраля 2025 года)
💬 Уважаемые коллеги,
Сегодня мы отмечаем профессиональный праздник, объединяющий многие поколения дипломатов, посвятивших свою жизнь служению России.
Отдаём дань формирующейся традиции чествования дипломатических работников нашей страны, которая ведёт свою историю с 2003 года, когда по решению Президента В.В.Путина мы впервые торжественно отмечали эту знаменательную дату.
🤝 Прежде всего, хотел бы выразить признательность всем, кто сегодня честно выполняет свой долг в Центральном аппарате на Смоленской площади, территориальных представительствах в российских регионах, наших многочисленных загранучреждениях. Благодарю вас за добросовестную службу, самоотдачу и неравнодушный подход к порученному делу.
Верность идеалам патриотизма всегда отличала наших дипломатов, которые во все времена, при любом общественно-политическом строе, при любых обстоятельствах твёрдо стояли на страже интересов Отечества.
Имена многих из них навеки вписаны в славную летопись истории России. В их числе – А.А.Безбородко, А.М.Горчаков, А.М.Коллонтай и А.Ф.Добрынин, Е.М.Примаков и В.И.Чуркин. И многие, многие другие. Мы бережно храним их память и чтим их заслуги. <...>
Нынешний год в дипломатическом календаре особый – он проходит под знаком 80-летия Победы в Великой Отечественной и Второй мировой войне, объявлен Годом защитника Отечества.
С особой признательностью воздаём должное бессмертному подвигу сотрудников Народного комиссариата иностранных дел, которые в суровые военные годы встали на защиту Родины с оружием в руках.
🏅 Вспоминаем дипломатов, наших старших товарищей, которые приближали Победу на внешнеполитическом фронте. Внесли неоценимый вклад сначала в формирование антигитлеровской коалиции, а затем и в достижение фундаментальных договорённостей в послевоенном мироустройстве, важнейшими из которых были решения о создании Организации Объединённых Наций и принятие её Устава, принципы и цели которой в совокупности и взаимосвязи сохраняют свою актуальность и по сей день.
Во многом благодаря решающей роли руководства и дипломатической службы нашей страны Ялтинско-Потсдамская система международных отношений до сих пор гарантировала глобальный мир и безопасность на планете на протяжении восьми десятилетий.
Сегодня, когда Россия вновь сталкивается с судьбоносными вызовами, первоочередная задача и священная обязанность – отстоять мир, основанный на правовых итогах Второй мировой войны. <...>
Мы будем и далее делать всё от нас зависящее и необходимое для защиты национальных интересов в контексте внешнеполитического сопровождения специальной военной операции и создания безопасных наиболее благоприятных условий развития страны и повышения благосостояния наших граждан.
🌐 Продолжим наращивать разноплановое сотрудничество со всеми здравомыслящими партнёрами и, прежде всего, с Мировым большинством – государствами ближнего зарубежья, Большой Евразии, Африки и Латинской Америки. <...>
В этот праздничный день мы с особой теплотой вспоминаем наших старших товарищей, наставников, учителей. По традиции воздаём дань уважения дорогим ветеранам: и тем, кто уже на заслуженном отдыхе, и тем, кто по-прежнему с нами в строю.
Обращаюсь к нашей мидовской молодёжи: вы влились в дружный коллектив Министерства на переломном этапе истории, и вам нести дальше знамя российской дипломатии. Перенимайте всё лучшее у ветеранов, не останавливайтесь ни на секунду в своём развитии, будьте верны своей стране и народу России.
Ну, и конечно, хочу поблагодарить всех родных и близких наших дипломатов, особенно тех из них, кто несёт вахту вдалеке от Родины – за терпение, мудрость, помощь и любовь. Надёжный «семейный» тыл – это всегда важнейшая составляющая успешной дипломатической работы.
🎉 Желаю всем вам доброго здоровья, благополучия, новых свершений на благо Отечества. Успехов и удачи! Ещё раз с праздником!
Читайте полностью
#ДДР2025 #ДеньДипломата
💬 Уважаемые коллеги,
Сегодня мы отмечаем профессиональный праздник, объединяющий многие поколения дипломатов, посвятивших свою жизнь служению России.
Отдаём дань формирующейся традиции чествования дипломатических работников нашей страны, которая ведёт свою историю с 2003 года, когда по решению Президента В.В.Путина мы впервые торжественно отмечали эту знаменательную дату.
🤝 Прежде всего, хотел бы выразить признательность всем, кто сегодня честно выполняет свой долг в Центральном аппарате на Смоленской площади, территориальных представительствах в российских регионах, наших многочисленных загранучреждениях. Благодарю вас за добросовестную службу, самоотдачу и неравнодушный подход к порученному делу.
Верность идеалам патриотизма всегда отличала наших дипломатов, которые во все времена, при любом общественно-политическом строе, при любых обстоятельствах твёрдо стояли на страже интересов Отечества.
Имена многих из них навеки вписаны в славную летопись истории России. В их числе – А.А.Безбородко, А.М.Горчаков, А.М.Коллонтай и А.Ф.Добрынин, Е.М.Примаков и В.И.Чуркин. И многие, многие другие. Мы бережно храним их память и чтим их заслуги. <...>
Нынешний год в дипломатическом календаре особый – он проходит под знаком 80-летия Победы в Великой Отечественной и Второй мировой войне, объявлен Годом защитника Отечества.
С особой признательностью воздаём должное бессмертному подвигу сотрудников Народного комиссариата иностранных дел, которые в суровые военные годы встали на защиту Родины с оружием в руках.
🏅 Вспоминаем дипломатов, наших старших товарищей, которые приближали Победу на внешнеполитическом фронте. Внесли неоценимый вклад сначала в формирование антигитлеровской коалиции, а затем и в достижение фундаментальных договорённостей в послевоенном мироустройстве, важнейшими из которых были решения о создании Организации Объединённых Наций и принятие её Устава, принципы и цели которой в совокупности и взаимосвязи сохраняют свою актуальность и по сей день.
Во многом благодаря решающей роли руководства и дипломатической службы нашей страны Ялтинско-Потсдамская система международных отношений до сих пор гарантировала глобальный мир и безопасность на планете на протяжении восьми десятилетий.
Сегодня, когда Россия вновь сталкивается с судьбоносными вызовами, первоочередная задача и священная обязанность – отстоять мир, основанный на правовых итогах Второй мировой войны. <...>
Мы будем и далее делать всё от нас зависящее и необходимое для защиты национальных интересов в контексте внешнеполитического сопровождения специальной военной операции и создания безопасных наиболее благоприятных условий развития страны и повышения благосостояния наших граждан.
🌐 Продолжим наращивать разноплановое сотрудничество со всеми здравомыслящими партнёрами и, прежде всего, с Мировым большинством – государствами ближнего зарубежья, Большой Евразии, Африки и Латинской Америки. <...>
В этот праздничный день мы с особой теплотой вспоминаем наших старших товарищей, наставников, учителей. По традиции воздаём дань уважения дорогим ветеранам: и тем, кто уже на заслуженном отдыхе, и тем, кто по-прежнему с нами в строю.
Обращаюсь к нашей мидовской молодёжи: вы влились в дружный коллектив Министерства на переломном этапе истории, и вам нести дальше знамя российской дипломатии. Перенимайте всё лучшее у ветеранов, не останавливайтесь ни на секунду в своём развитии, будьте верны своей стране и народу России.
Ну, и конечно, хочу поблагодарить всех родных и близких наших дипломатов, особенно тех из них, кто несёт вахту вдалеке от Родины – за терпение, мудрость, помощь и любовь. Надёжный «семейный» тыл – это всегда важнейшая составляющая успешной дипломатической работы.
🎉 Желаю всем вам доброго здоровья, благополучия, новых свершений на благо Отечества. Успехов и удачи! Ещё раз с праздником!
Читайте полностью
#ДДР2025 #ДеньДипломата
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
Russian MFA 🇷🇺



🎙 Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks at the embassy roundtable discussion "The Ukraine crisis: Failed cancel culture" (Moscow, February 5, 2025)
Key points:
💬 The attempt to cancel international law is particularly evident in how the West, the United States, and their allies treat the UN Charter.
👉 Whenever they need, they pick the principle of self-determination of peoples, as they did in the case of Kosovo. When they need to support their underlings and accomplices such as the Nazi regime in Ukraine, they hang on to the principle of territorial integrity and ignore everything that the residents of Crimea, Novorossiya, and Donbass did when they refused to recognise the outcomes of the bloody unconstitutional coup and chose not to live under its rule, which aimed to eradicate everything Russian.
• Unfortunately, the UN Secretariat, including the Secretary-General, is strongly supporting the West in its Ukrainian policies. <...> Antonio Guterres and his top-ranking deputies representing the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and other NATO countries in the UN Secretariat, are saying things that the West needs them to say.
• The root cause of this conflict is that the West has purposefully sought for years – not just sought, but made effective steps – to create direct military threats to the Russian Federation right on our borders, on the territory of Ukraine, drawing the country into NATO.
• As the West had done before, they dismissed our reminders about their earlier political commitments under the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe to ensure indivisible security, a principle saying that no one is to strengthen their security at the expense of others, and no organisation in the Euro-Atlantic region is to claim dominance, saying that those were mere political commitments.
• I have no doubt that cancelling journalism and information is another tactic worthy of our Western colleagues’ modern playbook, not to mention that the Russian media outlets are being cancelled, too, just for expressing an alternative point of view. The West has long been fighting dissent.
• We observe an overt desire to cancel our country outright, much as was the case in 1945, when the Second World War had not yet concluded. The summits in Yalta and Potsdam took place then, and the Allies celebrated Victory. Now documents have been published which reveal that the West was preparing plans for an attack on the USSR and its partitioning even before the war in the Pacific had ended. And these plans have now come back to life.
• The head of [UNESCO], Audrey Azoulay, a French citizen, promotes the efforts to make Ukraine the number one item on the agenda, politicising this organisation and refusing to discharge her direct duties, including the protection of journalists’ rights. She remains indifferent to the numerous killings of Russian journalists in the special military operation zone, or to the demolition of historical monuments in Ukraine, including in Odessa.
• A mass campaign is underway to undermine my country’s reputation and whitewash Nazis. We will not allow this to happen. This year in Russia and the CIS is dedicated to Victory in the Great Patriotic War, Victory over Nazism. A large number of events are planned to be held, and we will make sure to keep you informed about them so that you can partake. May 9 is the main date, when Victory Parade will take place. Many invited guests, including our friends, neighbours, and allies from the CIS and many other countries, confirmed their attendance.
Read in full
Key points:
💬 The attempt to cancel international law is particularly evident in how the West, the United States, and their allies treat the UN Charter.
👉 Whenever they need, they pick the principle of self-determination of peoples, as they did in the case of Kosovo. When they need to support their underlings and accomplices such as the Nazi regime in Ukraine, they hang on to the principle of territorial integrity and ignore everything that the residents of Crimea, Novorossiya, and Donbass did when they refused to recognise the outcomes of the bloody unconstitutional coup and chose not to live under its rule, which aimed to eradicate everything Russian.
• Unfortunately, the UN Secretariat, including the Secretary-General, is strongly supporting the West in its Ukrainian policies. <...> Antonio Guterres and his top-ranking deputies representing the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and other NATO countries in the UN Secretariat, are saying things that the West needs them to say.
• The root cause of this conflict is that the West has purposefully sought for years – not just sought, but made effective steps – to create direct military threats to the Russian Federation right on our borders, on the territory of Ukraine, drawing the country into NATO.
• As the West had done before, they dismissed our reminders about their earlier political commitments under the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe to ensure indivisible security, a principle saying that no one is to strengthen their security at the expense of others, and no organisation in the Euro-Atlantic region is to claim dominance, saying that those were mere political commitments.
• I have no doubt that cancelling journalism and information is another tactic worthy of our Western colleagues’ modern playbook, not to mention that the Russian media outlets are being cancelled, too, just for expressing an alternative point of view. The West has long been fighting dissent.
• We observe an overt desire to cancel our country outright, much as was the case in 1945, when the Second World War had not yet concluded. The summits in Yalta and Potsdam took place then, and the Allies celebrated Victory. Now documents have been published which reveal that the West was preparing plans for an attack on the USSR and its partitioning even before the war in the Pacific had ended. And these plans have now come back to life.
• The head of [UNESCO], Audrey Azoulay, a French citizen, promotes the efforts to make Ukraine the number one item on the agenda, politicising this organisation and refusing to discharge her direct duties, including the protection of journalists’ rights. She remains indifferent to the numerous killings of Russian journalists in the special military operation zone, or to the demolition of historical monuments in Ukraine, including in Odessa.
• A mass campaign is underway to undermine my country’s reputation and whitewash Nazis. We will not allow this to happen. This year in Russia and the CIS is dedicated to Victory in the Great Patriotic War, Victory over Nazism. A large number of events are planned to be held, and we will make sure to keep you informed about them so that you can partake. May 9 is the main date, when Victory Parade will take place. Many invited guests, including our friends, neighbours, and allies from the CIS and many other countries, confirmed their attendance.
Read in full
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
Russian MFA 🇷🇺



🎙 Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's article "The UN Charter Should Become the Legal Foundation of a Multipolar World", published in Russia in Global Affairs magazine (February 4, 2025)
Read in full
💬 80 years ago, on 4 February 1945, the leaders of the victors of World War II ― the Soviet Union, the United States, and Britain ― opened the Yalta Conference to determine the contours of the postwar world. <...>
One result of the negotiations was the creation of the United Nations and the approval of the UN Charter, which to this day remains the main source of international law. The Charter set forth goals and principles for countries’ behavior, which are designed to ensure their peaceful coexistence and sustained development.
The principle of the sovereign equality of states laid the foundation for the Yalta-Potsdam system: none may claim dominance, as all are formally equal regardless of territory, population, military capabilities, or other metrics.
<...> The UN-based world order fulfills its main task ― safeguarding everyone against a new world war. Truly, “the UN has not brought us to paradise but saved us from hell.”
🔹 Key points:
• The veto power enshrined in the Charter ― which is not a ‘privilege,’ but a burden of special responsibility for safeguarding peace ― serves as a solid barrier against reckless decisions and provides room for finding compromise based on a balance of interests.
• The UN has served as a unique universal platform for developing collective responses to common challenges, maintaining international peace and security and promoting socio-economic development.
• It was at the UN that, with a key role played by the USSR, the foundation was laid for the multipolar world that is now emerging before our eyes.
• The UN-centric order is thus based on international ― truly universal ― law, from which it follows that every state should abide by that law.
• Russia, like the majority of the world community, has never had any difficulty doing so. But the West was never cured of its syndrome of exceptionalism, and retains its neocolonial habits, i.e. living at the expense of others. Interstate relations based on respect for international law were, from the very beginning, not to the West’s liking.
• One manifestation of the ‘rules-based order’ was Washington’s policy of geopolitically absorbing Eastern Europe. Russia has been forced to eliminate its explosive consequences with the Special Military Operation.
❗️ Brazen attempts to reorder the world in one’s own interest, violating UN principles, may bring instability, confrontation, and even catastrophe. Given the current level of international tensions, a reckless rejection of the Yalta-Potsdam system, with the UN and its Charter at its core, will inevitably lead to chaos.
🇺🇳 Russia is ready for joint honest work to balance parties’ interests and to strengthen the legal principles of international relations. <...>
The most important thing, according to Russia's President Vladimir Putin, is “to regain an understanding of what the United Nations was created for, and to follow the principles that are set forth in its founding documents.” This should be the foremost guideline for regulating international relations in the multipolar era that has dawned.
Read in full
💬 80 years ago, on 4 February 1945, the leaders of the victors of World War II ― the Soviet Union, the United States, and Britain ― opened the Yalta Conference to determine the contours of the postwar world. <...>
One result of the negotiations was the creation of the United Nations and the approval of the UN Charter, which to this day remains the main source of international law. The Charter set forth goals and principles for countries’ behavior, which are designed to ensure their peaceful coexistence and sustained development.
The principle of the sovereign equality of states laid the foundation for the Yalta-Potsdam system: none may claim dominance, as all are formally equal regardless of territory, population, military capabilities, or other metrics.
<...> The UN-based world order fulfills its main task ― safeguarding everyone against a new world war. Truly, “the UN has not brought us to paradise but saved us from hell.”
🔹 Key points:
• The veto power enshrined in the Charter ― which is not a ‘privilege,’ but a burden of special responsibility for safeguarding peace ― serves as a solid barrier against reckless decisions and provides room for finding compromise based on a balance of interests.
• The UN has served as a unique universal platform for developing collective responses to common challenges, maintaining international peace and security and promoting socio-economic development.
• It was at the UN that, with a key role played by the USSR, the foundation was laid for the multipolar world that is now emerging before our eyes.
• The UN-centric order is thus based on international ― truly universal ― law, from which it follows that every state should abide by that law.
• Russia, like the majority of the world community, has never had any difficulty doing so. But the West was never cured of its syndrome of exceptionalism, and retains its neocolonial habits, i.e. living at the expense of others. Interstate relations based on respect for international law were, from the very beginning, not to the West’s liking.
• One manifestation of the ‘rules-based order’ was Washington’s policy of geopolitically absorbing Eastern Europe. Russia has been forced to eliminate its explosive consequences with the Special Military Operation.
❗️ Brazen attempts to reorder the world in one’s own interest, violating UN principles, may bring instability, confrontation, and even catastrophe. Given the current level of international tensions, a reckless rejection of the Yalta-Potsdam system, with the UN and its Charter at its core, will inevitably lead to chaos.
🇺🇳 Russia is ready for joint honest work to balance parties’ interests and to strengthen the legal principles of international relations. <...>
The most important thing, according to Russia's President Vladimir Putin, is “to regain an understanding of what the United Nations was created for, and to follow the principles that are set forth in its founding documents.” This should be the foremost guideline for regulating international relations in the multipolar era that has dawned.
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
Russian MFA 🇷🇺



🇷🇺 The Press-bureau of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation reports that, according to the information available, European capitals have noticed with great concern that Ukraine is unwilling to make any agreements with Moscow that will involve “excessive concessions” from Kiev.
❗️ According to these sources, Kiev is considering a scenario to derail potential peace talks that involves carrying out terrorist attacks against Russia’s diplomatic offices in European countries. Ukraine will most likely focus on Germany, the Baltic states and Scandinavia.
It is a fact that cooperation between these states and Russia is currently at the lowest level in the EU, with contacts between their counterterrorism agencies all but curtailed. Or Ukraine might choose to attack Slovakia and Hungary because this promises additional benefits, namely the discreditation of these EU states that have taken “a special stance” regarding the Ukrainian conflict.
Few will now be surprised by the Kiev regime’s terrorist plans, as evidenced by the European politicians’ cynical calls for special vigilance to prevent the derailing of the settlement process of the Ukrainian crisis, which Europe has grown tired of.
Not a word of condemnation of the crimes planned in Ukraine. Not the slightest hint of concern about the potential danger to the lives of Russian diplomats.
It appears that the experience of the EU’s “war against Russia to the last Ukrainian” has taught them to accept the cannibalistic math where the loss of several hundred lives is statistically insignificant collateral damage, and terrorism is the continuation of diplomacy through other means.
❗️ According to these sources, Kiev is considering a scenario to derail potential peace talks that involves carrying out terrorist attacks against Russia’s diplomatic offices in European countries. Ukraine will most likely focus on Germany, the Baltic states and Scandinavia.
It is a fact that cooperation between these states and Russia is currently at the lowest level in the EU, with contacts between their counterterrorism agencies all but curtailed. Or Ukraine might choose to attack Slovakia and Hungary because this promises additional benefits, namely the discreditation of these EU states that have taken “a special stance” regarding the Ukrainian conflict.
Few will now be surprised by the Kiev regime’s terrorist plans, as evidenced by the European politicians’ cynical calls for special vigilance to prevent the derailing of the settlement process of the Ukrainian crisis, which Europe has grown tired of.
Not a word of condemnation of the crimes planned in Ukraine. Not the slightest hint of concern about the potential danger to the lives of Russian diplomats.
It appears that the experience of the EU’s “war against Russia to the last Ukrainian” has taught them to accept the cannibalistic math where the loss of several hundred lives is statistically insignificant collateral damage, and terrorism is the continuation of diplomacy through other means.
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
Russian MFA 🇷🇺

🇷🇺🇺🇸 Press release on Russia-US consultations (February 18, 2025)
⚡️ In accordance with the agreement between President Vladimir Putin and President Donald Trump to step up contacts to discuss international issues and bilateral agenda, on February 18, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Presidential Aide Yury Ushakov held talks in Riyadh with a US delegation represented by Secretary of State Marco Rubio, National Security Adviser Michael Waltz, and US Special Envoy to the Middle East Steve Witkoff.
The participants discussed a broad range of issues, including prospects for normalising bilateral relations. The sides agreed to appoint respective ambassadors as soon as possible, and to start consultations at the level of deputy foreign ministers to remove restrictions on activities of the diplomatic missions of the two countries.
The Sides agreed to establish a dialogue to identify ways to resume cooperation in the economy, including energy, outer space exploration, and other areas of mutual interest.
The Sides exchanged views on the situation surrounding Ukraine and reiterated their mutual commitment to settle the conflict.
❗️ The Russian side emphasised the importance of eliminating the root causes of the conflict, creating proper conditions for achieving a lasting and enduring peace, and ensuring security and legitimate interests of all countries in the region. An agreement was reached to continue joint work in this area through special envoys to be appointed in the near future.
The Sides agreed to resume communication channels to discuss other international issues, being mindful of Russia and the United States’ special responsibility in matters of peace and security as nuclear powers and permanent members of the UN Security Council. The interest in continuing joint work to prepare the meeting between the Russian and American presidents was confirmed.
During their stay in Riyadh, Sergey Lavrov and Yury Ushakov were received by Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Saudi Arabia Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud. They expressed gratitude for the excellent organisation of #RussiaUS talks. The participants discussed matters related to implementing the agreements on comprehensive expansion of bilateral relations reached by President Vladimir Putin and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.
⚡️ In accordance with the agreement between President Vladimir Putin and President Donald Trump to step up contacts to discuss international issues and bilateral agenda, on February 18, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Presidential Aide Yury Ushakov held talks in Riyadh with a US delegation represented by Secretary of State Marco Rubio, National Security Adviser Michael Waltz, and US Special Envoy to the Middle East Steve Witkoff.
The participants discussed a broad range of issues, including prospects for normalising bilateral relations. The sides agreed to appoint respective ambassadors as soon as possible, and to start consultations at the level of deputy foreign ministers to remove restrictions on activities of the diplomatic missions of the two countries.
The Sides agreed to establish a dialogue to identify ways to resume cooperation in the economy, including energy, outer space exploration, and other areas of mutual interest.
The Sides exchanged views on the situation surrounding Ukraine and reiterated their mutual commitment to settle the conflict.
❗️ The Russian side emphasised the importance of eliminating the root causes of the conflict, creating proper conditions for achieving a lasting and enduring peace, and ensuring security and legitimate interests of all countries in the region. An agreement was reached to continue joint work in this area through special envoys to be appointed in the near future.
The Sides agreed to resume communication channels to discuss other international issues, being mindful of Russia and the United States’ special responsibility in matters of peace and security as nuclear powers and permanent members of the UN Security Council. The interest in continuing joint work to prepare the meeting between the Russian and American presidents was confirmed.
During their stay in Riyadh, Sergey Lavrov and Yury Ushakov were received by Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Saudi Arabia Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud. They expressed gratitude for the excellent organisation of #RussiaUS talks. The participants discussed matters related to implementing the agreements on comprehensive expansion of bilateral relations reached by President Vladimir Putin and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
Russian MFA 🇷🇺



🇷🇺🇺🇸📞 Russia's President Vladimir Putin and President of the United States of America Donald Trump had a telephone conversation.
The Leaders discussed issues related to the prisoner exchange between Russia and the United States. The US President assured the Russian President of the American side's commitment to fulfill all the agreements reached.
The Leaders also discussed a possible Ukraine settlement. Donald Trump spoke in favour of stopping the hostilities as soon as possible and solving the crisis peacefully. In turn, Vladimir Putin pointed out it was necessary to eliminate the root causes of the conflict and agreed with Donald Trump in that a sustainable settlement could only be reached via peaceful negotiations.
❗️ Additionally, the Russian President expressed support for one of the US President's key arguments, which was that it's time for both countries to work together.
The issues of Middle East settlement, Iran's nuclear programme, and bilateral economic relations between Russia and the United States were also brought up during the conversation.
The Russian President invited the US President to visit Moscow and expressed willingness to receive visiting officials from the United States to discuss topics of mutual interest, including a possible Ukraine settlement.
Presidents Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump agreed to maintain personal contact in the future, involving in particular in-person meetings.
The Leaders discussed issues related to the prisoner exchange between Russia and the United States. The US President assured the Russian President of the American side's commitment to fulfill all the agreements reached.
The Leaders also discussed a possible Ukraine settlement. Donald Trump spoke in favour of stopping the hostilities as soon as possible and solving the crisis peacefully. In turn, Vladimir Putin pointed out it was necessary to eliminate the root causes of the conflict and agreed with Donald Trump in that a sustainable settlement could only be reached via peaceful negotiations.
❗️ Additionally, the Russian President expressed support for one of the US President's key arguments, which was that it's time for both countries to work together.
The issues of Middle East settlement, Iran's nuclear programme, and bilateral economic relations between Russia and the United States were also brought up during the conversation.
The Russian President invited the US President to visit Moscow and expressed willingness to receive visiting officials from the United States to discuss topics of mutual interest, including a possible Ukraine settlement.
Presidents Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump agreed to maintain personal contact in the future, involving in particular in-person meetings.


🗓️🇷🇺10 February marks Diplomatic Workers' Day in Russia.
This date goes back to the earliest documented mention (10 February 1549) of the Ambassadorial Prikaz —the first state body in our country’s history that oversaw foreign affairs.
💬FM Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova:
#DiplomatsDay #DWR2025
This date goes back to the earliest documented mention (10 February 1549) of the Ambassadorial Prikaz —the first state body in our country’s history that oversaw foreign affairs.
💬FM Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova:
In the context of the prevailing tense international situation, diplomats bear a special responsibility for upholding the interests of Russia, as it is commonly said, “on the external perimeter,” or more frequently heard – in international affairs. The diplomatic service is an integral part of the state apparatus. Tied to this responsibility are the aspirations of the people, who place their hopes and trust in diplomats, believing that the current crises will be surmounted. Above all, these expectations are linked to the work of diplomats.
We consistently exert every effort within our power and capability to ensure the security of our country, to expand constructive cooperation with the majority of states in Eurasia, Africa, and Latin America. We endeavour to ensure that the planet as a whole withstands the onslaught of periodic madness that occasionally engulfs certain regimes and political spheres.
#DiplomatsDay #DWR2025
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
Генеральное консульство России в Сиднее



➡️Рассматриваете возможность переезда в Россию в рамках Государственной программы по оказанию содействия добровольному переселению в Российскую Федерацию соотечественников, проживающих за рубежом❓
Тогда ждём вас на информационной сессии, организуемой Посольством России в Австралии и Генеральным консульством в Сиднее, 28 февраля 2025 г. в 18:00 по адресу
📍7-9 Fullerton Street, Woollahra NSW 2025.
➡️Зарегистрироваться в качестве участника можно по электронной почте sydney@mid.ru. В теме письма указывайте: «Программа переселения - 28 февраля».
➡️Для прохода на территорию Генконсульства необходимо будет иметь с собой документ, удостоверяющий личность 🪪 .
Тогда ждём вас на информационной сессии, организуемой Посольством России в Австралии и Генеральным консульством в Сиднее, 28 февраля 2025 г. в 18:00 по адресу
📍7-9 Fullerton Street, Woollahra NSW 2025.
➡️Зарегистрироваться в качестве участника можно по электронной почте sydney@mid.ru. В теме письма указывайте: «Программа переселения - 28 февраля».
➡️Для прохода на территорию Генконсульства необходимо будет иметь с собой документ, удостоверяющий личность 🪪 .


Ok. Any thoughts about the $1.5 billion of Aussie taxpayers’ money? 🤔
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
Russian MFA 🇷🇺



🎙 Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s statement and answers to media questions following talks with US administration officials (Riyadh, February 18, 2025)
💬 Sergey Lavrov: We wish to extend our gratitude to the Saudi Arabian leadership for facilitating a meeting between Russian and American representatives. This appreciation was conveyed personally to the Kingdom’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman during an audience attended by Presidential Aide Yury Ushakov and myself. <...>
US Secretary of State Marco Rubio underscored the fundamental importance of each nation being guided by its national interests in international relations. We fully concurred with this, along with the understanding that these national interests will not always coincide. However, when they diverge, it is essential to manage these differences, not leave them to chance, and certainly not incite confrontations, whether military or otherwise. <...>
The dialogue was highly fruitful. We not only listened but also understood each other.
❗️ Concerning the agreements reached: firstly, and perhaps most urgently and relatively straightforward, is to ensure the prompt appointment of ambassadors of Russia to the United States and of the United States to Russia. Furthermore, to dismantle the hurdles that have been erected over many years, primarily by the Biden administration in the past four years, which have considerably obstructed the work of our diplomatic missions <...> We agreed that our deputies will soon convene a meeting to assess the need for removing these artificial barriers in the operations of embassies and other foreign missions of Russia in the United States and of the United States in Russia. <...>
The second arrangement: we have agreed that a “process for Ukrainian settlement” will be initiated shortly. The American Side will inform us who will represent Washington in this endeavour. Upon learning the name and position of the designated representative, as President of Russia Vladimir Putin advised President of the United States Donald Trump, we will immediately appoint our participant in this process.
Thirdly, in a broad conceptual sense, as the processes related to resolving the crisis in Ukraine advance, we will concurrently establish conditions for our cooperation to resume in full and expand across various domains.
There is considerable interest (which we share) in resuming consultations on geopolitical issues, including various conflicts in different regions where both the United States and Russia have vested interests.
A strong interest has been expressed in removing artificial barriers to the development of mutually advantageous economic cooperation.
Excerpts from the news conference:
• We met because the Presidents of Russia and the United States decided so and agreed to start preparations for a summit.
• We took note of President Trump being the first Western leader to clearly state on several occasions that pulling Ukraine into NATO was one of the main reasons for what is happening now, and that this was one of the biggest mistakes committed by Biden and his administration, and that if Trump were president, this would have never have happened.
• We were clear with our counterparts that President Putin has repeatedly emphasised that NATO expansion and absorption of Ukraine was a direct threat to the interests of the Russian Federation and our sovereignty. Considering this, the troops from NATO countries [in Ukraine] under a foreign flag — a EU flag, or any national flags — does not change anything in this regard. This is unacceptable.
• Our US colleagues mentioned a moratorium on attacks on energy facilities. We told them we have never put household energy supply systems in danger, and targeted exclusively the facilities that supply energy to the Ukrainian armed forces.
• It is obvious to many that serious attempts are being made to torpedo the efforts to establish and to resume Russia-US relations. Truth be told, it was not a wasted effort.
Read in full
💬 Sergey Lavrov: We wish to extend our gratitude to the Saudi Arabian leadership for facilitating a meeting between Russian and American representatives. This appreciation was conveyed personally to the Kingdom’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman during an audience attended by Presidential Aide Yury Ushakov and myself. <...>
US Secretary of State Marco Rubio underscored the fundamental importance of each nation being guided by its national interests in international relations. We fully concurred with this, along with the understanding that these national interests will not always coincide. However, when they diverge, it is essential to manage these differences, not leave them to chance, and certainly not incite confrontations, whether military or otherwise. <...>
The dialogue was highly fruitful. We not only listened but also understood each other.
❗️ Concerning the agreements reached: firstly, and perhaps most urgently and relatively straightforward, is to ensure the prompt appointment of ambassadors of Russia to the United States and of the United States to Russia. Furthermore, to dismantle the hurdles that have been erected over many years, primarily by the Biden administration in the past four years, which have considerably obstructed the work of our diplomatic missions <...> We agreed that our deputies will soon convene a meeting to assess the need for removing these artificial barriers in the operations of embassies and other foreign missions of Russia in the United States and of the United States in Russia. <...>
The second arrangement: we have agreed that a “process for Ukrainian settlement” will be initiated shortly. The American Side will inform us who will represent Washington in this endeavour. Upon learning the name and position of the designated representative, as President of Russia Vladimir Putin advised President of the United States Donald Trump, we will immediately appoint our participant in this process.
Thirdly, in a broad conceptual sense, as the processes related to resolving the crisis in Ukraine advance, we will concurrently establish conditions for our cooperation to resume in full and expand across various domains.
There is considerable interest (which we share) in resuming consultations on geopolitical issues, including various conflicts in different regions where both the United States and Russia have vested interests.
A strong interest has been expressed in removing artificial barriers to the development of mutually advantageous economic cooperation.
Excerpts from the news conference:
• We met because the Presidents of Russia and the United States decided so and agreed to start preparations for a summit.
• We took note of President Trump being the first Western leader to clearly state on several occasions that pulling Ukraine into NATO was one of the main reasons for what is happening now, and that this was one of the biggest mistakes committed by Biden and his administration, and that if Trump were president, this would have never have happened.
• We were clear with our counterparts that President Putin has repeatedly emphasised that NATO expansion and absorption of Ukraine was a direct threat to the interests of the Russian Federation and our sovereignty. Considering this, the troops from NATO countries [in Ukraine] under a foreign flag — a EU flag, or any national flags — does not change anything in this regard. This is unacceptable.
• Our US colleagues mentioned a moratorium on attacks on energy facilities. We told them we have never put household energy supply systems in danger, and targeted exclusively the facilities that supply energy to the Ukrainian armed forces.
• It is obvious to many that serious attempts are being made to torpedo the efforts to establish and to resume Russia-US relations. Truth be told, it was not a wasted effort.
Read in full
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
Russian MFA 🇷🇺



⚡️ On Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s telephone conversation with US Secretary of State Marco Rubio
🇷🇺🇺🇸📞 On February 15, at the initiative of the American Side, Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov had a telephone conversation with US Secretary of State Marco Rubio.
Building on the February 12 telephone conversation between the Presidents of Russia and the United States, the two Foreign Ministers agreed to maintain an open channel of communication to address longstanding issues in Russian-American relations. Their goal is to remove unilateral barriers inherited from the previous US administration that have hindered mutually beneficial trade, economic and investment cooperation.
Both Sides expressed a shared commitment to engaging on key international issues, including the Ukraine settlement, developments in Palestine and the broader Middle East, as well as other regional matters.
The conversation also covered ways to swiftly reverse the restrictions on Russian diplomatic missions in the United States, which were introduced by the Obama administration in 2016 and led to reciprocal measures. It was agreed that expert-level meetings will be organised in the near future to coordinate specific steps towards removing these obstacles to the functioning of diplomatic missions in Russia and the United States.
❗️ Sergey Lavrov and Marco Rubio reaffirmed their readiness to restore a respectful and constructive interstate dialogue in line with the approach set by the Presidents. They agreed to maintain regular contact, including discussions on preparations for a potential high-level Russian-American summit.
🇷🇺🇺🇸📞 On February 15, at the initiative of the American Side, Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov had a telephone conversation with US Secretary of State Marco Rubio.
Building on the February 12 telephone conversation between the Presidents of Russia and the United States, the two Foreign Ministers agreed to maintain an open channel of communication to address longstanding issues in Russian-American relations. Their goal is to remove unilateral barriers inherited from the previous US administration that have hindered mutually beneficial trade, economic and investment cooperation.
Both Sides expressed a shared commitment to engaging on key international issues, including the Ukraine settlement, developments in Palestine and the broader Middle East, as well as other regional matters.
The conversation also covered ways to swiftly reverse the restrictions on Russian diplomatic missions in the United States, which were introduced by the Obama administration in 2016 and led to reciprocal measures. It was agreed that expert-level meetings will be organised in the near future to coordinate specific steps towards removing these obstacles to the functioning of diplomatic missions in Russia and the United States.
❗️ Sergey Lavrov and Marco Rubio reaffirmed their readiness to restore a respectful and constructive interstate dialogue in line with the approach set by the Presidents. They agreed to maintain regular contact, including discussions on preparations for a potential high-level Russian-American summit.
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
Russian MFA 🇷🇺



📞 President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with President of the transitional phase of the Syrian Arab Republic Ahmed al-Sharaa
Vladimir Putin wished Ahmed al-Sharaa every success in addressing various objectives facing the country’s new leadership for the benefit of the Syrian nation with which Russia has been traditionally linked by relations of friendship and mutually beneficial cooperation.
The Presidents conducted a detailed exchange of opinions regarding the situation in Syria. The Russian Side emphasised its principled position in support of the Syrian state’s unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity. In this connection, the leaders noted the importance of implementing a range of measures for the sake of sustained national normalisation, invigorating intra-Syrian dialogue involving leading political forces and ethnic and religious groups.
Vladimir Putin reaffirmed Russia’s invariable readiness to help improve the socio-economic situation in Syria, including the provision of humanitarian aid to its residents.
The Presidents touched upon multiple key issues of practical collaboration in trade and economic, educational and other spheres, including in the context of recent talks in Damascus that involved a Russian interdepartmental delegation. They agreed to continue these useful contacts for elaborating a wide-ranging agenda of expanded bilateral cooperation.
The Presidents had a constructive, business-like and detailed telephone conversation.
Vladimir Putin wished Ahmed al-Sharaa every success in addressing various objectives facing the country’s new leadership for the benefit of the Syrian nation with which Russia has been traditionally linked by relations of friendship and mutually beneficial cooperation.
The Presidents conducted a detailed exchange of opinions regarding the situation in Syria. The Russian Side emphasised its principled position in support of the Syrian state’s unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity. In this connection, the leaders noted the importance of implementing a range of measures for the sake of sustained national normalisation, invigorating intra-Syrian dialogue involving leading political forces and ethnic and religious groups.
Vladimir Putin reaffirmed Russia’s invariable readiness to help improve the socio-economic situation in Syria, including the provision of humanitarian aid to its residents.
The Presidents touched upon multiple key issues of practical collaboration in trade and economic, educational and other spheres, including in the context of recent talks in Damascus that involved a Russian interdepartmental delegation. They agreed to continue these useful contacts for elaborating a wide-ranging agenda of expanded bilateral cooperation.
The Presidents had a constructive, business-like and detailed telephone conversation.
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
Russian MFA 🇷🇺



🎙 Russia's Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova’s comment on yet another barbaric crime by the Kiev regime against Russian civilian population
💬 On February 8, the Kiev junta once again demonstrated its inhuman Nazi nature by committing yet another cynical bloody crime.
The Ukrainian armed forces purposefully attacked a densely populated area of the city of Makeyevka in the Donetsk People's Republic of the Russian Federation. The victims of the pre-planned and carefully prepared shelling of the city's central part were civilians, including women and children.
We strongly condemn this criminal act of terrorism. The Western curators of the Kiev regime, who regularly incite current Ukrainian authorities to commit bloody crimes, were directly involved in its organisation. Responsibility for this act lies not only with Ukrainian neo-Nazis but also with the ruling circles of Western countries, which stubbornly and irresponsibly continue to pump the Ukrainian armed forces with weapons.
The shelling of populated areas in Donbass, Kherson and Zaporozhye Regions, Crimea and other Russian regions, merciless and indiscriminate killings of civilians show the agony of the Zelensky regime, mired in terrorism, lawlessness, corruption and cynicism, which is seeking to kill as many Russian people as possible to please its Western masters.
☝️ We call on all responsible governments and relevant international organisations to condemn yet another terrorist attack. Keeping silent in response to the barbarity of the Ukrainian Nazis is tantamount to complicity in their bloody acts.
💬 On February 8, the Kiev junta once again demonstrated its inhuman Nazi nature by committing yet another cynical bloody crime.
The Ukrainian armed forces purposefully attacked a densely populated area of the city of Makeyevka in the Donetsk People's Republic of the Russian Federation. The victims of the pre-planned and carefully prepared shelling of the city's central part were civilians, including women and children.
We strongly condemn this criminal act of terrorism. The Western curators of the Kiev regime, who regularly incite current Ukrainian authorities to commit bloody crimes, were directly involved in its organisation. Responsibility for this act lies not only with Ukrainian neo-Nazis but also with the ruling circles of Western countries, which stubbornly and irresponsibly continue to pump the Ukrainian armed forces with weapons.
The shelling of populated areas in Donbass, Kherson and Zaporozhye Regions, Crimea and other Russian regions, merciless and indiscriminate killings of civilians show the agony of the Zelensky regime, mired in terrorism, lawlessness, corruption and cynicism, which is seeking to kill as many Russian people as possible to please its Western masters.
☝️ We call on all responsible governments and relevant international organisations to condemn yet another terrorist attack. Keeping silent in response to the barbarity of the Ukrainian Nazis is tantamount to complicity in their bloody acts.
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
Russian MFA 🇷🇺



🎙 Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks at 14th Middle East Conference on the sidelines of Valdai International Discussion Club (Moscow, February 4, 2025)
Key talking points:
• The Middle East is not a playground. The key to resolving the many conflicts there is the creation of a Palestinian state. Numerous resolutions to this effect have been adopted at the UN General Assembly and Security Council.
• The West has no respect whatsoever for international law. It only selects the parts of law it finds applicable at any given moment.
• The latest data show that the crisis in Gaza has claimed the lives of 46'000 Palestinian civilians (perhaps even more, as statistics vary). Around 100'000 civilians, and counting, have been injured. Despite ceasefires, outbreaks of violence can be seen across the region.
• Good thing that a ceasefire was finally reached after more than a year of the Security Council’s attempts to call for one. The Americans blocked all of them, using their veto power on six occasions. Then, they came up with a resolution of their own, which was presented as a solution to all issues. However, when, prior to the vote, we asked the parties (primarily Israel) whether they were willing to implement it, they evaded answering this question which is why we chose not to support it. We abstained. But it was adopted nonetheless. As anticipated, nothing changed.
• I believe the new administration in the White House contributed to quickening the negotiating process. However, the key role was played by Egypt and Qatar, which, in conjunction with the Americans, secured agreements from Israel and Hamas, the first phase of which is now being implemented.
• Despite the developments unfolding in Syria and Lebanon, Libya also remains plagued by unresolved issues, where the West and East cannot agree on the way forward to address the political process. The UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy, Geir Pedersen, is acting not too transparently and utterly ineffectively.
• Syria faces major problems, including issues with the current leadership represented by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham leader Ahmed Hussein al-Sharaa and the groups that were part of this organisation. After the change of power in Syria, they didn’t get along in terms of establishing a dialogue and understanding each other. What they should do is try to promote national dialogue as best they can, without seeking to gain geopolitical points, but thinking primarily about the future of the Syrian people. This requires concerted efforts of all external players who can influence this situation. The attempts to exclude Russia, China, and Iran from the process of providing external support for Syrian settlement are hardly driven by good intentions, but, instead, reveal the West’s plans to push its competitors to less meaningful secondary positions.
Read in full
Key talking points:
• The Middle East is not a playground. The key to resolving the many conflicts there is the creation of a Palestinian state. Numerous resolutions to this effect have been adopted at the UN General Assembly and Security Council.
• The West has no respect whatsoever for international law. It only selects the parts of law it finds applicable at any given moment.
• The latest data show that the crisis in Gaza has claimed the lives of 46'000 Palestinian civilians (perhaps even more, as statistics vary). Around 100'000 civilians, and counting, have been injured. Despite ceasefires, outbreaks of violence can be seen across the region.
• Good thing that a ceasefire was finally reached after more than a year of the Security Council’s attempts to call for one. The Americans blocked all of them, using their veto power on six occasions. Then, they came up with a resolution of their own, which was presented as a solution to all issues. However, when, prior to the vote, we asked the parties (primarily Israel) whether they were willing to implement it, they evaded answering this question which is why we chose not to support it. We abstained. But it was adopted nonetheless. As anticipated, nothing changed.
• I believe the new administration in the White House contributed to quickening the negotiating process. However, the key role was played by Egypt and Qatar, which, in conjunction with the Americans, secured agreements from Israel and Hamas, the first phase of which is now being implemented.
• Despite the developments unfolding in Syria and Lebanon, Libya also remains plagued by unresolved issues, where the West and East cannot agree on the way forward to address the political process. The UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy, Geir Pedersen, is acting not too transparently and utterly ineffectively.
• Syria faces major problems, including issues with the current leadership represented by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham leader Ahmed Hussein al-Sharaa and the groups that were part of this organisation. After the change of power in Syria, they didn’t get along in terms of establishing a dialogue and understanding each other. What they should do is try to promote national dialogue as best they can, without seeking to gain geopolitical points, but thinking primarily about the future of the Syrian people. This requires concerted efforts of all external players who can influence this situation. The attempts to exclude Russia, China, and Iran from the process of providing external support for Syrian settlement are hardly driven by good intentions, but, instead, reveal the West’s plans to push its competitors to less meaningful secondary positions.
Read in full
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
Russian MFA 🇷🇺



🌟 February 2, 1943, one of the most brutal battles of #WWII and all of history — the Battle of Stalingrad — concluded.
For 2️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ days and nights the Battle of Stalingrad raged on the banks of the Don and the Volga rivers, and in the city proper, or rather what was left of it following merciless Nazi bombardments and stubborn defender fighting for every street, alley and house. The battle itself surpassed in scope and intensity all prior battles of #WWII. During that battle, more than 2.1 million people fought on both sides.
By the end of June 1942, the Nazis concentrated in the strip of land from Kursk to Taganrog on the front of 600-650 kilometers up to 35% of infantry, over 50% of armour and motorized divisions of the total number of Wehrmacht troops deployed on the Soviet-German front.
During the planning of the Stalingrad operation, the enemy had several objectives: to gain a foothold on the Volga River and thus deprive the #SovietUnion of control over one of the most important transportation arteries of the country. The capture of #Stalingrad, according to the assessment of the Nazi military command, would open the way for the Wehrmacht to the Caucasus, where the Germans hoped to obtain the most important resource for making the war machine continue — oil fields.
Traditionally, according to the historians, the Battle was divided into two stages:
• Defensive phase: from July 17 to November 18, 1942;
• Offensive phase: from November 19, 1942 to February 2, 1943.
During the first stage, July 17 - November 18, 1942, the Red Army had to conduct defensive operations and engaged the enemy in fierce street battles directly in the city. The forces of the 62nd and 64th Soviet armies, led by Vassily Chuikov, commander of the 62nd Army, engaged the troops of the 6th Army of the Wehrmacht under the command of Lieutenant General Paulus.
By mid-November 1942, as a result of stubborn resistance and the deployment of the Red Army reserves favorable conditions were created for launching the counteroffensive. The plan for the operation code-named #Uranus was developed under the leadership of Army General Georgy Zhukov and Colonel General Alexander Vasilevsky.
During the large-scale counteroffensive at Stalingrad (November 19, 1942 — February 2, 1943), Soviet forces conducted the operation #Ring, during which the Red Army managed to drive Paulus's 6th Army into a “cauldron” between the Don and Volga rivers. Realizing the futility of further action, by the end of January the Nazi units began to surrender en masse.
On January, 31, General Paulus (promoted by Hitler to to General-Field Marshal), together with other German generals and officers at Stalingrad finally surrendered. On February 2, the last pockets of Nazi resistance were eliminated.
The #BattleOfStalingrad ended with a complete victory of the Red Army. For the first time ever the all-consuming Nazi war machine was weighed, measured and found wanting. This marked a turning point not only in the the Great Patriotic War, but that of the entire #WWII.
In Stalingrad, Wehrmacht and its auxiliary forces from the Axis lost 1/4 of all troops deployed by the Reich on the Eastern front. Total enemy losses amount to ~1.5 million soldiers and officers.
From that moment forward the strategic initiative was on the side of the Red Army. The Victory in Stalingrad created favourable conditions for further full-scale counteroffensive of Soviet forces to expel the enemy from the Nazi-occupied territory of the USSR.
🌐 The defeat of the bulk of the enemy troops not only shocked the world and significantly raised the international prestige of the Soviet Union and its Armed Forces, but also contributed to the strengthening and tightening of the anti-Hitler coalition.
🎖 Victory in the Battle of Stalingrad was in large achieved through superior strategy and tactics, but also due to mass heroism of Soviet soldiers, officers and hard work of all those on the home front. 112 participants of the Battle were awarded the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union.
🌟 February 2, 1943, one of the most brutal battles of #WWII and all of history — the Battle of Stalingrad — concluded.
For 2️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ days and nights the Battle of Stalingrad raged on the banks of the Don and the Volga rivers, and in the city proper, or rather what was left of it following merciless Nazi bombardments and stubborn defender fighting for every street, alley and house. The battle itself surpassed in scope and intensity all prior battles of #WWII. During that battle, more than 2.1 million people fought on both sides.
By the end of June 1942, the Nazis concentrated in the strip of land from Kursk to Taganrog on the front of 600-650 kilometers up to 35% of infantry, over 50% of armour and motorized divisions of the total number of Wehrmacht troops deployed on the Soviet-German front.
During the planning of the Stalingrad operation, the enemy had several objectives: to gain a foothold on the Volga River and thus deprive the #SovietUnion of control over one of the most important transportation arteries of the country. The capture of #Stalingrad, according to the assessment of the Nazi military command, would open the way for the Wehrmacht to the Caucasus, where the Germans hoped to obtain the most important resource for making the war machine continue — oil fields.
Traditionally, according to the historians, the Battle was divided into two stages:
• Defensive phase: from July 17 to November 18, 1942;
• Offensive phase: from November 19, 1942 to February 2, 1943.
During the first stage, July 17 - November 18, 1942, the Red Army had to conduct defensive operations and engaged the enemy in fierce street battles directly in the city. The forces of the 62nd and 64th Soviet armies, led by Vassily Chuikov, commander of the 62nd Army, engaged the troops of the 6th Army of the Wehrmacht under the command of Lieutenant General Paulus.
By mid-November 1942, as a result of stubborn resistance and the deployment of the Red Army reserves favorable conditions were created for launching the counteroffensive. The plan for the operation code-named #Uranus was developed under the leadership of Army General Georgy Zhukov and Colonel General Alexander Vasilevsky.
During the large-scale counteroffensive at Stalingrad (November 19, 1942 — February 2, 1943), Soviet forces conducted the operation #Ring, during which the Red Army managed to drive Paulus's 6th Army into a “cauldron” between the Don and Volga rivers. Realizing the futility of further action, by the end of January the Nazi units began to surrender en masse.
On January, 31, General Paulus (promoted by Hitler to to General-Field Marshal), together with other German generals and officers at Stalingrad finally surrendered. On February 2, the last pockets of Nazi resistance were eliminated.
The #BattleOfStalingrad ended with a complete victory of the Red Army. For the first time ever the all-consuming Nazi war machine was weighed, measured and found wanting. This marked a turning point not only in the the Great Patriotic War, but that of the entire #WWII.
In Stalingrad, Wehrmacht and its auxiliary forces from the Axis lost 1/4 of all troops deployed by the Reich on the Eastern front. Total enemy losses amount to ~1.5 million soldiers and officers.
From that moment forward the strategic initiative was on the side of the Red Army. The Victory in Stalingrad created favourable conditions for further full-scale counteroffensive of Soviet forces to expel the enemy from the Nazi-occupied territory of the USSR.
🌐 The defeat of the bulk of the enemy troops not only shocked the world and significantly raised the international prestige of the Soviet Union and its Armed Forces, but also contributed to the strengthening and tightening of the anti-Hitler coalition.
🎖 Victory in the Battle of Stalingrad was in large achieved through superior strategy and tactics, but also due to mass heroism of Soviet soldiers, officers and hard work of all those on the home front. 112 participants of the Battle were awarded the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union.


On 17 February, Howard Hall, 38, died at the Alexander Maconochie Centre after he suffered a "medical episode", according to police. He was the second Aboriginal man who had died in just four days at Canberra's prison and the seventh death in custody in Australia since 1 January 2025.
On the same day, the Australian Government made a strong statement. It had nothing to say, though, about Howard Hall or 109 inmates who lost their lives in detention centres across the country in the last year. Instead, the document harshly criticised the Russian authorities for Alexei Navalny’s death in prison.
So emblematic of Australia’s hypocritical stance on human rights.
On the same day, the Australian Government made a strong statement. It had nothing to say, though, about Howard Hall or 109 inmates who lost their lives in detention centres across the country in the last year. Instead, the document harshly criticised the Russian authorities for Alexei Navalny’s death in prison.
So emblematic of Australia’s hypocritical stance on human rights.


Австралийская вещательная корпорация «Эй-Би-Си» хорошо известна тем, что неустанно «промывает мозги» своей аудитории, демонизируя Россию и всячески затушевывая вину Запада и его киевских марионеток за трагический конфликт на Украине. Фильм «Стойкость», показанный в прайм-тайм 10 февраля в программе «Четыре угла», свидетельствует о падении пропагандистской журналистики «Эй-Би-Си» до совсем уже позорного уровня.
Корреспондент М.Уилласи, который вел репортаж из бункера ВСУ, пригласил зрителей понаблюдать в деталях за процессом дистанционного убийства российского солдата дронами-камикадзе. Вообще, слова «убивать русских» навязчивым рефреном многократно повторялись в фильме, порой сопровождаясь глумливым смехом.
Будем называть вещи своими именами: государственное СМИ Австралии открыто пропагандирует ненависть по национальному признаку.
Оголтелая враждебность австралийского медийного мейнстрима к России не нова, но у «Эй-Би-Си» это доведено до степени омерзительной русофобии. А ведь, казалось бы, всего несколько дней назад парламент Австралии принял закон, ужесточающий наказания за преступления на почве ненависти.
Корреспондент М.Уилласи, который вел репортаж из бункера ВСУ, пригласил зрителей понаблюдать в деталях за процессом дистанционного убийства российского солдата дронами-камикадзе. Вообще, слова «убивать русских» навязчивым рефреном многократно повторялись в фильме, порой сопровождаясь глумливым смехом.
Будем называть вещи своими именами: государственное СМИ Австралии открыто пропагандирует ненависть по национальному признаку.
Оголтелая враждебность австралийского медийного мейнстрима к России не нова, но у «Эй-Би-Си» это доведено до степени омерзительной русофобии. А ведь, казалось бы, всего несколько дней назад парламент Австралии принял закон, ужесточающий наказания за преступления на почве ненависти.


⚡️The Canberra Times. Breaking weeks-old news. To serve the National City. 😂
👉 To Brittney Levinson: Be professional mate. Try writing a piece Russian flag proudly displayed by Lake Burley Griffin.
👉 To Brittney Levinson: Be professional mate. Try writing a piece Russian flag proudly displayed by Lake Burley Griffin.
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
Russian MFA 🇷🇺



🇷🇺🇹🇷 On February 6, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Foreign Minister of Türkiye Hakan Fidan spoke over the phone.
A range of issues on the bilateral agenda was raised. The Foreign Ministers reaffirmed the importance of close coordination of steps, including between respective agencies, to implement the agreements reached between President of Russia Vladimir Putin and President of Türkiye Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
As a follow-up to the previous contacts between the Presidents and the Ministers, the situation in and around Syria was discussed. The Parties agreed to remain in close contact on the current bilateral, regional, and international issues, including the Middle East and Ukraine.
The Foreign Ministers also discussed the schedule of upcoming contacts.
A range of issues on the bilateral agenda was raised. The Foreign Ministers reaffirmed the importance of close coordination of steps, including between respective agencies, to implement the agreements reached between President of Russia Vladimir Putin and President of Türkiye Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
As a follow-up to the previous contacts between the Presidents and the Ministers, the situation in and around Syria was discussed. The Parties agreed to remain in close contact on the current bilateral, regional, and international issues, including the Middle East and Ukraine.
The Foreign Ministers also discussed the schedule of upcoming contacts.
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
Russian MFA 🇷🇺



🗓 On February 5, Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov took part in a roundtable discussion "The Ukraine Crisis: Failed Cancel Culture".
The event, organised by the Diplomatic Academy with the support of the Foreign Ministry of Russia, brought together 95 Ambassadors and representatives of diplomatic missions accredited in Moscow, as well as international associations.
In his remarks, Sergey Lavrov strongly condemned the attempts by Washington and its European satellites to cancel all things Russian: discriminate against Russian media, ban the use of the Russian language and Russian culture, and falsify historical facts. He pointed out the aggressive Russophobia of the Kiev regime which has launched a campaign to eradicate any trace of Russian cultural presence.
❗️ The Minister stated that the course to isolate Russia had completely failed which is confirmed by large-scale international activities of both the country and its leadership on the global, regional, and bilateral levels. Russia’s leading positions can be reaffirmed by a large number of international scientific, cultural, sports and youth events which are held regularly on its territory as well as student exchanges and projects to promote the Russian language and Russian education.
Sergey Lavrov also highlighted the celebrations to be held in 2025 in honour of the 80th Anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, which Russia was preparing to widely celebrate together with its partners.
The participants in the roundtable discussion held a vivid discussion of the Ukrainian crisis and other topical issues on the international agenda.
The event, organised by the Diplomatic Academy with the support of the Foreign Ministry of Russia, brought together 95 Ambassadors and representatives of diplomatic missions accredited in Moscow, as well as international associations.
In his remarks, Sergey Lavrov strongly condemned the attempts by Washington and its European satellites to cancel all things Russian: discriminate against Russian media, ban the use of the Russian language and Russian culture, and falsify historical facts. He pointed out the aggressive Russophobia of the Kiev regime which has launched a campaign to eradicate any trace of Russian cultural presence.
❗️ The Minister stated that the course to isolate Russia had completely failed which is confirmed by large-scale international activities of both the country and its leadership on the global, regional, and bilateral levels. Russia’s leading positions can be reaffirmed by a large number of international scientific, cultural, sports and youth events which are held regularly on its territory as well as student exchanges and projects to promote the Russian language and Russian education.
Sergey Lavrov also highlighted the celebrations to be held in 2025 in honour of the 80th Anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, which Russia was preparing to widely celebrate together with its partners.
The participants in the roundtable discussion held a vivid discussion of the Ukrainian crisis and other topical issues on the international agenda.
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
Russian MFA 🇷🇺



❓ Question: The Russian Investigative Committee released new data on atrocities committed by the Ukrainian armed forces in the Russkoye Porechnoye village, Kursk Region. The report, in particular, quotes forensic experts and servicemen as saying of the inhuman cruelty with which civilians were killed. Will Russia demand that these crimes be condemned by international organisations?
💬 Maria Zakharova: The Russian Foreign Ministry has already provided a detailed assessment of these atrocities by the Kiev regime.
Photos and videos were distributed during the briefing, which SHOCKED the journalists.
Correspondents, who had seen a lot, could not believe that such inhuman cruelty, exposing the beastly nature of the terrorist scum, was possible in the 21st century. The information that has emerged, including the fact that Ukrainian Nazis opened fierce fire during the evacuation of killed civilians from the village of Russkoye Porechnoye by Russian troops, is another testament to the criminal nature of the terrorist regime in Kiev.
Obviously, the extremists knew that they were committing a grave crime and tried to destroy evidences.
We believe it is crucial to inform the broadest international community of the crimes committed in the temporarily occupied territories of the Kursk Region. Russian news agencies already possess an exhaustive body of evidence of neo-Nazi punitive operations against civilians protected by a number of international documents including provisions of the binding Fourth Geneva Convention.
Particular focus should be given to a selective nature of persecution of the elderly, the most socially vulnerable members of the occupied population.
The supporting materials distributed by the Russia Investigative Committee clearly show signs of grave offenses committed during the armed conflict: hands bound with duct tapes, traces of torture, bruises from blows, gunshot wounds, bodies of people whose deaths resulted from hours of abuse by perpetrators, evidence of rape and other violent sexual acts.
The Main Military Investigative Directorate of the Russian Investigative Committee has already initiated a criminal case against members of Ukrainian armed units implicated in the terrorist act against civilians in the Kursk Region under Article 205, Part 3, Paragraph (b) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Terrorist Act Causing Death to an Individual). A number of Ukrainian servicemen from the 92nd Detached Assault Brigade were found to have been involved in the crimes.
We believe that the bloody nature of the Kiev troops' actions in the Kursk Region should be widely exposed on international platforms such as the United Nations, the OSCE and their relevant structures, recorded by representatives of the International Committee of the Red Cross and become the subject of proceedings by international human rights mechanisms, including NGOs.
We are certain that the real nature of Zelensky's junta was most clearly manifested in Russkoye Porechnoye, whose name has obviously become one of the driving factors for the Russophobic regime in Kiev and its armed gangs: it is against everything Russian that the current post-Maidan authorities are fighting with support of the “collective West.”
Read in full
💬 Maria Zakharova: The Russian Foreign Ministry has already provided a detailed assessment of these atrocities by the Kiev regime.
Photos and videos were distributed during the briefing, which SHOCKED the journalists.
Correspondents, who had seen a lot, could not believe that such inhuman cruelty, exposing the beastly nature of the terrorist scum, was possible in the 21st century. The information that has emerged, including the fact that Ukrainian Nazis opened fierce fire during the evacuation of killed civilians from the village of Russkoye Porechnoye by Russian troops, is another testament to the criminal nature of the terrorist regime in Kiev.
Obviously, the extremists knew that they were committing a grave crime and tried to destroy evidences.
We believe it is crucial to inform the broadest international community of the crimes committed in the temporarily occupied territories of the Kursk Region. Russian news agencies already possess an exhaustive body of evidence of neo-Nazi punitive operations against civilians protected by a number of international documents including provisions of the binding Fourth Geneva Convention.
Particular focus should be given to a selective nature of persecution of the elderly, the most socially vulnerable members of the occupied population.
The supporting materials distributed by the Russia Investigative Committee clearly show signs of grave offenses committed during the armed conflict: hands bound with duct tapes, traces of torture, bruises from blows, gunshot wounds, bodies of people whose deaths resulted from hours of abuse by perpetrators, evidence of rape and other violent sexual acts.
The Main Military Investigative Directorate of the Russian Investigative Committee has already initiated a criminal case against members of Ukrainian armed units implicated in the terrorist act against civilians in the Kursk Region under Article 205, Part 3, Paragraph (b) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Terrorist Act Causing Death to an Individual). A number of Ukrainian servicemen from the 92nd Detached Assault Brigade were found to have been involved in the crimes.
We believe that the bloody nature of the Kiev troops' actions in the Kursk Region should be widely exposed on international platforms such as the United Nations, the OSCE and their relevant structures, recorded by representatives of the International Committee of the Red Cross and become the subject of proceedings by international human rights mechanisms, including NGOs.
We are certain that the real nature of Zelensky's junta was most clearly manifested in Russkoye Porechnoye, whose name has obviously become one of the driving factors for the Russophobic regime in Kiev and its armed gangs: it is against everything Russian that the current post-Maidan authorities are fighting with support of the “collective West.”
Read in full
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