We have exciting energies this week! Tomorrow we have Venus entering Aries and Jupiter moving direct in Gemini. Venus has been a part of the Pisces Stellium for the last month, bringing us deeply into the unknown. We have been softening our hearts and also embracing the intuition, guidance and syncs that we have been receiving while also hyper processing the extremely dense energies that have been pushed up within the collective and ourselves. The last month felt lethargic and heavy, as we did massive clearing work on the energetic level. Pisces can also bring confusion, and with Venus ruling our love language, creativity and connection with others, there were lots of confusing dynamics happening.
As Venus is now entering Aries we finally have some fire to break up all this water energy. Venus in Aries is taking the feminine energy on a journey for the next 2 months, as she traverses through the sign of action, courage, boldness, and sovereignty. The feminine are now reclaiming their true fire energy as Mars remains retrogarde in Cancer, bringing the masculine energy back into the heart. This is part of the Pole Flip that we are in the process of, returning Mother Earth to her natural state as well as correcting the imbalances between yin and yang that have occurred. On March 1st, Venus will go retrograde in Aries taking us on a journey back through this process and she will dip back into Pisces again before turning direct. Since Venus only retrogrades every 18 months, this is a process to focus on during that time.
Tomorrow we also have Jupiter going direct in Gemini after 4 months of retrograde ! Jupiter is a powerful planet who expands everything she touches. During the retrograde cycle of Jupiter, we are called to do inner expansion before we return to outer expansion. During these last few months, we were exapnding our inner world of ideas, adaptability, and also bringing our communications back to self for a moment. Sometimes there is too many words being said, too many ideas, too many directions and we become scattered. I feel these last few months we were called to be a bit more quiet, spend moments in solitude, and put a hold on all of our various outlets and projects so that we could get clear within ourselves before proceeding. Now, we Jupiter direct and Venus in Aries it feels like we will have a sudden burst of momentum and excitement. I foresee many multidimensional avenues opening up for us now and things are about to get exciting again.