This Friday @ 7 PM EST, you have to catch the Boomers v Zoomers livestream panel. "Boomers claim that younger generations have no interest in taking over, and younger generations claim boomers refuse to pass down their wealth and knowledge. This panel sits representatives from either generation - successful boomers and ambitious Gen Z - and figure out why the torch is experiencing difficulty being passed."
Watch it live on Odysee, X, Rumble, or reserve the YouTube link here:
Strap in for another theory edition of Digital Archipelago. me and @MrPrudentialist read an essay by Habermas on Modern art, and postmodern anti-modernism. as well as the usual ruminating over whatever coal is on the internutz. 8:00pm EST tomorrow!
"The Gang Talks Habermas"
A short article out on nature, torrential downpours, and the days after a disaster.
Well in airline news Boeing has taken another hit, as reports indicate nearly 300 Boeing 777s are at risk for 'Exploding' Fuel Tanks. A spokesman from Boeing has said "This will significantly reduce the hitman budget."