By Ron McVan
Choose your life path, and choose it with care, for a choice that is bad, leads the soul nowhere. Most paths, they will lead you, to brambles and weeds, encouraging vice, and discouraging deeds.
Know your roots; though you travel afar, your roots are the source of who you are. Roots build strength, like a great oak tree, without them, life is aimless, on a storm tossed sea.
Honor your folk, your family and kin, honor the gods of your blood, therein. Honor your forebears, in essence and spirit, for they dwell about you, though you can't see or hear it.
Above all, be wise, follow truth and be bold, “DO RIGHT AND FEAR NO ONE” is a troth you should hold. All life is a tightrope, across an abyss, transcending, but never ending….just remember this!