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Dave Oneegs Aussie chat 💬 avatar
Dave Oneegs Aussie chat 💬
Build back better?
Remember they TELL you everything.
Aussies just too sleepy to catch on,
even though it’s right in front of them.


Read full article from The Press here

A group of Marlburians have fronted the council with concerns about water chlorination and the potential fluoridation of the region’s water supply.

The group, Marlborough Community Matters, wants the council to lobby with them against adding any fluoride to Marlborough’s water supply.

But at a public forum on Tuesday, one councillor argued the “science prevails” before being met with heckling from the group which had packed out the council’s public gallery.

To date, the Director-General of Health had not made any directive to add fluoride to Marlborough’s water, although it was being “actively considered” according to the Ministry of Health.

Two members of Marlborough Community Matters presented to the public forum.

Marlborough Community Matters member Cindy Haider told the council she recently moved back to Blenheim after living overseas for many years...

She said Marlborough Community Matters felt the mandatory fluoridation by the Government “without consent is both unethical and totalitarian”, making claims such as fluoride did not work by swallowing, any dose could not be guaranteed as safe and that fluoridation did not reduce dental decay.

Marlborough Community Matters, Dr Fre Timmermans, said councils were being forced to start “adding the additives” when it “makes no sense”.

Timmermans, a former Marlborough dentist, said he was a co-founder of New Zealand Doctors Speaking out with Science (NZDSOS).

A must read for us all during these confusing times.

This post below is from The Health Forum NZ.

Did the internet get it wrong about the UOA?

The story is unfolding so fast and so much is being uncovered about the USAID that the University may not have received as much as was initially said but what about the Government agencies that look to have benefitted?

The picture above shows awards from the CDC and the HHS?

Is the funding stream still yet to be fully uncovered?

From the Health Forum NZ:


Yesterday I posted that it appeared Auckland University has received almost $NZ 500 million dollars funding from the American USAID fund.

This was based on the new open database detailing funding (see below).

However, it appears that there was a misunderstanding about what the database was actually showing.

The University of Auckland did not receive $296m from USAID, or $220m from other US sources.

What happened is that they filled in an IRS form 990, listing their NZ income, in order to be able to receive their USAID grant for $1.1m for research.

The USAID $1.1 million dollar grant is for research into Parkinson's drugs at Auckland University. Oddly the granting body was the American Department of Defence.

Auckland University explains the suspected USAID funding by saying:

"The figures are from the University of Auckland's annual report 2023. If you convert the US$297m (wrongly claimed to be USAID funding) into NZ$ using the average 2023 exchange rate of 1.63, you get NZ$484m, which is the figure cited in the annual report for NZ Government grants" (link to this post in comments)

I am removing the incorrect post. I will repost on this subject as more information comes to light.

PS The Auckland University tax form attached below is very interesting


People supporting Debbie in Northland, mentioned that there were others who went through a similar experience and were arrested on New Year's Eve also.

They have asked us to get the word out, to ask you, if you know of anyone who was arrested and processed through 'closed court' to please contact us.

If you pop a comment in the link below we can DM you to discuss further.

KLAUS SCHWAB has sent special Vaxmas greetings around the world - “as you cuddle up vis your loved ones vis a special Vaxmas dinner of mealworms and crickets.”

“Isn’t it marvellous what the possibility of a war can do?”
(Bristish Nursing Alliance)
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
FallCabal Official Channel avatar
FallCabal Official Channel
Lots of information about USAID
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. avatar
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
USAID's involvement in the COVID pandemic.

Join: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

The University of Auckland's Vice Chancellor Dawn Freshwater has her name on this US 501(c)(3) tax return.

This is the portion of the US Internal Revenue Code that allows for federal tax exemption of nonprofit organizations that meet the code's requirements. These nonprofits may be considered public charities, private foundations, or private operating foundations.

So did the UOA receive funds from America or not? Or is this a fake document?

I've contacted to confirm. No luck yet.
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
We The Media avatar
We The Media

💥‘HISTORIC MOMENT’ - Nigel Farage’s Reform UK Party has now overtaken the UK’s traditional party of government, the Conservatives, in membership, crossing the historic threshold weeks sooner than expected.

The most recent public figures for paid-up full members of the Conservative Party, certainly the oldest political party in the United Kingdom and possibly the oldest political party in the world, put it at 131,680 in November. Nigel Farage’s Reform UK — which he calls the youngest party in Britain — overtook that figure late Thursday morning following a Christmas Day surge in sign-ups.


Big tech plays a major role in social engineering, not only through censorship, but also algorythmic programming. Google is one of those big tech players who regularly engage in this activity, where they are able to directly shape the perceptions of content consumers online.

And as more and more people are waking up to the ongoing replacement genocide taking place in Europe as part of the globalist agenda, fit and healthy people are a potential problem.

That's why Google is now restricting fitness related content to teenagers in Europe, while citing concerns about 'self esteem' and 'body image'.

The move has already been implemented in the United States and after Europe, can be expected to be rolled out in other regions as well.

Specifically, content that does any of the following will now be subject to limited recommendations on the YouTube platform:

- Idealise particular fitness levels of weight groups
- Compare and idealise certain physical features
- Are socially aggressive, meaning they show intimidation or fighting

Read More:


With all that Trump and his team are uncovering, rolling out and have planned, people who are unaware and let the truth sink in will potentially have major mental breaks.

When the world finally understands the depths of depravity that their leaders have gone to, to maintain control over the ignorant masses, there will be such confusion and anger for those who have not yet completely checked out and still have a modicum of feeling left.

Some say, this disclosure of truth is another evil trick to heard the population into the final chapter of destruction.

Others say that the AI revolution is coming regardless, and can be trained to worship and love humanity, in the same way we might worship God. In which case, the AI could serve humanity rather than destroy us.

Whatever you think of the current good news coming from America, whether it be short lived or a true Golden Age, there will be people who need your strength, hope and clarity to get them through the coming months and years regardless.

Now is not the time to forget our humanity.
The Covid Dossier: A record of military and intelligence coordination of the global Covid event.

By Sasha Latypova

Read full article here.


The Covid Dossier is a compilation of the evidence we have amassed over the last three years supporting the following claim:
Covid was not a public health event, although it was presented as such to the world’s population. It was a global operation, coordinated through public-private intelligence and military alliances and invoking laws designed for CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear) weapons attacks.
The Dossier contains information regarding the military/intelligence coordination of the Covid biodefense response in the U.S., U.K., Australia, Canada, the Netherlands, Germany, and Italy. For some countries we have extensively documented information. For others, we have some documentation of military/intelligence involvement, but not all the details. For as many countries as possible, we list the military/intelligence agencies in charge of their country’s Covid response; dates on which emergency declarations were made in each country; military/intelligence-related agencies and bodies in charge of censorship/propaganda; and top people with military/intelligence jobs who were known or reported to hold leadership positions in the response. We also list connections to global governing bodies, including the EU and UN/WHO, through which the response was coordinated. In the final section, we provide a list of military/intelligence/biodefense alliances that provide multinational frameworks for responding to a bioterror/bioweapons attack.
What’s really happening in Gaza?

We don’t know, but all of us make our assessments and have our opinions, often based on our own personal likes and dislikes. Here Laura Aboli makes hers, and it’s based on trying to look at the whole situation without bias from as many different perspectives as possible. In the absence of enough facts and evidence to be certain, this seems like a good example of critical thinking. Counterspin members are of course free to totally disagree with her if they like!

My head is still spinning from Trump’s announcement of his plans for Gaza. For the last couple of days I’ve been trying to look at it from all possible angles. The problem of course, is that what we get to see is usually not even 10% of the real story behind it, so one must put on a Sherlock Holmes hat (on top of the tin hat), in order to collect clues to piece together the possible options.

Those amongst our ranks that were hesitant about Trump to begin with, are now full on throwing him under the bus for what totally seems like the fulfillment of the Zionist agenda: the ethnic cleansing and takeover of Gaza, and I get their anger, but could there be more to it? (With Trump there’s always more to it than meets the eye) 🤔

We can all agree that finding a solution for the region that appeases both sides, is as close to impossible as it can get, so every option is going to be in some way undesirable. I think anyone with a degree of justice and humanity can also agree that the Palestinians have every right to remain in their land, but for the last 70 years we have seen that a two state solution has only resulted in repeated bloodshed, so how on earth do you solve this impossible nightmare of a situation? 🤔

Israel might be a small country with limited resources, but in contrast to its size, we all know that Khazarian Zionists pretty much control the world; media, academia, entertainment, banking, AIPAC, Big Pharma, Big Tech… not to mention Blackrock and Vanguard.

So when it comes to picking an enemy, there is no more formidable, scary and cut throat than the Kazharian-Zionist powers that be.

I have just made a mental note to read Sun Tzu’s ‘Art of War’, I think it could come in handy just about now, but in my basic analysis of how to confront Goliath (oh the irony!) it would seem to me, that subterfuge, deception, disorientation and a slow but continuous cutting off of the oxygen that feeds the beast, might be the way to go.

So let’s assume Trump is David in the current scenario; the sling and rock might have worked against a single giant, but would prove pretty inadequate in this case, where Goliath is a massive web of power and control. So how do you destroy it? By doing what he’s doing; exposing the corruption, the means, the methods, the money laundering, the links to drugs and human trafficking, the infiltration of government through AIPAC, the false flags, the fake media, the Hollywood pedophiles, the FBI, the CIA/Mossad/Epstein operations, the USAID… and soon to come, the Federal Reserve and the IRS…

There is an endless amount of ‘purging’ going on that is slowly cutting off the endless supply of cash that had been feeding the monster. This is how you destroy the impossible enemy, by letting it die of financial starvation. It’s only a matter of time.

In the meantime, let’s pretend we’re the best of allies and announce to the world that the US will control Gaza, to everyones, and more important, Netanyahu’s shock.

Israeli Zionists don’t want the US controlling Gaza, THEY want to be the ones in control. Trump’s move could be the end of their ‘Greater Israel’ dreams, so let’s not jump to conclusions yet, let’s not criticise ‘David’ for not using the sling and instead let’s watch what happens to Goliath when the flow of cash begins to trickle to a halt…


The University of Auckland says the money did not come from USAID. Others say the database includes money from all Governments. Does anyone have solid updates?
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
Justin Deschamps avatar
Justin Deschamps
Trump promises to "ban insidious “Environmental, Social, and Governance” (ESG) investments in order to protect Americans' hard-earned savings and investments from woke financial scams. President Trump’s bold actions set the example for Republicans across the country to follow his lead in fighting ESG."

In Trump's own words: "The entire ESG scheme is designed to funnel your retirement money to the maniacs on the radical left. The rule we issued under my leadership was the first ESG ban anywhere in the world. And I'm delighted that Republicans in Congress and across the country have been waking up to this threat and following my lead."

"You're paying the price for all of this, and it's destroying our country. When I'm back in the White House, I will sign an executive order and with Congress’ support, a law to keep politics away from America's retirement accounts forever.

I will demand that funds invest your money to help you, not them, but to help you. Not to help the radical left communists, because that's exactly what they are. I will once again protect our seniors, just like I did before, from the woke left and the woke left is bad news. They destroy countries."


Russian authorities have designated the 'Satanic Temple' which is based in the US and which has a presence in several countries including Canada, Australia, Germany, Finland and several others, as an undesirable organisation.

Any organisation posing a threat to the nation is designated in this way and is outlawed, with bank accounts frozen and local branches shut down. Those breaching the ban face fines or even imprisonment.

Other organisations that have been banned in this way in Russia include Scientology and the Jehovah's Witnesses.

Read More:

से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
LauraAboli avatar
MEP Christine Anderson…

The time has come to dispose of all the torture tools of the false elites in the dustbin of history. Whether it's the climate hoax, the WHO, the prosperity-destroying Green Deal or the front organizations of marauding secret services such as USAID: Get rid of them! We will not allow our peoples and nations to be dragged any further into the globalist swamp. Get out - AFUERA!



Read full article from NZ Herald here

A suspected explosive device was accidentally taken inside Hamilton’s central police station after armed officers arrested a man found with two firearms and ammunition.

It led to police calling for military explosives experts based with the elite NZ Special Air Service for help, even as a buffer zone was created around the suspected explosive.

The drama unfolded in Hamilton yesterday afternoon after reports that a man was seen with a firearm leaving Massey St in the city.

A police response to the calls led to the vehicle in which the man was travelling being spotted and then watched, before armed police carried out a traffic stop on Cambridge Rd - about 20 minutes' drive from Massey St.

As journalists (as much as I despise this word now) and commentators it is our job to investigate things and bring information to the public that we deem to be of public interest.

We are now experiencing the full force of the law, as so many are around the world.

If Trump and his team really are true, can NZ please become the 51st state of America to get us out from the clutches of the deep state?

Huge deepstate players have been entering NZ since 2015 to gather intelligence it would seem.

This is a message to Trump and his team from down under.

If any of you can help share it around so that they get to hear it, I would be very grateful.
से पुनः पोस्ट किया:
Vigilant News avatar
Vigilant News
🚨 WOW! A former Air Traffic Controller just EXPOSED more about the DEI policies that destroyed the FAA and caused critical staging shortages

Obama and Biden struck THOUSANDS of well-qualified Air Traffic Control candidates because they were “too white,” he says

“This is a preventable disaster. The system has been under attack due to DEI and the FAA bowing to wokeness since 2010 — since the Obama administration.”



I hope you have all had a wonderful day, spending it the way you wanted.

The sun shone here and for me, it was all about the little people, one little boy in particular.

There is something magical about Christmas that, despite the corruption of it, I want my son to experience. The joy on his face as he played with his cousins was priceless.

Beyond Santa, the presents and the commercialization, lies a seed of purity that the human soul yearns for.

It's a reminder that we all have a light inside of us that can never be snuffed out.

I am truly grateful for each and everyone of you that came on as a guest or contributed to the platform as part of the team, or the sharing of your knowledge directly in the chat and on comment threads, actions of support, contributions financially or otherwise, appreciating and sharing of content, or prayers and well wishes.

As much as the dark ones want to create darkness in our souls, we must ensure that our spirit burns brightly and in truth, they can never take it away or snuff it out.

Shine bright dear ones.

Merry Christmas!

Lots of love,

Full story here:

"An amended lawsuit filed in federal court on Sunday alleges that rap moguls Jay-Z and Sean “Diddy” Combs raped a 13-year-old girl during a party in 2000.
Jay-Z denied the allegations on social media and lambasted the lawsuit, calling it part of a “blackmail attempt” by the plaintiff’s lawyer. Lawyers for Jay-Z did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
The lawsuit was filed originally in October in the Southern District of New York and at that time did not name Jay-Z as a defendant, though the amended lawsuit says that Jay-Z was identified as “Celebrity A” on the original complaint."

If you want the detail of the case filed, this goes through it:


Jay-Z's IG currently only has one post 🤔
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