According to the German newspaper GILD, The U.S. will supply Israel with the “Mother of All Bombs” (MOAB). The GBU-43 is 30 feet long, 11 Ton bomb which could be carried by Israel's C-130 aircraft.
Israel has the F-15I Ra’am (Thunder) is Israel's “strategic aircraft.” It can only carry a payload of 9 Tons. Mounting a GBU-43 on the Ra’am’s centerline would present dimensional difficulties, but, Israel's Air Force specializes in pulling off the “impossible."
This GBU-43 bomb is designed to unleash a devastating explosion, for targeting tunnel complexes and hardened ABOVE GROUND bunkers, & NOT FOR PENETRATING DEEP INTO THE GROUND like the USA's heavier GBU-57 (MOP) Massive Ordinance PENETRATOR which is a 30,000lb bomb that can penetrate 200 feet down.
Maybe Israel 🇮🇱 will use the GBU-43 MOAB bomb first, followed up by the USA 🇺🇸 B-2 Stealth Spirit Bomber, B-52 Stratofortress, or B-21 Stealth Raider, by using the GBU-57 MOP for deeper penetration to hit Iran's underground nuclear facilities in Fordow, etc