VS RİCH 1🇷🇺 2🌍 (CISS) (1-0)
Beyler Bildiğiniz Üzere Kanallarımız Kapandı Zorlu Bir Dönemden Geçiyoruz Sizden Ricam Telegram Kanalımı Arkadaşlarınızla Ve Kendi Tg Kanallrınızda Paylaşmanızdır Yapanlara Şimdiden Teşekkürler
Gentlemen, as you know, our channels have been closed. We are going through a difficult period. My request to you is to share my Telegram Channel with your friends and on your own TG channels. Thank you in advance to those who do.
Gentlemen, as you know, our channels have been closed. We are going through a difficult period. My request to you is to share my Telegram Channel with your friends and on your own TG channels. Thank you in advance to those who do.
VS F5M 1🇸🇾 1🌍(MOBİLE) (1-1)
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