On Friday I did a live stream titled: Remigration is NOT Inevitable. This stream upset some nationalists who then spent the weekend moaning, but not debunking a thing I said. Then the German election results came in, and proved pretty much everything I said to be correct.
Whilst on the surface, the AFD taking 20 per cent of the vote looks like a great result, but the sad reality is that 80 per cent of Germans voted for more of the same. The German Conservative Party yet again came out on top, but more worryingly 37 per cent of voters voted for the left-wing pro-immigration parties the SPD, The Greens and Die Linke (literal translation: The Left). Meaning more Germans voted for open borders and ‘refugees welcome’ than for immigration control and deportations.
Even more worrying is the fact that in the age group 18 to 24, more people voted for Die Linke (The Left) than for the AFD.
Germany is reportedly around 66 per cent White German – and over the next five years that number will decline as Germany will be ruled in pretty much the same manner as it was for the last five years. At the next general election, the demographic situation will favour the migrant community to a greater degree.
The one positive that can be taken from this election is that when looking at how Germans voted, it is clear that those who live in the liberal, Westernised and multicultural ‘West Germany’ and those who live in the old Soviet ‘East Germany’ voted very differently. You can see in the East; people were far more likely to vote AFD.
The solution is clear: the ethnocentric White Germans in the West should move East and those in positions of power within the nationalist community should be pushing the establishment of indigenous settlements in areas where the nationalist sentiment is strongest, this would ensure both the safety of ethnic Germans and that local politics in the East would be completely controlled by those who have German interests at heart.
The future for Germany is clear: it will become a balkanised state where multiple different ethnic groups all argue for their own self-interest, White Germans should prepare for this now, before they become a minority.