Crowded, hot, sweaty,bodies pressing together... mmmph, might as well take advantage of it all. You can be as loud as you want , too. —- Commission for Cade and Dibbo featuring my characters Marty (marten), Arty (Bear), and Clark (dog guy almost offscreen lol)
🎨: @statiik_art
A whole new meaning to "Ride 'em cowboy!"
🎨: @statiik_art
What about you? (Pick the three that most describe you)
Me, taking off my shoes: that'll be $50 pervert
TSA and the 75 people behind me: 😐
Discord Kitten~
Hahaha, bro I know we're playing Phas, but your ghost noises sound like moaning. It's "oooOOooo", not "mmnnnaaaah haaaaaaa." SMH, you're not tricking me... but it is kinda hot
I have drawn 10+ pool/beach themed pieces. I really REALLY love this theme, so if you have any fun ideas, DROP EM IN PUHLEEZE
Jerking Off the Beaten Path: sweaty, but not too tired from the hike, you can't keep each other's hands off each other anymore, so you hop behind some trees. Nobody will hear, right?
Hahaha, bro I know we're playing Phas, but your ghost noises sound like moaning. It's "oooOOooo", not "mmnnnaaaah haaaaaaa." SMH, you're not tricking me... but it is kinda hot
Crowded, hot, sweaty,bodies pressing together... mmmph, might as well take advantage of it all. You can be as loud as you want , too. —- Commission for Cade and Dibbo featuring my characters Marty (marten), Arty (Bear), and Clark (dog guy almost offscreen lol)
🎨: @statiik_art
Worshippable~ Art by the lovely @Arrow_Pup :3
🐉: @statiik_art
Me, taking off my shoes: that'll be $50 pervert
TSA and the 75 people behind me: 😐
What about you? (Pick the three that most describe you)