Email Testimony
I was diagnosed with stage 3 parotid cancer in the fall. The treatment plan included surgery and radiation therapy, one of the most difficult forms of treatment, especially for the head and neck. When they first showed me the setup for radiation—a tight, custom-made mask that would strap my head down to a gurney for every session—I felt sheer panic and anxiety. I suffer from severe claustrophobia and anxiety, and the thought of being restrained like that for 30 treatments felt impossible.
But on the morning of my first radiation session, something happened. As I drove to the clinic, overwhelmed with fear and anxiety, I did the only thing I could think to do… I cried out to Jesus. I begged Him to come with me because I knew I couldn’t do it alone, already hyperventilating, overcome with extreme dread, fear, and anxiety.
He came! Jesus heard my cry and came!
The moment they strapped me in, I felt an undeniable wave of peace, worship, and gratitude wash over me. It was unlike anything I had ever experienced. I physically felt Jesus walk into the room with me. Instead of fear, I felt overwhelming gratitude. I began to thank God for every blessing in my life, listing them one by one. The next thing I knew, the session was over. The 20 minutes I had dreaded had passed in what felt like moments.
Every single treatment after that was the same.
I started looking forward to radiation treatments, knowing Jesus was meeting me there. Every time I was strapped in, I would begin to praise and give thanks, and the fear never returned.
But the miracles didn’t stop there.
Before treatment, my doctors gave me a list of expected side effects:
I would lose my ability to swallow and likely need a feeding tube
My skin would suffer severe burns on my neck and face
I would need pain medication, so they preemptively prescribed me opioids
Extreme fatigue would be unavoidable
None of it happened.
The only side effect I experienced? My taste buds were off for a few weeks. That’s it.
On my last day of radiation, one of the technicians told me she had never seen anyone go through this treatment without all the expected side effects. I got to tell her why—because Jesus showed up every single day.
That terrifying radiation mask? The one that once filled me with fear? I now hold it as a reminder—a reminder of how amazing God is, how perfectly we are made, and how powerful gratitude, thanksgiving, and faith can be.
Doctors treated my body, but Jesus healed me. And He didn’t care that I wasn’t “spiritual enough” or the “perfect Christian.” He showed up because I asked.
That’s the truth I now carry forward: We are not alone. We were made with incredible power. And when we call on Him, He answers.
It’s been over a month and I'm still shook and overwhelmed by His grace and goodness! ❤️