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Texas Nationalist

Nationalists of Texas!
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WLM Texas avatar
WLM Texas
Scandal happening at Mckinney-Boyd high school.

Here is a link to the only media coverage which is gives us vague nothing

According to word. Apparently, a White male soccer player (who happened to be the smallest player on the team) was restrained and sexually assaulted (fingers and hands up his rear, among other things) by a group of Hispanics on the soccer team. Hazing turned hate crime?

At least one filmed (which, while disgusting, has provided evidence). I think a few ran to get help from the coach who didn't take it seriously.
Call +1 469-302-5700 and put pressure on their administration
Your tax dollars were going towards your own replacement. The Catholic Church is complicit in the great Invasion. Don't forget who committed these crimes against White Texans.

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Illegal Honduran wanted for molesting a 7 year old detained by ICE, had been previously investigated for several assaults of young girls.

"Immigrants make America great!", they said.

Hondurans, who lived in the rainforest in loin cloth with reeds stuck through their noses for thousands of years until relatively recently, do not belong in the United States. They do not offer any positive skills nor any valuable input. They are only a drain on our economy and a danger to our families. What do you expect when you bring a caveman into the modern world. It's great that they finally caught this predator, but every single Honduran, whether they are model citizens or literal child molesters has to go back to their rainforest.

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Reddit Moments
reddit janny fights against Google Maps
Americans in Blackshirts demonstrated in Houston, Texas, declaring:

“Christ is King - Deport False gods - Blackshirt America”

in front of the statue of the indian deity “hanuman” which is the third largest statue in the United States of America and largest statue in Texas.
Dan Crenshaw tells a journalist that he wants to kill Tucker Carlson.

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Patriot Front Videos avatar
Patriot Front Videos
@PatriotFrontUpdates » Activists are currently demonstrating in Houston, Texas in protest to the mass migration of unassailable foreigners who have invaded America.

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The Seawall. Galveston, TX. 1970s
Judge who blocked ICE raids on churches is married to open borders activist

U.S. District Judge Theodore Chuang, an Obama appointee, blocked Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) from conducting raids at Quaker, Baptist, and Sikh places of worship that are suing over President Donald Trump’s immigration enforcement policy.

“Plaintiffs have provided evidence that the willingness of their congregants to attend worship and participate in ministry services is presently being chilled, and that, particularly at CBF and the Sikh Temple, attendance at such activities has already declined,” Chuang wrote.

Judge Chuang is married to Jacinta Ma, a former Biden-Harris administration official who advocates for open borders.

Natalie Winters reported that Ma “appears to be the former Vice President of National Immigration Forum, a pro-open borders advocacy group.”

“The National Immigration Forum advocates for MASS AMNESTY and staunchly opposes border enforcement policies,” Winters noted. “George Soros’s Open Society Foundation is also reportedly the group’s largest donor.”

This is where the idea of a multi-racial democracy breaks down entirely, in full view of anyone willing to notice it. Racial foreigners advocating for open borders, while serving in the halls of power of our Nation, blocking the Nation's will.

This is an obvious outcome to anyone without a sub-retarded level IQ. Foreigners should not hold any power in our Nation-it is a recipe for disaster and should surprise no one.

Illegal or not, born here or not, citizen or not, it doesn't matter. The "melting pot" of disparite ethnicities from all over the world, each advocating for their own kind, each wanting to fill the country up with their own people, is not a sustainable system and it needs to be destroyed.

They all have to go home.

These are enemy agitators holding levers of power. This is minority rule over the European population who were kind enough to let them in, and it is immoral. It's time for them all to go.

Judge Theodore Chuang, you are not an American.

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11 year old illegal alien commits suicide.

It is a tragedy any time a child dies, but this is not White people's fault, this is not Trump's fault, this is not America's fault. This is entirely the fault of her parents.

First of all, while Gainesville is still about 53% White, only around 1 in 5 school aged children in Texas are White, meaning that the majority of her classmates were not White. The implication of any story like this is that White racism is the cause, but Texas' demographics tell a different story. The kids bullying her were likely black or Hispanic IF this story is even true.

But more importantly, if you, as a parent are willing to drag your child ILLEGALLY across a border, a trek that is insanely dangerous, to a country where you intend to live in the shadows as an illegal Alien, you are a neglectful parent. You are sacrificing your child's safety for Buffalo Wild Wings and Miller Lite. Sure, maybe they came in under Biden, but when the new administration comes along and explicitly states WE ARE GOING TO DEPORT YOU, maybe it's time to start packing your bags? Put yourself in these "people's" shoes. If you had your precious 11 year old daughter illegally in a country that just elected a President for the express purpose of kicking you out, wouldn't you start making plans to leave? It isn't self deportation. It's called going back home.

Jocelyn Rojon Carranza was not a "Texas girl". She isn't even an "American girl". Clearly. She should have never been here. If her parents had stayed in their home country, she would still be alive today.

Do not let these heart string stories weaken your resolve. They all have to go back. This is not their home.

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🇺🇸 Governor Greg Abbott and Congressman Luttrell took political bribes from illegal alien sanctuary subdivision developer Trey Harris, a lousy drunk and traitor to his race.

"Operation Burning Edge called this illegal alien development out in July 2023. We exposed that the developer of this haven for illegal aliens donated $1.4M to Gov Abbott. We also exposed that the US Congressman from TX,
also took $17,400. It took a we the people effort of sharing this information and a new media onslaught to get the state of TX legislature to finally pass SB4 to make it "legal" for LE to pick up an illegal. I am thrilled to see that finally we are targeting the very place that
asked the Sheriff from San Jacinto, Greg Capers, to use valid traffic stops in Colony Ridge as a way to determine legal status as well. The Sheriff was all for it but Luttrell was not. THAT WAS SHOCKING"
Original Buc-ee's. Lake Jackson, Texas. 1982
On Sunday, March 2nd, Texas Independence Day, Nationalists from Houston got together near Colony Ridge to hold a banner advocating for mass deportations. They were met with near constant enthusiastic honks and even a few salutes.

"We do these things not because they are easy, but because we must...and because they're fun" - one activist said to the group.

Mass deportations are possible, they are humane, and they are necessary.

Our ancestors blood and bones are buried in Texas' soil. The brave men who sacrificed so much for Texas' independence would scarcely recognize her today.

Texas belongs to Texans, not the third world!

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Patriot Front Videos
@PatriotFrontUpdates » Activists are currently demonstrating in Houston, Texas in protest to the mass migration of unassimilable foreigners who have invaded America.

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