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Borax & Boron 4 Health

English discussion group for healing with Borax aka Boron
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Cruel History
INSULIN FACTS: Iron & Copper Needed

“The key to keeping insulin low... & I bet no one's told you it”

“insulin is just released as a result of the lack of irons movement”

It’s fascinating that IRON & COPPER play such a significant role on our INSULIN levels! It’s crazy because she’s everyone is severely deficient in copper and it’s directly affecting our health.

Join us: t.me/cruel_history
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McAfee avatar
Did you know that roses have one of the highest energetic frequency of all herbs. Rose oil is used for therapeutic purposes with clinical and scientifically
proven results.

You can google that if you are one of my "is it proven" besties.

Rose oil is known for its uplifting and calming effects. The scent of roses is believed to stimulate the release of endorphins which can help improve mood and release feelings of sadness and depression.

Frankincense is also known for its calming and grounding effects. It's often used in meditation and prayer to promote a feeling of peace and relaxation. This scent is believed to help quiet the mind, reduce stress, and enhance spiritual awareness.

Lavender has been used for years for its soothing, healing, and therapeutic properties. The scent of lavender has been known for reducing anxiety, lowering stress levels, and promoting relaxation. It's commonly used in aromatherapy to unwind after a stressful day or to prepare the mind for sleep.
When the Borax groups were deleted from Facebook last year, we lost alot of testimonials and information. I was still just a beginner with boron so I took what I could find from my downloads and web searches to start this channel. Ever since the beginning, I have wondered where the information came from about boron helping breakdown/detox nanotech in the body as stated in this infographic I had saved. Now I finally know.

It came from Dr. Ed Group or the whistleblower he talks about in the linked video.


From what I’ve read on boron and detox, I do think the science supports what he is saying. I also believe other minerals help detox nanotech as well.

Here’s his YT with additional videos. I haven’t watched them yet: https://m.youtube.com/@DrEdwardGroup
More fear mongering about Ivermectin has been making the rounds on social media lately. I think ivermectin can be useful for life threatening conditions and isn’t as bad as some influencers would have you to believe. Ultimately, I think the fear mongering will do more harm than good.

Last night, I saw a moderator of a large FB group bashing Ivermectin as being cytotoxic (toxic to cells) and damaging to DNA (genotoxic).

This study was posted as proof.

Let’s break it down and see what these researchers actually found with their experiment.

The researchers put ivermectin in a petri dish with cells from HeLa cell line and observed that it induced DNA double-strand damage in the cells and autophagy (cellular break down and recycling).

Lets ask AI what HeLa cells are:
What is the HeLa cell line?

The HeLa cell line is an immortal human cell line derived from Henrietta Lacks, a woman who was diagnosed with cervical cancer in 1951. These cells were the first human cells to be successfully cultured and maintained in a lab indefinitely, making them one of the most important tools in biomedical research.

Key Facts About HeLa Cells:
Origin: Taken from a tumor biopsy of Henrietta Lacks without her knowledge or consent at Johns Hopkins Hospital.
Immortal: Unlike normal human cells, which stop dividing after a certain number of cycles (Hayflick limit), HeLa cells continue dividing indefinitely under the right conditions.

Did you catch that these cells were cervical cancer cells?

Yep, that’s right. Ivermectin destroyed cervical cancer cells in a petri dish and somehow this flew over the researchers heads and they decided instead that ivermectin is a threat to human health. 🙄 Interesting that they published their study in 2020 as well when people were being ridiculed and discouraged from using ivm for covid. Remember when they outlawed its use in some states? Remember how doctors were punished for prescribing it? Yeah, that’s because ivermectin saves lives.

If I had a loved one diagnosed with cancer, I would 100% recommend ivermectin and fenben along with other alternative treatments.

Do I think we should take things like ivm and fenben everyday? No but I understand some people do and they’re dealing with issues I’ve never encountered so I respect their decision to do what works for them. I suspect daily use blocks copper based on my own experimentation. If you are taking it daily, familiarize yourself with copper deficiency signs to be on the safe side.
Sulfur deficiency = clogged arteries?

"Sulfate deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency you’ve never heard of,” says MIT Senior Research Scientist Stephanie Seneff, PhD, at the recent Clinical and Scientific Insights (CASI) conference in San Francisco.

Seneff believes that sulfate deficiency is a major culprit behind most modern chronic diseases and health conditions. But it is one that is largely overlooked.

How do we ensure we're getting enough sulfur/sulfate on a daily basis? Sunshine is a big help and helps our bodies produce sulfate. I personally also take a scoop of MSM (sulfur) daily which the body can convert into sulfate as needed. Additionally, the body needs help from 2 additional minerals that make enzymes to breakdown and use sulfur. Those two additional minerals are Molybdenum and Manganese. Manganese is also known to promote heart health and assist with removing arterial plaque so perhaps it is working in conjunction with sulfur to make this happen. https://holisticprimarycare.net/topics/nutrition-a-lifestyle/sulfate-the-most-common-nutritional-deficiency-you-ve-never-heard-of/ * https://medicalxpress.com/news/2023-11-manganese-bullet-cardiovascular-disease-potential.html
Teflon in certain types of pasta 🍝
Saw this posted in the comments on FB and had to share. Infertility is on the rise. This may be helpful for someone you know. The original question was about copper IUDs preventing pregnancy and the person wanted to know if that meant copper supplementation would interfere with fertility (it doesn’t- they’re two very different things).
The research article investigates how marginal magnesium and boron deprivation affects brain activity, measured by EEG (electroencephalogram), in healthy postmenopausal women. The study involved feeding the participants different levels of magnesium and boron over several weeks and recording their brain activity during the study.

Key findings:

—Low magnesium intake led to increased brain activity, especially in certain regions of the brain, and affected specific brainwave frequencies (delta, theta, alpha, and beta).
—Low boron intake caused changes in brainwave activity, but only when the participants' eyes were open.
—The study suggests that even small deficiencies in magnesium and boron can impact brain function, making it more active or excitable.
In simpler terms, not having enough magnesium and boron in the diet can cause changes in brain function, which could affect things like focus and mental alertness in older women. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8861134/
Another osteoporosis diagnosis in a woman taking high dose DE. She was taking 8 tablespoons a day which is what the DE group on FB advises. Just be cautious and know that high dose DE and activated charcoal binds/blocks calcium, iron, magnesium and zinc. It possibly binds other minerals like copper and boron too. DE is a good source of silica but long term mega dosing might not be right for everyone. See the previous case I recently posted about here: https://t.me/Borax4Healing/1139
I just posted about this a couple of days ago. Minerals can heal infertility. See the testimony here:


This is the full protocol that helped her:

This guy needs some boron 🫤 ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Interesting 🧐 ⬇️⬇️
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