As I have been watching what is going on in all the changes in government; I am so grateful. Did you know all the many programs that are ran through the MK Ultra programs that have its tentacles in all the many agencies and military? CIA, FBI, Pentagon, NIH, CDC, etc? They all have to do with controlling humanity, experimenting on the body to change DNA, to take babies in the womb and experiment by programming the growing fetus to believe what they want, making innocent children even at the age of 3 years old learn to have sex with all those who are pedophiles. A great deal of people in our government and military are a part of it.
There is no government agencies that are not involved with harming children.
Did you know that a person who belongs to a Satanic cult can and do sell their family line to the government? They have an actual contract to never let that family go through generations.
Did you know very few (millions) have ever gotten free?
Did you know these family lines are experimented on in the most horrendous ways sanctioned by the CIA?
Did you know these families are made to do horrible things because government wants them to fulfill their perverted sexual fantasies and foreign dirty work?
If there will ever be change; these programs must be brought to the light. The world must know so we can stop this perversion.
Can your mind even grasp the level of evil that exists in our leaders and they are seriously telling how we must run our life?