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Мир сегодня с "Юрий Подоляка"
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Society Builders
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Society Builders
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• Developing on TON, tooling, programming languages (FunC, Tact, Tolk), TMAs, guides

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Looks like builders do indeed boost!

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Show some love for your hub! Let’s see who we have here ✊
Builders Build.

But do they boost?

Welcome to Society Builders

TON Society is launching this new channel to serve as your go-to hub for everything related to developers, creators, and founders in the ecosystem. Stay updated on:
▪️ Events & hackathons
▪️ Growing and Funding opportunities (TON Nest and more)
▪️ Tools and workshops

If you're building, you’re in the right place. We’re confident that the resources shared here will help the community and ecosystem thrive in new and creative ways! The time to build is now!
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