Syrians: *begin leaving Europe and going back to Syria
The amount of narratives unraveling now is astronomical.
Many such cases
Sadegh Zibakalam, a professor at University of Tehran discussing Iranian public perception of the Palestinian people and cause.
Scott Ritter before becoming an anti-Hamas Axis shill
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The Axis is such a non-serious actor that they scolded Abu Obeida right after October 7 because he used the term “Arabian Gulf” in a speech 🤣.
The affirmation seeking brigades never cease to amaze.
Abu Obeida: “the Arabian gulf…”
Iran: “Let’s keep it together guys, this does not necessary mean Hamas is a hostile entity to Iran now, surely it wouldn’t affect our support to them because…” 🤦🏻
Maybe the incessantness by Axis-accounts to conflate the Palestinian cause with their own agenda stems from the fact that Palestinians, and specifically Gazans, oppose injustice everywhere, from all hegemonies, including Iran’s.
The moment the ceasefire took affect Gazans began chanting:
“Syria and Gaza are free!
Syria and Gaza are one hand!”
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Abu Obeida : *gives 20 minutes speech to the Palestinian people who have just survived the Israeli onslaught and a genocide
Axis shill OSINT accounts:
Abu Obeida: “We thank our brothers in Iran for their support of the resistance.”
Can’t tell if this pathological need for validation is woman-like or Jew-like 🤡
Just a reminder of what we said before. Hezbollah was asked multiple times by Hamas to escalate when it mattered most, but instead Hezbollah thought it could whither the storm if it kept its head in the sand. Instead what happened was Hezbollah was effectively destroyed and neutered anyways all without really fighting.
They could have given themselves a better negotiating position like Hamas when they demanded pre-Oct7 maps which Israel was forced to accept all while politically losing in every front. What Hezbollah got was a total surrender due to the enactment of UN 1701, the empowerment of the Lebanese army at the cost of Hezbollah’s influence, and a political defeat after losing both the presidency and Prime Ministership, and now no weapons route due to its misadventures in Syria.
Turns out cowardice doesn’t delay the inevitable, it just accelerates it.
Former Iranian diplomat, Mohammad Adeli, describe Iran’s cooperation with the U.S. in invading Afghanistan as well as how Iran created Iraq's sectarian quota system, Muhasasa.
Good old stolen valor 😌
What proxy forces? We don’t have proxy forces. We only give “moral support.”
-Javad Zarif, Iran’s Vice President of Strategic Affairs
*The Lion of Damascus*
"There is no such word as normalization for us...[We want] ordinary relations...Just like any relations between any two countries. There are embassies, relations, agreements... relations can be warm or cold...So we simply call it ordinary relations"
Thanks for the long winded explanation of what normalization is...