Мир сегодня с "Юрий Подоляка"
Мир сегодня с "Юрий Подоляка"
Николаевский Ванёк
Николаевский Ванёк
Николаевский Ванёк
Николаевский Ванёк
Лёха в Short’ах Long’ует
Лёха в Short’ах Long’ует
Gabbi Choong avatar
Gabbi Choong
Gabbi Choong avatar
Gabbi Choong
“It began with the Knights Templar & Priory of Sion during the first crusade - late 11th century. After this we have seen the birth of dozens of chivalric orders, which are all .. connected to Templars…these orders are like subsidiary companies of the Knights Templar. It's the same super rich & influential families behind all of them..”

“Nazis called themselves the New Templars. Many high ranking Nazis or Nazi collaborators, including Hermann Göring, Heinrich Himmler & Franz von Papen, were members of the Knights of Malta. Some openly, some secretly. Hitler always wore his German iron cross from WW1, which is a Maltese cross

One of their creations is the Red Cross

Acts of philanthropy spell the masses & provide cover for their evil ops & rituals

Templars are the control structure for other cults. In Aus they are deeply infested in state systems; psych, therapy & retreats to silence & reprogram whistleblowers

The 8 pointed star Ishtar ☸️= their power is the Queen of Heaven

Alchemy is elemental witchcraft. They take Gods creation, seperate & define it in false magikal terms to trick & deceive the masses. Witchcraft is a false layer over reality

The Baphomet doctrine, Freemasonry, Alchemy & Kabbalah -Jewish Mysticism; each embrace the fusion of man & woman as the 'perfect specimen'

You can see the acceptance programming spewing out from Mason & Rosacrucian fronts that promote ideas like “Jesus was a psychic”, the kundalini is the Holy Spirit from God & Christ consciousness

This all leads into the ‘light side’ & their coming new Atlantis = public acceptance of cult doctrine & rituals

A cunning deception. Far from kept secret, it’s broadcast by the New cAge & fake church fronts

The original lie; That humans might make themselves into gods

The sell is ‘secret knowledge’ of how to ‘ascend’ & become ‘enlightened’

In truth it’s worshipping self and Lucifer, & opening many doors to demons

May God’s Spirit of Truth ❤️‍🔥 burn away all the lies of witchcraft

‘Behavioural issues’ like schizophrenia, addictions & autism are common covers that bloodlines use to conceal the truth. These are often a response to unremembered & suppressed trauma

“There are many dangers to the human race, some real & some imagined. I believe trauma-based mind control is the greatest danger to the human race. It gives evil men the power to carry out any evil deed totally undetected

Without the ability to carry out this sophisticated type of mind-control using MPD, drugs, hypnosis, electronics & other control methodologies, they would fail to keep their dark evil deeds secret

They have managed only to keep it a secret to the public. They have not been able to completely cover-up the millions of wasted lives that their programming has ruined. For many years, they were able to shut-up & quietly discard their programmed multiples by labelling them Paranoid Schizophrenics, but therapists are now correctly identifying these people as programmed multiples”


Premiering now ❤️‍🔥
The HEX agon symbolises mind control programming through the upper kabbala tree🌳

The HEX-agon is a 2D black cube🕋 symbolic of mental slavery & mass mind control

The HEXagon is the inside of the Star of Remphan symbol, appears in many religions, New Age Metatron & the flag of Israel 🇮🇱

These shapes are portals for summoning spirits

Stars are used in witchcraft to symbolise stealing souls/destinies, ‘stealing stars’

It’s all worship of ancient gods/goddesses;
The fallen angels that taught these magik practices, worship of self, idolatry & rebellion

Rephan is the Babylonian name for the god of the planet Saturn

When God scattered & divided languages & groups post Babylon, symbols became their new universal language

Healing starts with the sacred work of cleaning our lives & bloodlines of iniquity, standing for God’s truth & creating communities of support

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord’ Joshua 24

Judgement is coming for all

More on the Star of Rempham

We have been under the spell that this hand gesture has anything to do with ‘Peace’

It was rereleased in the early 1960s by ‘Hippie Peace’ movement. This movement was used to disrupt a very successful & threatening organic move against the military by the people. It’s not good for business when the Jesuit war machine is called out for it’s bloodthirsty mass rituals so it needed to be squashed & diverted

Bring in free LSD & music festivals like Woodstock; which were mass social reprogramming operations based on MK ultra techniques read more here

The Occult Meaning Of The ‘V Sign’ Or The Peace Symbol comes from a witchcraft rune

The same symbol was depicted in Leonardo DaVinci’s Vitruvian Man. Da Vinci was a Knights Templar more here

Today trigger words of ‘Golden Age’, Age of Aquarius & decades of New cAge programming controlled by the Vatican, are deceiving millions into false light that is sugar coated satanism

Royal Arch Masonry is open only to Master Masons & prides itself on being the ‘culmination of ancient masonry’

When we look at the initiations it’s the same ancient gods that were worshipped in Egypt that fuel their desire for manipulation, domination & control = witchcraft

The arch is the symbol of the goddess, the Queen of Heaven. She is the kundalini, the false Holy Spirit that takes over the spine as the adepts become ‘illuminated’

Their Zodiac & Satan’s false calendar with all the ritual days masked as holidays is part of mass acceptance programming under these fallen beings

We see these same symbols prominently in society today as Freemasonic doctrine is propagated over the masses via the New cAge with endless ‘self development’ initiations that covenant the individual to these same wicked gods. Self serve mind control

Their planned ‘golden age’ of peace & freedom is openly bringing back these gods. They have been very successful disguising the wicked as false ‘light’

Ancient Gnostics believed this world was a counterfeit created by an ignorant & flawed god known as the Demiurge. They believed the Demiurge trapped our spirits in this false reality & it was up to us to free ourselves from it using gnosis or secret knowledge. If we didn’t succeed in doing so, we would be forced to reincarnate & start again

Simulation theory, echos these same sentiments. Scientists & philosophers claim we may be living in a giant computer or virtual reality

AI acceptance programming

The cube represents this false reality being simulated in giant quantum computers. D Wave’s quantum computers are giant black cubes. These machines reach into parallel universes for info & to find solutions faster. Users include, Google, CERN & NASA

Geordie Rose, founder of D Wave, described his quantum computers to an altar to an ‘alien god’

Saturn & its rings are associated with the ouroboros, the serpent biting its tail, symbolising endless cycles, exactly where they want to keep humanity

“At least half of the therapists helping Monarch slaves are programmed multiples themselves!
The therapeutic community is heavily infiltrated. The help lines for women in crisis are all dirty. Some of the Christian groups that claim to help SRA victims are really fronts.”

Beyond Blue has been called out as a front to silence survivors. Here’s the past leaders..
The fish rots at the head

“There is a file containing serious child sex offences (against boys) by Jeff Kennett, but because of his enormous power in Victoria, the police would not act on it.
It was also alleged that Jeff Kennett intentionally abused the boys in unusual situations (for example, in a helicopter) so that if it ever got out, the boys' testimonies would seem unbelievable.“
Reina Michelson

Hillary Clinton’s puppet & now chairing a pharmaceutical company joining forces with Google in quantum computing for digital technologies, AI & machine learning called Wellcome

In witchcraft the symbolism of KNOTS revolves around
the idea of binding, the joining of opposites & securing things to protect something

Spiritually knots & cords are used to oppress

Always made of red stone, the Knot of goddess Isis was a stylized representation of the goddess' genitals. Almost every woman carried this amulet in order to be granted all of Isis’ wisdom & knowledge

Demon of witchcraft, Jezebel has 5 cords that oppress;

1. Occult spirits
2. Compromise (idolatry) through ignoring Your discipline and not having respect for You
3. Immorality and idolatry
4. Domination, intimidation & manipulation = witchcraft
5. False religion

The Triple Goddess Symbol of witchcraft is the Triquetra Wicca Celtic Knot

Knot magic was well known in Egypt from an early period: in an inscription in one of the pyramids states, “Isis & Nephtys work magic on thee Osiris with knotted cords”

John 11:44 Jesus said to them: Untie him and let him go

Amanda Buys renouncement prayer here ❤️‍🔥

Premiering now ❤️‍🔥
The theosophical society is a key part of the New cAge

“In 1926, the Theosophical Society founded one of Aus first public broadcast radio stations 2GB. Named after Hermetic occultist Giordano Bruno. Initially operating out of The Manor, 2GB promoted the Theosophical Society, Freemasonry, Eugenics, racism & anti-Christian sentiment

‘Big Tim, Little Tim’ documents Tim Roy’s experiences of ritual rape committed by multiple 2GB radio announcers including Gordon Moyes, who committed suicide while under police investigation and Alan Jones, whose television appearances were momentarily suspended during police inquiry.” Fiona Barnett

Find full video Breaking The Ritual Spell, Sex Magic, Kabbala Tree & Pedos Downunder

Drumpf “attended the Daytona 500 for the 2nd time as president (first 2020) & once again did a lap in the presidential state car "The Beast" (peculiar name) before the race”

“Trump's granddaughter who rode with him on "The Beast" was wearing a rainbow on her dress & red shoes. (Mind control, SRA, The Wizard of Oz, Satanism)” read more

There are so many triggers here to activate unhealed survivors. Many who do not remember their true life history - known as ‘sleepers’ they are still ‘asleep’

Red tie - draw beta slaves & have them see Donald as a ‘father’ figure

White dress symbolic of sacrifice & satanic rituals - think ‘toga’ party

For anyone still promoting this Jesuit hybrid as a human saviour, know it is leading survivors into a trap & reprogramming

These triggers are to activate survivors into causing mass unrest & destruction. Mind control slaves will be used for false flags

Trump, 'Champion of the Noahide Laws' has called for the death penalty for "antisemites" 2018

I h s

These initials are for the names of the gods of the pagan Egyptian trinity;
Isis (the Mother goddess & "Queen of Heaven"), Horus (the deified Child) & Seb (the Father of the gods)

Crowley described this New Age, as the Aeon of Horus, where their Pheonix rises from ashes, birthed by the goddess

The Vatican & New cAge run are the same belief system, seen in the Star of Rempham & metatron ✡️

The Jesuits worship the Queen of Heaven in all their rituals & initiations

On a Roman Catholic crucifix, it reads:
/. N. R. I.

In the extreme oath of the Jesuits, it has a special meaning. I. N. R. I. means:

Translated into English I. N. R. I. means ... 'It is just to exterminate or annihilate impious or heretical kings, governments or rulers.'

The crucifixion of Jesus brings forgiveness & life, but the crucifix is a Jesuit symbol for vengeance & death."
Alberto Rivera, Ex-Jesuit

From Vatican Assassins - Eric Phelps
Read here

Jesuit renouncement prayer here

The word “curse” :arar, means “to bind with a spell, to hem in with obstacles, to render powerless, to resist, to make infertile.”

A curse is the favour of God turned away from us

This is the Queen of Heaven. She is the Kundalini & AntiChrist spirit. The highest levels of witchcraft, Mothers of Darkness, Druid council, Templars & Jesuits use this principality to power their wickedness

She is the false Holy Spirit keeping humanity lost in endless satanic cycles, represented by the Ouroboros; snake eating it’s tail
= the infinity curse

Venus; Another name for the goddess displays the shell programming

The triangle at the top is Lucifers all seeing eye

The sparkling dust coming out of the triangle is symbolic of energy coming from rituals being run concurrently around the world is distributed for their evil operations. All stolen from humanity

Prayer renouncement Queen of Heaven ❤️‍🔥 here

QOH video & renouncement here

Noah’s AntiChrist deliverance video here

You are being asked to choose Jesus or the world. There is no having both

The world will keep you enslaved with many lies & varieties of sin; pride, guilt, shame, doubt, rejection, victimhood.. it’s an endless list, all based on moving your soul away from God

Of all of these sins, pride seems to be the invisible.. fatal wound. Pride gives no warning & conceals truth

While deceived, people don’t know they are being deceived

It takes prayer to ask God to reveal our blind spots & courage to face them

The bible tells us many will follow the whore of Babylon. The evil Jesuit world system, who enters our lives when we choose the world over God’s truth

Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him
1 John 2:15-18

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will
Romans 12:2

Premiering today in 3 hours❤️‍🔥

Uncovering the programming used in the Tree of Death, also known as the Kabbala Tree

With more information we are able to be more targeted in our prayer & so break off more spiritual bondage❤️‍🔥

This is Part 2 of Amanda Buys Renouncement prayer for the Kabbala Tree and a demonstration of 'parts time' or reintegration time with God


Here is the link to Kanaan Ministries website and the Renouncement Prayer. ✅ https://www.kanaanministries.org/kanaan_downloads_restoration_bride_messiah/download-info/sodomy/

Swift called it a ‘Tortured Poets section’ of the Eras Tour or Female Rage The Musical

Triggers are being used to raise up princess parts in survivors for reprogramming. These initial splits contain the deepest attachment wounds; betrayal, abandonment, rejection, grief. These emotions are weaponised by demons & nephilim to control the slave

These wounded little parts put to sleep as children. Their suffering is felt but never understood until survivors begin healing & reintegration

Aurora is also known as Briar Rose - the Rose being the symbol of the Rosacrucians

High level witches on the public stage are activating sleepers - unremembered survivors; triggering programmed witchcraft parts

Witchcraft programs are based on the rage, rebellion & idolatry that comes out of deep (often daddy) wounds. This severe hurt keeps parts loyal to Satan

When we allow God to heal us, these programs are destroyed

Take courage, daughter," He said, "your faith has healed you
Mark 5:34

"Whenever people need a hero, we shall supply him," Albert Pike 33 Degree Mason

These are a couple of examples of how even when you begin to break free from the mainstream narrative, the cults have went ahead to set up a way to catch the “free thinkers”

In truth there’s no free thinking required. It’s mass acceptance propaganda released through alternate pathways like alternate media & alternate therapy

The circle = witchcraft
The triangle = Lucifers all seeing eye

This symbol is Royal Arch Crown Masonry under the Grand Lodge of England, is open to;
“Anyone who has been a Master Mason of two years” read

Bloodline bred assets for the world stage are initiated as children & Putin is ‘former’ KGB

Putin expose starts at 15mins here ✅ Thanks Jake for sharing

Freemason Bill W was set up with ‘founding’ AA
The cults use the institution of AA for reprogramming & as a recruiting ground

Put not your trust in princes, in a son of man, in whom there is no salvation
Psalm 146:3

Public messaging/propaganda uses the latest insights into “Neuro Linguistic Programming” NLP along with “Nudge Theory” to actively change people’s thoughts & behaviour without their conscious knowledge or consent

This new age of trance warfare & mass hypnosis to modify behaviour was spearheaded by 5Eyes in 2010 establishing the Behavioural Insights Team by top echelons of the UK network.

NLP was sold to us as a system for transforming behaviour by reframing a patient’s “meta-model”, their linguistically-formed maps of reality.

The military intelligence dual use of NLP is to mesh human maps with SMART grids & AI - their Meta

Social engineers are able to directly trigger & steer the various automatic processes found in trance states without people’s conscious knowledge or consent. These techniques involve using NLP “framing” techniques, targeting natural “defaults” in the human decision-making process, using “cues,” “priming,” leveraging authority & the many “shortcuts” taken by the mind

Babylon became the Roman Empire and it never fell

The Mass of the Phoenix (technically called Liber XLIV or 44) is a eucharistic ritual written by Aleister Crowley, which first appeared in The Book of Lies, Chapter 44, in 1913. The Mass of the Phoenix is an official ritual of the A.'.A.'.

Crowley's secret name in the OTO was supposed to have been 'Phoenix'

The same ‘rising’ Phoenix is used by the Jesuits, Knights Templar & Freemasons

The Phoenix is also prominent in the New cAge as a symbol of ‘rebirth’ & ‘transformation’ which is code for human 2.0 that the cults are installing using tech, frequency, demons & witchcraft

The red dot above the head in Egypt was ‘enlightenment’ via spiritual bondage to fallen beings like Isis, Horus & Set
Today its new label is ‘ascension’ but it’s the same ancient evil

The eagle = the Phoenix & we see it prominently in the USA & on their currency

The 2 headed bird was Constantine’s symbol of control by church & state. Fitting for these times read

When we declare out loud God’s word over ourselves, our families & loved ones; It protects, it strengthens, it changes us from the inside out

The last few weeks have been heavy for many interceding over communities or their own parts. I find these are a beautiful way to rest in God & reflect on God’s promises for us❤️‍🔥
Especially helpful when my eyes are to tired to read

No weapon formed against you shall prosper,
And every tongue which rises against you in judgment
You shall condemn.
This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord,
And their righteousness is from Me,”
Says the Lord

Never forget two thirds of heaven are fighting for us🔥


Uncovering the programming used in the Tree of Death, also known as the Kabbala Tree

With more information we are able to be more targeted in our prayer & so break off more spiritual bondage❤️‍🔥

This is Part 2 of Amanda Buys Renouncement prayer for the Kabbala Tree and a demonstration of 'parts time' or reintegration time with God

Here is the link to Kanaan Ministries website and the Renouncement Prayer. ✅ https://www.kanaanministries.org/kanaan_downloads_restoration_bride_messiah/download-info/sodomy/


Even with Godly ministers, it’s tempting for survivors desperately seeking healing & deliverance to move into idolatry. After a lifetime of abuse, lies & deception, survivors are tempted by the enemy to lose seeking God first

Then there are countless witches & warlocks fronting as ‘help’ & offering prayer & deliverance

One red flag for me is these wolves charging 200-300USD for prayer

If God wants to lift up someone to heal or deliver His children, He will provide complete provision

God’s word says NOT to charge for what was freely given. Why would such an excessive charge be needed if God was providing for & supporting the work?

Instead I’ve seen these bogus charges being used to curse & covenant survivors into accepting witchcraft attacks & soul captures. If you have been deceived & paid a charlatan, false healer or listened to & believed them; Ask God for forgiveness, pray for Him to strengthen our discernment & break off all bondage from the transaction

As Noah Hines shares in this deliverance video; “You don’t know when you are being deceived”
Pray and ask, “God if there is something in error, some area where I’m being deceived, someone I am following that is not of God, please reveal it to me.”

May God’s truth set us free ❤️‍🔥

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