
๐ถ๐ป๐ฝ:๐ท๐ถ:๐ท๐ถ | "Mark the flight of an arrow from the hands of a bowman. It flies from the bent bow; time passes, then it finds its mark. But to Me, the arrow leaves the bow and strikes the mark together. Distance, time and change are not with Me. Once I, your God, was not apart from man, My offspring. Now I am veiled from his sight, not because I have willed it so, but because man has chosen to bring this about. The barrier between us grows ever more dense, as man wantonly spurns his birthright; henceforth, it may be penetrated only by long and arduous preparations, and even then those who would do so must know the key. I come to you, not because of your preparations but because your God is ever ready to incline towards men. Though there is this barrier between us, it is not impervious to the sincere prayers of a pure heart. This, men should know. As for you, your days are numbered, you are now no more than the basket holding the seeds, which will be strewn and sown by another hand. Many things of which I have spoken are not for the ears of men, for such knowledge, freely bestowed, would not benefit them. Other things are beyond their present understanding; let these, therefore, be recorded unto the generations of men yet unborn. Men are now as children and must learn again as children, being taught childish tales."
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๐ถ๐ป๐ฝ:๐พ:๐พ | "Wise were our fathers in olden times, and wiser our fathers' fathers. Whence came their wisdom? Did it not come from the Great God, who holds the key to the meeting place of the two kingdoms, which now stand apart? Who lifted the lofty vaults of Heaven and spread Earth out in wide expanse?"


๐ถ๐ป๐ฝ:๐ท๐ถ:๐ฟ | "Men have said, as they will say throughout the ages, 'Why, if God be almighty, can He not create perfection immediately? Why does He not create beings having the knowledge of divine love forthwith? Why have Earth, with all its trials and tribulations?' Know this; what appears to you as ages in time is, to me, but a flash of thought in a moment of eternity. I breathed in, the hosts of earths and the spheres were not. I breathed out and the hosts of earths and spheres were. I breathe in, and they are no more. All things exist within the Eternal One and that which men know as the span of time is the act of creation."
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๐ถ๐ป๐ฝ:๐ป:๐ท๐บ | Now, the men of blood were grim men of battles, strangers to soft beds and the gentle ways of women, but some among them were the companions of Nintursu during the first days of her motherhood. Also, there was one whose father had been a worshipper at the Temple of the Seven Enlightened Ones before it was abandoned by all who followed the king. There were those who murmured, saying, "This is a task for those in high places, who speak with honeyed tongues and carry concealed knives that stab in the back, this is not for fighting men."

๐ถ๐ป๐ฝ:๐ท๐ถ:๐พ | "You call upon Me as the Father of the Gods, nor do you err in this. Yet I am the Hidden God, the God of Secret Manifestation, the Wronged God, the Betrayed God, the Disappointed God. I am the God who sought to give love Divine to men by making them My heirs, making them partakers of divinity, co-creators with Me. But men spurn their birthright, not through wickedness alone, but through their weakness and love of pleasure. Therefore, the love once offered cannot now be displayed in all its glory; it cannot be revealed in its beauty; it must now be leavened with severity and chastisement. This, so that those who are the inheritors of divinity may return to it with undiminished powers, but purged of their weaknesses and love of unprofitable pleasure. This you should know, that men may know: Divinity of itself is not a created thing and cannot be bestowed as a gift. It comes as the crown of achievement. I, the Almighty God who, by taking thought can create ten thousand worlds, say this."
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๐ถ๐ป๐ฝ:๐ป:๐ท๐ธ | Now, Nintursu was not delivered of the child when they came to the boundary of the land, so they camped there, and in the days that followed, men went out to spy. The captain was a man skilled in war and courageous; a man of many battles, and Nintursu spoke often with him. But between her and the chamberlain few words were spoken.

๐ถ๐ป๐ฝ:๐บ:๐ท๐ธ | Upon the mountain and in the mountain homes, there was weeping and sadness among the women. Fields were untilled, and cattle strayed away, sheep went unplucked. The best craftsmen were gone, and few remained willing to learn their skill, the teachers of learning taught no more. The gnarled hand that had wielded the sword and terrorised the foe now plucked the strings of psaltery and lyre. The rough jerkins and corselets were cast off, and now garments were of fine linen dyed purple and crimson. Men arrayed their softening bodies in gaudy attire and bathed in scented waters. They rejected their own women for those of the cities whose hands and feet were stained with bright colours and whose faces were marked with blue
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๐ถ๐ป๐ฝ:๐พ:๐ฟ | Daydee said, "Does it matter, whether it was this God or that? Your God or mine? Suffice it was some god, named or unnamed. These are labyrinthine arguments unsuited to those to whom time is precious."
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๐ถ๐ป๐ฝ:๐ป:๐ผ | The following night the king was disturbed by the same dream. Therefore, knowing he had received an omen, upon his arising he hastened to send a messenger to the Temple of the Stargazers. Two wise men came and he told them concerning his dream, requesting that they read its meaning. Having heard the words of the king, they thereupon left, going away to consult The Book of Heaven to discover what was written in the future concerning such a matter. In two days they returned, coming in unto the king as he sat within the hall of judgement, and they bowed before him saying, "Woe unto us your servants for what we have to say, for thus it is written. One is to be born of a woman, whom you have ravished, and he will be a slayer of kings, a destroyer of temples and a contender with the gods. He is one born to be great among men, and his hand will be against you."

๐ถ๐ป๐ฝ:๐บ:๐ท๐ท | None came to do battle with the victors, for they who had fought for the gods had destroyed themselves, and in the fullness of time the victors, too, were destroyed by the fleshpots, by fornication and drunkenness, by ease and luxury. Their fighting strength and valour departed with the passing years; they grew fat and slothful. They who had come down in manly array to fight and win, who could not be challenged in battle by the lesser men of the plains, were eaten up by the mansions of pleasure, in the drinking booths, with music, wine and fine linen.
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