I wanted to write about how in reality, no one really cares about you as a man. We all have problems to deal with, money to make, stress, mental issues etc. We get anxious, mad, sad, stressed, depressed, hyper sexual, tired, worn out almost to the point of giving up and some guys to actually give it all up which I do not agree with. We deal with all this and no real way to release all of these feelings and thoughts. We have no one to call because no one cares.
They care to a point I guess and that point is when your problems become theirs and that is what they are avoiding. Only kids, women and animals are loved unconditionally. Not men, love for a man is conditional. We have to check many boxes in order to get real love from someone and if those boxes start to get checked less and less often, the love disappears.
I am not trying to blackpill you with this, I am trying to free your mind. When you go through life with the knowledge that no one really cares, it frees you, it lifts a load off of your shoulders. This load is the weight of your thoughts constantly buzzing around about the worry list you have. It frees you to see what is really important to you, it lets you focus your energy in the right direction, it shows you who in your life put good energy into you thus you know who to give good energy back to.
Giving your energy to things that don’t make you happy kills your spirit and make a man that is dead inside with a sick mind and body.
When we have no one to talk to, we stuff things down inside and they can bubble up at times. When we have a sick mind and body, we let more things get to us, we let stuff live in our heads, we don’t let things go, we lose our perspective which leads to more bad decision making, we can’t recognize the good people worth our good energy.
Self reflection and asking questions can help you keep the proper perspective on things and where to channel that energy.
Be free Gentleman.