Herb of the Month Club's featured herb for this time of the year is Yarrow!
Yarrow is a must-grow for me for so many reasons.
1. She's a US native, so no matter how mad you are that she's pushing out your petunias, we love that for her.
2. She's incredibly protective in so many ways, both physically and energetically.
3. She's terribly versatile, extracted easily into alcohol, water, oil, witch hazel, glycerin, or just applied fresh
I can go on and on...and I do in a 15 minute long video in Herb of the Month Club and my 10-month online herbal intensive since there's way more to say about Yarrow than I can fit into a 30 second video! 👇👇👇
🚨Chuck Schumer on DOGE: "The American people will not stand for an un-elected secret group to run rampant through the executive branch. Being innovative is good, but Mr. Musk, this isn't a tech startup. These are public institutions."
🍀All people today know medical pills are all made up of chemicals and full of side effects, but they still take them for their bad health conditions. They also know many medical plants are available to cure their health illness, but lack of knowledge, they cannot get them.
🪴The world is too fast, and everyone is working hard to earn money, ignoring their health care. They realize it when they get older, but it’s too late.
🌱Several plants have medical treatment abilities, so pharmaceutical companies don't reveal them to the public. Thanks to the Medicinal Garden Kit , who reveals everyone can grow the 10 most strong medical plants in their garden or backyard. They can use these plants as a daily diet or consume them for their health disorder. It can save thousands of dollars and treat them naturally without zero side effects.
Pfizer Will Not Give mRNA Shots To Countries Where They Face Legal Liabilities For Side Effects
"Pfizer has been hesitant to go into some of the countries because of the liability problems, they don’t have a liability shield." - World Bank President David Malpass
So safe that Pfizer won't give it to you if you can sue them for adverse reactions❓
The COVID shots pushed on billions of people could only be released under a special Emergency Authorisation, which could only happen if there were no other treatment options.
So, what did they do? They let people die and suppressed treatments to make way for a “vaccine.”
“The audacity of the crime was shocking” ~ Dr David Martin