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Shadowman311's Manic Musings avatar
Shadowman311's Manic Musings
Shadowman311's Manic Musings avatar
Shadowman311's Manic Musings
I am calling for a TOTAL morritorium on British people until we figure out what the fuck is going on
It was all a dream, he was never real
What an incredible typo that I just now realized I made, for posterity I will claim that's intentional
One of Neoliberalism's biggest problems right now rhetorically is that all of its talking points have been thoroughly refuted by both sides of the political spectrum, yet the average shitlib adherent simply states their opinions and talking points as if they are entirely novel and are being said for the first time.
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I can't believe George Floyd was on Epstein Island
I kept trying to open up an image I attached to an email and the photo viewer kept glitching and defaulting to this image so for several minutes I was on the verge of a panic attack because I thought I attached this by mistake to a serious email
I'm genuinely starting to forget what VD Vance actually looks like
Shitlibs hold 2 conflicting views of "art" that is suffocating to any attempt made by them to voice either position, on one hand, they maintain that "modern art" like Euphoria, Big Mouth, any stupid flat color canvas 20 morbillion dollar painting, stuff like that. Hold an endless number of ways to perceive them, despite whatever the creators' opinions on it actually are, with the only "incorrect" perception of this objectively bad art being to simply state that it is bad, gross, maliciously subversive, etc.

Meanwhile, they hold that for certain movies/tv shows/IP's like Starship Troopers, 40k, certain other outlier movies, that those have only ONE correct interpretation, either being the creators opinion, or the opinion of someone who was tangentially related to the project who is extra vocal in ways they like.

This conflict in their opinions is, at this point, pretty much fully understood by anyone even tangentially related to these sorts of topics and discussions, and is why the media literacy crowd is never taken seriously, and the term itself is tantamount to a slur. Everyone knows they're playing political favoritism and cloaking it in "education".
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PvmpGvng avatar
Seriously, in what world, in what addled mind does it make sense to call the vice president of the US a bitch to his face with cameras all around?
Riddle me this, Batman: what race makes up most H1B's and is the only one who would marry me?
I'm going fucking insane
What is Zelensky smoking that he thinks he can disrespect his only significant ally to his face and still "win" the war he is currently losing?

This meeting was the equivalent of cussing out the principal I don't know what he was trying to accomplish here
Happy third anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine
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