This man needs help. If you're able to offer any monetary assistance, please do so. Prayers much appreciated
Read very carefully, several times, study what this says.
What is LAW?
Where did it originate?
How did we arrive at this “thing” called LAW, that allows someone else to have control over a free man or woman?
Genesis 1: 26-28 God gave me Man, dominion over all three jurisdictions of...
L. =Land, Common, Equity/Property. Love thy neighbor, do no harm.
A. =Air, Ecclesiastical, Trust. To hold sacred for another’s benefit.
W. =Water, Admiralty, Contract. Must meet all 8 elements of a contract.
...This became LAW!
Jurisdiction defined, Juris = right law Diction = Words
The words you use determines the “right law” under which you are in standing.
You must learn the right words!
You can't go to jail in a foreign 'State' or federal so-called "court" without an attorney. This is because the foreign, commercial (State/federal) so-called "courts" are operating in the statutory realm of FICTION and fraud. Someone has to re-present the ALL CAP NAME/ESTATE DECEDENT, the ens legis TRUST ENTITY. It takes a foreign AGENT attorney to do that in a foreign, Article I or Article IV territorial, private administrative tribunal of admiralty and equity.
Three signatures are required on each of three BONDS; the BID, PERFORMANCE and PAYMENT BONDS, State (GSA SF-24, 25, 25(A)).
At the federal level it is the SF-273, SF 274, SF 275.
SF 273, Reinsurance Agreement for a Miller Act Performance Bond (see 28.202(a)(4)).
(i) SF 274, Reinsurance Agreement for a Miller Act Payment Bond (see 28.202(a)(4)).
(j) SF 275, Reinsurance Agreement in Favor of the United States federal corporation.
These are used to get at your Cestui Que Vie Trust!
These gangsters in the crooked courts need three signatures on each of three instruments in commerce. That is three on the Bid Bond (GSA, Standard Form-24), three on the Performance Bond (SF-25) and three on the Payment Bond (SF-25(A)). The Administrator signs first, the prosecutor signs and then the re-presenting attorney signs last.
The foreign AGENT attorney that you hired, "retained" to re-present YOU, signs you up for jail time. You waive all of your UN-a-Lien-able rights you otherwise would have had in a State or federal so-called "court" when you allow an "a-turn-on-me" to represent you as an officer of the corporate court.
You have just gone to the fox who's guarding the hen house.
Attorney = an actor to attorn. To Attorn - to steal from one and turn over to another.
The so-called "judge" will often compel or force you to hire or retain a foreign BAR attorney. In most cases, if you don't pay one, a crooked PUBLIC DEFENDER will step up and re-present your ALL CAPS CORPORATE NAME against your will and without your permission or consent. You must immediately fire him/her for cause of fraud and swindle.
Everything is about status standing and jurisdiction, they must get your Tacit agreement of three things to move forward...
...that you are a citizen, a person and a resident.
Citizen = Employee, alliance/allegiance to
Person = Vessel/Entity/office of/Transmitting Utility
Resident - Someone there temporarily to do business
By the mere use of your Zip Code you live in the Distrct of Columbia and you reside in whatever STATE temporarily to do business.
You have been removed from your private native land.
To force you to accept a "benefit and privilege" of the PUBLIC constitutes "involuntary servitude and peonage". This also violates the Taft Hartley Act of running a closed union SHOP which is a felony act. Neither the Executive Trust Administrators nor the prosecutors inform you that it is only an administrative court (private administrative tribunal) and not a court of de jure law as the 11th Amendment has stripped the Judicial power of hearing matters of law since 1789. That puts them both in dishonor in the performance of their official duties.
If you did not retain a foreign AGENT attorney to re-present you, a foreign AGENT PUBLIC DEFENDER (officer of the corporate court) will be forced upon you, against your will and speak for you as an officer of that private tribunal.
What is LAW?
Where did it originate?
How did we arrive at this “thing” called LAW, that allows someone else to have control over a free man or woman?
Genesis 1: 26-28 God gave me Man, dominion over all three jurisdictions of...
L. =Land, Common, Equity/Property. Love thy neighbor, do no harm.
A. =Air, Ecclesiastical, Trust. To hold sacred for another’s benefit.
W. =Water, Admiralty, Contract. Must meet all 8 elements of a contract.
...This became LAW!
Jurisdiction defined, Juris = right law Diction = Words
The words you use determines the “right law” under which you are in standing.
You must learn the right words!
You can't go to jail in a foreign 'State' or federal so-called "court" without an attorney. This is because the foreign, commercial (State/federal) so-called "courts" are operating in the statutory realm of FICTION and fraud. Someone has to re-present the ALL CAP NAME/ESTATE DECEDENT, the ens legis TRUST ENTITY. It takes a foreign AGENT attorney to do that in a foreign, Article I or Article IV territorial, private administrative tribunal of admiralty and equity.
Three signatures are required on each of three BONDS; the BID, PERFORMANCE and PAYMENT BONDS, State (GSA SF-24, 25, 25(A)).
At the federal level it is the SF-273, SF 274, SF 275.
SF 273, Reinsurance Agreement for a Miller Act Performance Bond (see 28.202(a)(4)).
(i) SF 274, Reinsurance Agreement for a Miller Act Payment Bond (see 28.202(a)(4)).
(j) SF 275, Reinsurance Agreement in Favor of the United States federal corporation.
These are used to get at your Cestui Que Vie Trust!
These gangsters in the crooked courts need three signatures on each of three instruments in commerce. That is three on the Bid Bond (GSA, Standard Form-24), three on the Performance Bond (SF-25) and three on the Payment Bond (SF-25(A)). The Administrator signs first, the prosecutor signs and then the re-presenting attorney signs last.
The foreign AGENT attorney that you hired, "retained" to re-present YOU, signs you up for jail time. You waive all of your UN-a-Lien-able rights you otherwise would have had in a State or federal so-called "court" when you allow an "a-turn-on-me" to represent you as an officer of the corporate court.
You have just gone to the fox who's guarding the hen house.
Attorney = an actor to attorn. To Attorn - to steal from one and turn over to another.
The so-called "judge" will often compel or force you to hire or retain a foreign BAR attorney. In most cases, if you don't pay one, a crooked PUBLIC DEFENDER will step up and re-present your ALL CAPS CORPORATE NAME against your will and without your permission or consent. You must immediately fire him/her for cause of fraud and swindle.
Everything is about status standing and jurisdiction, they must get your Tacit agreement of three things to move forward...
...that you are a citizen, a person and a resident.
Citizen = Employee, alliance/allegiance to
Person = Vessel/Entity/office of/Transmitting Utility
Resident - Someone there temporarily to do business
By the mere use of your Zip Code you live in the Distrct of Columbia and you reside in whatever STATE temporarily to do business.
You have been removed from your private native land.
To force you to accept a "benefit and privilege" of the PUBLIC constitutes "involuntary servitude and peonage". This also violates the Taft Hartley Act of running a closed union SHOP which is a felony act. Neither the Executive Trust Administrators nor the prosecutors inform you that it is only an administrative court (private administrative tribunal) and not a court of de jure law as the 11th Amendment has stripped the Judicial power of hearing matters of law since 1789. That puts them both in dishonor in the performance of their official duties.
If you did not retain a foreign AGENT attorney to re-present you, a foreign AGENT PUBLIC DEFENDER (officer of the corporate court) will be forced upon you, against your will and speak for you as an officer of that private tribunal.

Two videos were posted of the same woman being threatened with CPS if she didn't put her child on ADHD medication.
While it has now been discovered, both videos were a skit that riled up angry Mama and Papa Bears, these kind of incidents do indeed happen to families by medical professionals.
To check out her channel on tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@us.respect.life?_t=ZT-8uNguu6jUys&_r=1
While it has now been discovered, both videos were a skit that riled up angry Mama and Papa Bears, these kind of incidents do indeed happen to families by medical professionals.
To check out her channel on tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@us.respect.life?_t=ZT-8uNguu6jUys&_r=1

Reposted from:
The American Sovereign

PSA: If you signed up for Freemanbot last year, you must cancel your bank card because the subscription will renew, and they're not issuing refunds, according to people who have brought this to my attention.
We have received emails from people demanding a refund for the renewals. However, we are not affiliated with Freemanbot, nor do we promote them.
If you need to request a refund or cancellation, message Adam on Telegram at @TheWinningest as people are saying they're not responding to emails or requests to cancel via info@freemanbot.com
We have received emails from people demanding a refund for the renewals. However, we are not affiliated with Freemanbot, nor do we promote them.
If you need to request a refund or cancellation, message Adam on Telegram at @TheWinningest as people are saying they're not responding to emails or requests to cancel via info@freemanbot.com


Women's health message from Barbara O'Neil
The public defender will be the third signature (instead) to have you forced into jail as a mortgage backed security.
Involuntary servitude, slavery and human trafficking are alive and well in the corporate courts at both the State and federal levels.
Your body becomes the "collateral" for the debt you created in the public when you violated a State statute, municipal or vehicular CODE, rule or commercial regulation. In other words, you're going to debtor's prison until the prison bonds mature along with all of the municipal bonds and SECURITIES which were written and floated out into the open market into investment pooling funds.
Remember: an attorney is DEATH in these private tribunals. An "a-turn-on-me" (attorney) is an officer of the corporate commercial court and cannot be there for your good. You will have to pay your way out of the clutches of these gangster, foreign AGENTS by supporting the Bar Association with thousands of FRN'S ($$). I strongly suggest never retaining an attorney. They are only there to take your money (FRN's), sell you out, take your estates, or children and sign you up for prison.
Stay out of their private tribunals!!! The corporate courts are highly predatory and these Administrators are in the habit of enticing you to slavery and stripping you of your God-given, unalienable Rights.
CHAPTER 77 - PEONAGE, SLAVERY, AND TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS Sec. 1583 - Enticement into slavery section 1583.
Those men and women in the silly black robes are not administering justice at all.
They are bankers of private for profit banks, calling themself courts and judges.
They are "all" operating in commerce, for profit and gain to the financial benefit of their retirement accounts. This is an extortion racket and it is a horror story what all these foreign BAR members are doing to the American people. They do not care about YOU!
You must submit your affidavit’s in a court of record as an Affiant.. Then...
An affidavit of who you are, and who your not.
An affidavit of truth and facts, in chronological order
An affidavit of Status standing and challenge of jurisdiction expose the fraud.
You are not... guilty or not guilty (commercial terms) You are Innocent!
You must appear as... Sui Juris, Jus Soli, as a man (or woman), *a living soul.
Standing firmly and belligerently upon your rights, stating that,
I am here by “Special Divine Appearance, informing the court of constitutional due process, demanding for summary judgement presented on the record via my affidavit’s of truth and facts which have been un-rebutted.
“To take away all remedy for the enforcement of a right is to take away the right itself. But that is not within the power of the State.” Poindexter v. Greenhow, 114 U.S. 270, 303 (1885), U.S. Supreme Court; Gelpcke v. City of Dubuque 68 U.S. 175 (1863), U.S. Supreme Court White v. Greenhow, 114 U.S. 307 (1885), U.S. Supreme Court.
*Genesis 2:7. KJV1611
“And I, God, created man from the dust of the earth, and breathed into his nostrils the breathe of life, and man became a living soul.
Involuntary servitude, slavery and human trafficking are alive and well in the corporate courts at both the State and federal levels.
Your body becomes the "collateral" for the debt you created in the public when you violated a State statute, municipal or vehicular CODE, rule or commercial regulation. In other words, you're going to debtor's prison until the prison bonds mature along with all of the municipal bonds and SECURITIES which were written and floated out into the open market into investment pooling funds.
Remember: an attorney is DEATH in these private tribunals. An "a-turn-on-me" (attorney) is an officer of the corporate commercial court and cannot be there for your good. You will have to pay your way out of the clutches of these gangster, foreign AGENTS by supporting the Bar Association with thousands of FRN'S ($$). I strongly suggest never retaining an attorney. They are only there to take your money (FRN's), sell you out, take your estates, or children and sign you up for prison.
Stay out of their private tribunals!!! The corporate courts are highly predatory and these Administrators are in the habit of enticing you to slavery and stripping you of your God-given, unalienable Rights.
CHAPTER 77 - PEONAGE, SLAVERY, AND TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS Sec. 1583 - Enticement into slavery section 1583.
Those men and women in the silly black robes are not administering justice at all.
They are bankers of private for profit banks, calling themself courts and judges.
They are "all" operating in commerce, for profit and gain to the financial benefit of their retirement accounts. This is an extortion racket and it is a horror story what all these foreign BAR members are doing to the American people. They do not care about YOU!
You must submit your affidavit’s in a court of record as an Affiant.. Then...
An affidavit of who you are, and who your not.
An affidavit of truth and facts, in chronological order
An affidavit of Status standing and challenge of jurisdiction expose the fraud.
You are not... guilty or not guilty (commercial terms) You are Innocent!
You must appear as... Sui Juris, Jus Soli, as a man (or woman), *a living soul.
Standing firmly and belligerently upon your rights, stating that,
I am here by “Special Divine Appearance, informing the court of constitutional due process, demanding for summary judgement presented on the record via my affidavit’s of truth and facts which have been un-rebutted.
“To take away all remedy for the enforcement of a right is to take away the right itself. But that is not within the power of the State.” Poindexter v. Greenhow, 114 U.S. 270, 303 (1885), U.S. Supreme Court; Gelpcke v. City of Dubuque 68 U.S. 175 (1863), U.S. Supreme Court White v. Greenhow, 114 U.S. 307 (1885), U.S. Supreme Court.
*Genesis 2:7. KJV1611
“And I, God, created man from the dust of the earth, and breathed into his nostrils the breathe of life, and man became a living soul.
School threatens mom with CPS for not putting her son on ADHD medication.
IMPORTANT CONTEXT UPDATE: THIS APPEARS TO A BE SKIT BY https://www.tiktok.com/@us.respect.life?_t=ZT-8uNguu6jUys&_r=1
IMPORTANT CONTEXT UPDATE: THIS APPEARS TO A BE SKIT BY https://www.tiktok.com/@us.respect.life?_t=ZT-8uNguu6jUys&_r=1
After arguing with these apps extensively, it’s obvious they’re created in the Cabal environment because they don’t recognize a living man’s rights in the courts. They purport to understand common law, but don’t really. But you can find ways of doing things in the Maritime system.
However, you won’t find ways of supporting your argument from the perspective of a living being. They will help you understand what documents you need to file, though, based upon what you want to do.
After arguing with these apps extensively, it’s obvious they’re created in the Cabal environment because they don’t recognize a living man’s rights in the courts. They purport to understand common law, but don’t really. But you can find ways of doing things in the Maritime system.
However, you won’t find ways of supporting your argument from the perspective of a living being. They will help you understand what documents you need to file, though, based upon what you want to do.

Elon Musk says there are agencies that need to be entirely deleted as they reduce the size of the Federal government

Children don't just disappear
"Maxims of Law" everyone needs to know.
"Consensus facit legem".
Consent makes the law. A contract is a law between the parties, which can acquire force only by consent of the parties.
"Qui tacet consentire videtur".
A party who is silent appears to consent. (tacit agreement by the silent party)
Non videntur qui errant consentire.
One who errs is not considered as consenting.
Disparata non debent jungi.
Unequal things (Corporation to Living Soul or Living soul to Corporation) ought not to be joined.
"Ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat".
The burden of the proof lies upon one who affirms, not one who denies.
"Incerta pro nullis habentur".
Things uncertain are considered as nothing. (no meeting of the minds)
"Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus".
False in one thing, false in everything. (fraud vitiates everything and there is no statute of limitation)
"Quaelibet jurisdictio cancellos suos habet".
Every jurisdiction has its boundaries.
Law is actually an acronym for (L)and, (A)ir, (W)ater.
These are the 3 Juris of LAW. Diction is the words used in each Juris, hence the word Jurisdiction. Venue is often misused as jurisdiction.
Land is property, what you own.
Air is trusts and wills, for the benefit of another.
Water is commerce, contracts and business.
"Consensus facit legem".
Consent makes the law. A contract is a law between the parties, which can acquire force only by consent of the parties.
"Qui tacet consentire videtur".
A party who is silent appears to consent. (tacit agreement by the silent party)
Non videntur qui errant consentire.
One who errs is not considered as consenting.
Disparata non debent jungi.
Unequal things (Corporation to Living Soul or Living soul to Corporation) ought not to be joined.
"Ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat".
The burden of the proof lies upon one who affirms, not one who denies.
"Incerta pro nullis habentur".
Things uncertain are considered as nothing. (no meeting of the minds)
"Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus".
False in one thing, false in everything. (fraud vitiates everything and there is no statute of limitation)
"Quaelibet jurisdictio cancellos suos habet".
Every jurisdiction has its boundaries.
Law is actually an acronym for (L)and, (A)ir, (W)ater.
These are the 3 Juris of LAW. Diction is the words used in each Juris, hence the word Jurisdiction. Venue is often misused as jurisdiction.
Land is property, what you own.
Air is trusts and wills, for the benefit of another.
Water is commerce, contracts and business.
As long as we continue to allow criminals to act this way toward us we will continue to see this every single day everywhere. Stand up and expose the truth. This will be the only way we can stop this criminality without the violence of war. We are already in a war which the criminal cartel members calling themselves agents of "government" declared on us. Let us use truth and knowledge and peace to end this. Stop consenting to the tyranny.

Over 500 children trafficked by CPS/HHS to a strip club
We are standing up and fighting. Please spread the word.
DOGE to start investigating CPS and the foster care system???? About damn time to 🔥 it the ground and SAVE THE CHILDREN AND TRIBUNALS FOR ALL CHILD TRAFFICKERS!
U.S Citizen = IS Born in a Independent State, Owes permanent allegiance to US, IS A RESIDENT OF DC, an Employee of government, under contract to abide by all rules, codes, statutes, is Bonded and insured at birth.
US National = IS Born outside a independent State but inside a US Territory, Owes permanent allegiance to US, IS A RESIDENT OF DC, an Employee of government, under contract to abide by all rules, codes, statutes, is Bonded and insured at birth.
State Citizen = IS Born in a Independent State, Owes permanent allegiance to A State, IS A RESIDENT OF A State, is an Employee of State government, under contract to abide by all rules, codes, statutes of State is Bonded and insured at birth.
State National = IS Born in a independent State and resides in a independent State. Can be referred to as a resident alien to DC. Agrees to abide and owes allegiance to a republic de jure State and abide by its State constitution. Is guaranteed a republic form of State government. As each independent State agreed in unity and perpetuity to unite under the Declaration of Independence and original constitution 1789 forming a republic is also guaranteed a republic form of government and to be provided with 19 essential governmental service and no more. A State National is a true American a Free man and sovereign under God and owes no allegiance to a corporate de facto government.
US National = IS Born outside a independent State but inside a US Territory, Owes permanent allegiance to US, IS A RESIDENT OF DC, an Employee of government, under contract to abide by all rules, codes, statutes, is Bonded and insured at birth.
State Citizen = IS Born in a Independent State, Owes permanent allegiance to A State, IS A RESIDENT OF A State, is an Employee of State government, under contract to abide by all rules, codes, statutes of State is Bonded and insured at birth.
State National = IS Born in a independent State and resides in a independent State. Can be referred to as a resident alien to DC. Agrees to abide and owes allegiance to a republic de jure State and abide by its State constitution. Is guaranteed a republic form of State government. As each independent State agreed in unity and perpetuity to unite under the Declaration of Independence and original constitution 1789 forming a republic is also guaranteed a republic form of government and to be provided with 19 essential governmental service and no more. A State National is a true American a Free man and sovereign under God and owes no allegiance to a corporate de facto government.
The list of crimes by "government" (mind control) agents acting under…
The list of crimes by "government" (mind control) agents acting under the color of law. We are being "administrated" and are not free in any form whatsoever. We have been enslaved by bankers for pillaging and profiteering.
This is of course public, judicial and constructive notice
self interested deceit
constructive fraud
felony breech of trust
threat and duress
unlawful conversion
theft by unlawful taking or disposition
breach of international treaties
war privateering
press ganging
inland piracy
conscription under force
identity theft
false imprisonment
extortion under color of law
extortion under threat and duress
human trafficking
heinous crimes
armed robbery
accessory to armed robbery
aggravated kidnapping
using mail to extort
fraudulent conveyance of language
reckless indifference resulting in mental anguish
bringing private law into the public
emotional abuse
abuse of office
malicious prosecution
prosecutorial misconduct
unlawfully claiming power of attorney
refusal to address valid claims
commercial feudalism
fraudulent contracting
violation of homestead act
reckless endangerment
held for ransom
using contract law when we are owed common law court of record
bringing false claims for a fictitious plaintiff
treason against lawful government
breech of peace
conspiracy against rights
domestic terrorism
using a bill of attainder
the BAR is a closed union shop so forcing people to only have council that are members of the BAR is a monopoly.
violation of judicial canons
failure to produce a public hazard bond
violation of due process
deprivation of rights under the color of law
practicing law from the bench
lying under oath
having no oath of office
breach of oath
false arrest or warrantless arrest
drug trafficking
chemical warfare via vaccines, chemtrails and fluoride
breaking and entering
assault with a deadly weapon
jury tampering
witness tampering
presumptions with no evidence
semantic deceit
violation of Title Of Nobility Act
extrinsic fraud
fraud upon the court
fraud of process
intrinsic fraud
alienation of affection
fraudulent concealment
hearsay evidence permitted
assumes facts not in evidence
official oppression
aggravated perjury
misappropriation of public funds
using petit juries
practicing without a license (BAR cards are union dues cards)
abuse of prosecutorial discretion
ex parte (talking to judge alone before case which is illegal)
inability to video or audio court cases where crimes are committed.
conspiracy to defraud
Shielding from prosecution (each other)
misuse of alter ego
unbonded summary process
prison bonds (court cases get CUSIP numbers)
Criminal possession of a forged instrument
intimidating a participant in a legal process (contempt of court)
retaliating against a participant in a legal process (contempt)
criminal mischief
receiving stolen property
criminal conspiracy
wanton endangerment
tampering with physical evidence
knowingly exploit adult by person
fraudulent use of social security numbers
legal abuse
denial of due process
tax evasion
abuse of plenary power
invasion of privacy
conflict of interest
practicing medicine without a license when holding someone unlawfully for a competency assessment.
impersonating a public servant
forcing council to be a member of the BAR
emoluments salary and fees from employment or office
collection of unlawful debts
violation of lieber code
respecting of persons
I know there are a lot more. Please share them below so I may add them. Above crimes are worth a lifetime in prison and 100 years ago would have resulted in a common law conviction and a hanging.
The list of crimes by "government" (mind control) agents acting under the color of law. We are being "administrated" and are not free in any form whatsoever. We have been enslaved by bankers for pillaging and profiteering.
This is of course public, judicial and constructive notice
self interested deceit
constructive fraud
felony breech of trust
threat and duress
unlawful conversion
theft by unlawful taking or disposition
breach of international treaties
war privateering
press ganging
inland piracy
conscription under force
identity theft
false imprisonment
extortion under color of law
extortion under threat and duress
human trafficking
heinous crimes
armed robbery
accessory to armed robbery
aggravated kidnapping
using mail to extort
fraudulent conveyance of language
reckless indifference resulting in mental anguish
bringing private law into the public
emotional abuse
abuse of office
malicious prosecution
prosecutorial misconduct
unlawfully claiming power of attorney
refusal to address valid claims
commercial feudalism
fraudulent contracting
violation of homestead act
reckless endangerment
held for ransom
using contract law when we are owed common law court of record
bringing false claims for a fictitious plaintiff
treason against lawful government
breech of peace
conspiracy against rights
domestic terrorism
using a bill of attainder
the BAR is a closed union shop so forcing people to only have council that are members of the BAR is a monopoly.
violation of judicial canons
failure to produce a public hazard bond
violation of due process
deprivation of rights under the color of law
practicing law from the bench
lying under oath
having no oath of office
breach of oath
false arrest or warrantless arrest
drug trafficking
chemical warfare via vaccines, chemtrails and fluoride
breaking and entering
assault with a deadly weapon
jury tampering
witness tampering
presumptions with no evidence
semantic deceit
violation of Title Of Nobility Act
extrinsic fraud
fraud upon the court
fraud of process
intrinsic fraud
alienation of affection
fraudulent concealment
hearsay evidence permitted
assumes facts not in evidence
official oppression
aggravated perjury
misappropriation of public funds
using petit juries
practicing without a license (BAR cards are union dues cards)
abuse of prosecutorial discretion
ex parte (talking to judge alone before case which is illegal)
inability to video or audio court cases where crimes are committed.
conspiracy to defraud
Shielding from prosecution (each other)
misuse of alter ego
unbonded summary process
prison bonds (court cases get CUSIP numbers)
Criminal possession of a forged instrument
intimidating a participant in a legal process (contempt of court)
retaliating against a participant in a legal process (contempt)
criminal mischief
receiving stolen property
criminal conspiracy
wanton endangerment
tampering with physical evidence
knowingly exploit adult by person
fraudulent use of social security numbers
legal abuse
denial of due process
tax evasion
abuse of plenary power
invasion of privacy
conflict of interest
practicing medicine without a license when holding someone unlawfully for a competency assessment.
impersonating a public servant
forcing council to be a member of the BAR
emoluments salary and fees from employment or office
collection of unlawful debts
violation of lieber code
respecting of persons
I know there are a lot more. Please share them below so I may add them. Above crimes are worth a lifetime in prison and 100 years ago would have resulted in a common law conviction and a hanging.

A Biopsy Is Almost A Guarantee Of Cancer Metastasis & Acceleration.
Dr Thomas Lodi, MD
The Needle Biopsy Breaks The Tumor's Seal & Unleashes Cancer Everywhere.
The Problem With The Biopsy Is This. When A Cancer Tumor Is Growing, The Body Contains it Within A Fibrin Sheath.
The Minute That Sheath Is Broken, By The Puncture Needle Of A Biopsy, The Cancer Metastasizes & Spreads. You Break That Seal That Kept It Contained & Now Cancer Is Unleashed.
The Body Does Everything It Can Do To Isolate The Cancerous Tumor From Harming The Rest Of The Body. Disturbing The Fully Intact Tumor Has Deadly Consequences.
Forcing A Histo-Pathological Diagnosis instead of non invasive alternative cancer diagnostic testing is criminal & harmful.
It's part of the sales technique set up by Big Pharma. That diagnosis procedure justifies those particular FDA approved cancer drugs, paid for & contracted by health insurance conglomerates & Doctors claim it's the right thing & the only thing to do.
What Doctors aren't telling you:
*⃣ Research shows these drugs almost guarantee metastasis.
*⃣If you did a biopsy &/or surgery you're going to get metastasis.
*⃣If you do high dose chemotherapy you'll get metastasis.
*⃣If you do radiation you'll get metastasis.
They're Giving You A Short Term Reduction Of The Primary, Achieving Clinical False Remission & In 9 Months The Cancer Returns.
A holistic Oncologist will utilize non invasive diagnostic testing using CT Scans, MRI, Bloodwork Cancer Biomarkers & Thermography.
The tumor can be surgically removed 1st, then biopsied after removal from the body to eliminate unleashing the cancer cells within the body to metastasize.
Or choose to not disturb the tumor at all & instead implement a protocol to shrink & enable the body to eradicate the tumor all together.
This groundbreaking protocol uses Ivermectin, Fenbendazole, Methylene Blue, Fasting, Ketogenic Diet & other proven cancer remission strategies.
There are many ways to diagnose cancer without the risk of spread & acceleration. There are ways to prevent & treat cancer without the risk & harm of Chemotherapy & Radiation.
👇Needle Biopsy Accelerates Cancer👇
👇Seeding Tumor Cells Into Metastasis👇
👇Metabolic Cancer Treatment Protocol👇
Dr Thomas Lodi, MD
The Needle Biopsy Breaks The Tumor's Seal & Unleashes Cancer Everywhere.
The Problem With The Biopsy Is This. When A Cancer Tumor Is Growing, The Body Contains it Within A Fibrin Sheath.
The Minute That Sheath Is Broken, By The Puncture Needle Of A Biopsy, The Cancer Metastasizes & Spreads. You Break That Seal That Kept It Contained & Now Cancer Is Unleashed.
The Body Does Everything It Can Do To Isolate The Cancerous Tumor From Harming The Rest Of The Body. Disturbing The Fully Intact Tumor Has Deadly Consequences.
Forcing A Histo-Pathological Diagnosis instead of non invasive alternative cancer diagnostic testing is criminal & harmful.
It's part of the sales technique set up by Big Pharma. That diagnosis procedure justifies those particular FDA approved cancer drugs, paid for & contracted by health insurance conglomerates & Doctors claim it's the right thing & the only thing to do.
What Doctors aren't telling you:
*⃣ Research shows these drugs almost guarantee metastasis.
*⃣If you did a biopsy &/or surgery you're going to get metastasis.
*⃣If you do high dose chemotherapy you'll get metastasis.
*⃣If you do radiation you'll get metastasis.
They're Giving You A Short Term Reduction Of The Primary, Achieving Clinical False Remission & In 9 Months The Cancer Returns.
A holistic Oncologist will utilize non invasive diagnostic testing using CT Scans, MRI, Bloodwork Cancer Biomarkers & Thermography.
The tumor can be surgically removed 1st, then biopsied after removal from the body to eliminate unleashing the cancer cells within the body to metastasize.
Or choose to not disturb the tumor at all & instead implement a protocol to shrink & enable the body to eradicate the tumor all together.
This groundbreaking protocol uses Ivermectin, Fenbendazole, Methylene Blue, Fasting, Ketogenic Diet & other proven cancer remission strategies.
There are many ways to diagnose cancer without the risk of spread & acceleration. There are ways to prevent & treat cancer without the risk & harm of Chemotherapy & Radiation.
👇Needle Biopsy Accelerates Cancer👇
👇Seeding Tumor Cells Into Metastasis👇
👇Metabolic Cancer Treatment Protocol👇

Reposted from:
The American Sovereign

Notice and warning to all agents and officers of any de facto government entity or agency.
As per my lawful council I retain and reserve all my rights. And through the supremacy clause of the constitution and the declaration of human rights and the ICCPR (International Covenant for Civil and Political rights) all known as Supreme law. Once these treaties are brought into the light you must obey them or face serious consequences.
You are trespassing and depriving me of life, Liberty and my right to be left alone. You're attempting to commit multiple felony crimes under the doctrine of Parens Patriae or en loco parentis. Under both ASFA and Social Security Title 4 you cannot remove a child from a parent without the parents permission.
There will be no acceptance by me of any presumption or assumptions of my status standing and jurisdiction and above all I hereby retain my right to self-determination. I do not consent to anything and I will not sign anything. I am here by challenging jurisdiction. We have no contractual agreement there will be no tacit agreements of me being a citizen, person or resident or subject as I am not. I am an American State National with limited diplomatic immunity and not subject to the false and fraudulent doctrine of Parens Patriae. The state is not the parent of free men and women and I do not consent and mere statues don’t apply.
Warning as per Title 18 USC section 242 you're acting under the color of law and are depriving me of my rights. If you came with another it is a conspiracy to deprive me of my rights and section 241 applies. Both of these and other felonies you are committing.
If you continue I will be forced by you to file criminal and tort charges against you personally in your private capacity. Under title 42 USC 1983 I may sue state or local officials for the deprivation of any rights privileges or immunities secured by the Constitution and these federal laws. Under Bevins vs 6 unknown, unnamed agents of the federal bureau of narcotics I may sue federal officials for the violation of certain Constitutional rights. These crimes carry penalties of up to $200,000 and up to 10 years in prison for each count. I will not submit, contract or consent to any officer agent or order from any administrative court or any private corporate or de facto bar actors and I will treat them as I would any other trespasser. So unless you have a warrant from an Constitutional article 1 or article 3 court that clearly states the exact purpose, place or thing that is backed up by a sworn claim, not a complaint, as anyone can complain about anything, an affidavit or sworn testimony given under oath and the penalty of perjury please leave here immediately. I hereby now plead the 5th.
As per my lawful council I retain and reserve all my rights. And through the supremacy clause of the constitution and the declaration of human rights and the ICCPR (International Covenant for Civil and Political rights) all known as Supreme law. Once these treaties are brought into the light you must obey them or face serious consequences.
You are trespassing and depriving me of life, Liberty and my right to be left alone. You're attempting to commit multiple felony crimes under the doctrine of Parens Patriae or en loco parentis. Under both ASFA and Social Security Title 4 you cannot remove a child from a parent without the parents permission.
There will be no acceptance by me of any presumption or assumptions of my status standing and jurisdiction and above all I hereby retain my right to self-determination. I do not consent to anything and I will not sign anything. I am here by challenging jurisdiction. We have no contractual agreement there will be no tacit agreements of me being a citizen, person or resident or subject as I am not. I am an American State National with limited diplomatic immunity and not subject to the false and fraudulent doctrine of Parens Patriae. The state is not the parent of free men and women and I do not consent and mere statues don’t apply.
Warning as per Title 18 USC section 242 you're acting under the color of law and are depriving me of my rights. If you came with another it is a conspiracy to deprive me of my rights and section 241 applies. Both of these and other felonies you are committing.
If you continue I will be forced by you to file criminal and tort charges against you personally in your private capacity. Under title 42 USC 1983 I may sue state or local officials for the deprivation of any rights privileges or immunities secured by the Constitution and these federal laws. Under Bevins vs 6 unknown, unnamed agents of the federal bureau of narcotics I may sue federal officials for the violation of certain Constitutional rights. These crimes carry penalties of up to $200,000 and up to 10 years in prison for each count. I will not submit, contract or consent to any officer agent or order from any administrative court or any private corporate or de facto bar actors and I will treat them as I would any other trespasser. So unless you have a warrant from an Constitutional article 1 or article 3 court that clearly states the exact purpose, place or thing that is backed up by a sworn claim, not a complaint, as anyone can complain about anything, an affidavit or sworn testimony given under oath and the penalty of perjury please leave here immediately. I hereby now plead the 5th.
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