President Trump is fighting to keep TikTok - it's clear POTUS saw the sense Anons were making in our advocating for him to consider saving it - BUT START USING IT HIMSELF!
THIS was our argument for years now to KEEP TikTok:
From 2017 - 2020 before the TwitLer purges, Anons worked tirelessly for 12+ hours a day, 7 days a week matriculously compiling threads on Twitter, highlighting government corruption the likes of which most people never thought possible - bringing THOUSANDS of subjects from the Deep dark web to the main stage - making it open source for 100,000+ independent online publication journals to use who were paying attention.
In 2019 when Fauci's / ChYna's Covid-19 Bioweapon pLandemic was released, bored TikTok influencers under covid lockdowns who now had tons more free time on their hands - were starting to paying attention to the "conspiracies" we were highlighting here and started to market our Twitter threads - often word for word while using our custom made graphics - to 168 million+ TikTok users who were fast asleep and had no idea we existsed here - many of whom STILL DON'T, helping them gain MASSIVE followings of people seeking Truth.
THOUSANDS of independent journalists on TikTok are still doing this.
The Truth movement we were birthing on the public stage on Twitter spread to TikTok / Instagram / YouTube and The Great Awakening was now being broadcasted to the world.
TikTok reaches MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of EVERYDAY people who are ASLEEP and will NEVER find us here in the Truth Movement on Twitter / Telegram / Truth Social because they aren't looking for the Truth until they become subjected to it and they'll NEVER have a Twitter/𝕏 account UNTIL they "wake up" and decide NOTHING else in Life matters except joining us in the fight to eradicate this evil we're up against - or until TikTok influencers tell them to come to X - many of whom don't because this is the battleground they get their content from.
Said "asleep" citizens is just on lunch break at work or laying in bed at night casually scrolling through TikTok videos when suddenly they swipe into a video of Bill Gates doing a Ted-Talk talking about the world being too overpopulated and that he can "fix that" to reduce the world population through vaccines and reproductive services.
Which causes the viewer's inner monologue to say, "What the HELL did this Gates dude just say?!"
They then "LIKE" the video and the UNIQUE TikTok algorithm starts putting SIMILAR CONTENT into their feed consisting of Truth bombs they've never seen and didn't even know they were supposed to be looking for.
Before they know it, they're accidentally swiping into piles and piles of Red-Pills they weren't even looking for, leading them into a deep inner-standing of government corruption, Big Pharma evil, occulted metaphysics related to biology worshipped by the elites and many other deep rabbit holes.
TikTok is the Chicago bus stop with the ability to reach passer-by's casually walking and as a result, MILLIONS are being subjected to our information and becoming activated to demand change to a system they didn't realize they were enslaved and chained to and our satanic government creating and releasing Covid-19 shut everything down and lock everyone inside activated MILLIONS.
President Trump understands this value.
Welcome to the Great Awakening.
It's a beautiful event unfolding for our species.
Watch what happens next.