The major divide is a abundance thinking versus scarcity thinking. Scarcity is the control freak greedy insanity that plagues so much of the modern world. Abundance is Gods world. There’s no limit to anything. We are here to give God a return on his investment.
Joel Salatin is such a legend. So much of what we benefit from now came from his staring down regulators and monopolies in the 80’s and 90’s. My mom was part of that movement. And I got to see that all they can do is try and scare you and intimidate. But if you do what’s right it always works. Always.
My mom homeschooled my brother back when cops came to our door and threatened to take him. She closed the door on him and said no. He didn’t come back.
People like Joel Salatin and my mom were in a much different world. There was almost no homeschooling, no organic food, very few farmers markets, almost no homeschooling. Breast feeding was seen as bad. It was insane. And so much had improved. It’s inspiring.
When trump put Salatin in the department of agriculture I was cautiously optimistic. I’m much more now. Abundance. I really think things are vastly improving it’s just not always easy to see. The scarcity goblins are thrashing and it will be very painful. There will be a lot of financial pain in the debt markets and the dependent and the fearful will have a very hard time. But spring is here. I can feel it. People are seeing that we aren’t a burden on the earth we are here to steward nature and prune Eden. We are in Gods economy not the devils.
There’s no limit to the abundance that comes from sacrifice, hope, and gratitude. Im very very thankful to be a part of it. It’s a rising spirit.