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Alek Yerbury
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The way that the 'nationalist' sphere is acting in and after the Rupert Lowe/Farage situation demonstrates one thing:

That the leadership rungs of 'nationalism' are an oligarchy of absolute windbags whose only skill is to inflate their own image. They sit like vultures waiting for the person next to them to implode, because the only circumstance in which they are able to appear the 'good' choice is in a total vacuum.

Come and join us at the
National Rebirth Party, and we will create a National Movement which is actually good in its own right, as opposed to one which people will only ever support out of desperation.

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On in 15 minutes
My experience and time in the Army is what will enable me to succeed in creating a workable political movement with the National Rebirth Party, there is no question.

The military is an environment which puts life and death emphasis on integrity, moral courage and discipline, and which punishes fakery, lies and selfishness.

All of my most critical 'contemporaries' in the leadership rungs of 'nationalism' have never been in an environment in which deception, cowardice or laziness brought them personally any real consequences. The consequences are burdened by everyone around them instead. That is why despite continually failing, they cannot comprehend why they are failing or how to fix it.

If they could, they would have already done what my and my comrades are doing, which is working to create a Party which is genuinely good in its own right as opposed to one which is only temporarily good with the assistance of a PR department.
Friday evening, in my capacity as leader of the National Rebirth Party, I will talk about some of the policies and principles that the Nationalist sphere struggles to talk about coherently:

Economic policy, Military Policy, Foreign Policy, Government structure and organisation.
The celebrity (or e-celebrity) strategy also demonstrates issues in those spearheading it. Stuffing a party's upper echelons with people who are notorious as opposed to on the basis of merit or loyalty will inevitably cause problems the moment that party starts winning, and those people are expected to competently carry out duties in public offices or mass administration. Defections and grievous mistakes are bound to follow.

When leaders play out this strategy it demonstrates that they are either stupid and can't see these issues, OR they don't actually care about long-term success at all but rather short-term gain.
Three of our Branches have been active this weekend. Members of our London Branch held a stall in South-East London (pictured). Meanwhile, in Manchester, members of our Branch held a stall in St Anne's Square, Central Manchester. We also had the first meeting of members in our upcoming Cornwall Branch.

Realise our National Agenda by getting involved with the National Rebirth Party TODAY.

Contact these branches directly:

London -

Manchester -

Cornwall - Use

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UNN avatar
Rupert Lowe will either set up a brand new party or join UKIP.

He will likely welcome Tommy Robinson, Ben Habib faction of ex Reform and many social media influencers like Sargon/Paul Thorpe/Jeff Taylor etc.

Then they will all fall out and splinter apart.

Bookmark this tweet.
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Alek Yerbury avatar
Alek Yerbury
Friday evening, in my capacity as leader of the National Rebirth Party, I will talk about some of the policies and principles that the Nationalist sphere struggles to talk about coherently:

Economic policy, Military Policy, Foreign Policy, Government structure and organisation.
This exact same issue is present across the entire legacy 'nationalist' and 'populist' spectrum of parties, with no exceptions.

Parties and people whose ability to create 'hype' far exceeds their ability to live up to it. Power to promote a product far exceeds their ability to make a good product. Power to make promises far exceeds their ability to deliver on those promises.

The endless cycle of generate hype -> become popular -> fail horrendously.

I fully believe now that as far as political parties go, only the National Rebirth Party has the possibility to break this cycle, because our aim is to make a party which is genuinely good in its own right, not just one that looks good online.
I wrote this piece to outline something that only the National Rebirth Party seems to really understand and care about doing within nationalist politics, which is to try and cultivate people who are capable of being trusted and competent as opposed to people who are just notorious or able to shout loudly.
The 'right' has a major problem with celebrity (or e-celebrity) culture.

I've observed this in parties from Reform, to UKIP, to Homeland.

People with a 'following', whether online or otherwise, get fast-tracked into influential positions in political parties as a way of boosting the profile of those parties.

The problem with this is that celebrities will always tend to prioritise their own celebrity over whatever party they join. Which means they will routinely work against the interests of the party (even if indirectly) for their own sake.

Meanwhile, people who are actually totally loyal and hard working, and put the overall cause before themselves, get sidelined.

In the long-term, this is fatal to any kind of organisation. You end up with a leadership cadre where most of the people in it are in it for themselves.
Being trusted with power is like a triangle with three sides: intelligence, competence, and integrity.

Ideally you need all three, but lack of one is workable if the other two are perfected.

Competence - no nationalists have ever been elected or have any track record of holding power so that is out.

Which leaves intelligence and integrity on the table.

So one should ask themselves when approaching a nationalist cause:

Is the person in charge highly intelligent AND a pillar of integrity?

And if the answer is no, then they have no chance of ever being trusted with power.
One of the reasons that I have found 'unity' projects or collaborative efforts with the 'established' nationalist sphere unworkable is because I've found that the 'consensus' of the group, even if well-meaning, is usually very irrational or self-deluding.

The objectives put forward by groups like Homeland, PA, British Democrats, you name it, are usually the right objectives, but the methods and strategies being used to realise those objectives are fatally flawed.

A very good example is the slavish devotion to the 'ladder strategy' (which is the same thing as Homeland's local community politics), despite the fact that nobody who has ever followed this theory has had any success, in 50 years. Another example is the way that 95% of the energy gets expended on branding, optics and marketing in the belief that if you can only make a party LOOK good (online, on a leaflet, at a conference), people will vote for it. Another example is people proposing to remove 10 million people from a country but with absolutely no comprehension of the logistics involved in doing that or how to make it work.

The decision making that I've witnessed in nationalist's leadership circles (and seen in things said) is like watching Hitler in his bunker. The sense of impending (demographic) doom and feeling of helplessness has induced a state of cognitive dissonance in these leaders. They can't recognise the faults in what they are doing because they are so desperately WANTING it to succeed. The reason that it hasn't happened to me, I attribute to my time in the army, where you learn how to deal with stressful situations without becoming irrational.

The reason the irrational decision making is so detrimental is because the fact that it is irrational is very obvious to the average person on the street. A sane person would never vote for a party like Homeland, UKIP, Heritage, etc (even Reform) except in a complete vacuum. Hence why the higher the threshold for winning (constituency vs local vs parish council), the less chance they ever have of winning. Because instead of say, winning by default on a parish council (by virtue of being the only applicant), or winning on a local council (because the voter turnout is so low), to win anything more than that, it means convincing tens of thousands of people in the same area to go along with irrational people. It's not the goals that are irrational, it's the thought processes on display in how to achieve those goals.

The ultimate proof of what I am saying regarding irrationality, is that if you take this argument right here and present it to people who are the leaders of these parties, they will denigrate me, possibly denigrate you, but they won't be able to rationally explain how any of what is being said is actually incorrect.
The singular cause of the Rupert Lowe problem is that Farage (like most populist leaders) is the kind of person whose ability to portray himself as a leader far exceeds his ability to actually BE a leader.

Hence why he can only do 'well' in a complete vacuum. And once someone threatens to fill the vacuum by actually being competent at leadership rather than just hype, that person has to be gotten rid of.

And I also notice all the online shills from across the 'right' buzzing around like flies trying to convince Rupert Lowe to come and join 'their' parties instead. That will never happen. Because Rupert Lowe has a brain cell and will see, just as I do, that these other populist/right-wing/nationalist parties have the exact same leadership deficiencies and fakery as Farage, only WORSE.
Something distinct about the British 'nationalist' sphere is that in the post-BNP era, 'Nationalist' parties are overwhelmingly cults rather than genuine political movements.

The good thing about cults is that they foster an extreme in group preference and community.

The bad thing about cults is that they have no ability to project power, and are always ostracised and isolated from everyone else. This is a fatal problem if your actual objective is political power.

The qualities the average person in society wants in a leader are integrity, good judgement, and a good sense of right and wrong.

Cult environments on the other hand cause people to routinely deceive or exaggerate, say or do irrational things, and develop a twisted sense of right and wrong.

Hence you then end up with a situation whereby your party's objective is to get elected but everyone associated with it becomes completely unelectable.

The only circumstances they can ever win elections, are in the complete absence of even moderately competent opposition. Obviously, that will only ever be by accident.

This will never happen to the National Rebirth Party because we are working to create a genuine mass movement as opposed to a cult, and the way that I and our officers lead it, it will never become like that.
New article on the Party website:

Creating Wartime Nationalists

"I wish to address something within my own strategy, and within the strategy of the National Rebirth Party. It is something that is well understood within the context of war and the military, and something I saw myself during my time in the British Army...The problem of 'peacetime' soldiers and 'peacetime' nationalists"

By Alek Yerbury
Party Leader

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The actual objective of Westminster in Ukraine is, and has always been, never to escalate but simply to perpetuate. It's the same with Gaza.

They have put the war into a sustainably profitable state. Escalation is too risky but peace ends the profit. They do not ultimately want any side to fully win.

You can see this in how, since day one, the West has always given Ukraine just enough materiel to stave off defeat, but never enough to actually turn the tables.

If they wanted to escalate, they would have done it whilst Biden was in the White House, because they knew Trump was likely to defund it.

The ultimate goal is endless proxy war for war profits and not global conflagration which Westminster is aware it couldn't win in its current state.
A few months ago I appeared on UNN ( and specifically discussed the issue of right-wing minor parties slowly turning into replicas of the Conservative Party, whether intentional or not, as they pursue the disaffected (but unrepentant) Tory voter.

Now that this has happened more and more between then and now, and the creep is becoming more evident both within the 'nationalist' sphere as well as the 'alt-right' one, I have agreed to re-appear on UNN tomorrow (Saturday 15th) at 2030 to discuss it once more, and what steps need to be taken to avoid it, since it inevitably leads to the destruction of alternative parties.
Time stamps for those replaying:

0:00 - 20:00 - Economic Policy
20:00 - 32:00 - Military Policy
32:00 - 42:30 - Foreign Policy
42:30 - end - Government and organisation
Final filing today. Bundles are huge, I am going to require a wheeled suitcase to get everything to the court each day of the trial next week. So glad this is finally reaching its conclusion. Litigation is so incredibly drawn out and work heavy. It will be nice to just have the baby, studies and the company launch to worry about.
Hilariously, someone seriously tried to convince me today to go to a Britain First demonstration, despite acknowledging that they considered it a grift.

I wouldn't go if you paid me.

Why would I want to associate with something which is blatantly fake, corrupt and designed to yield profit rather than results? Even if I somehow agreed with something that was being said there, I still wouldn't go.

However, many 'nationalists' would. They would just turn a blind eye to the obvious immorality.

And that is why many nationalists' reputations are in the toilet. And step one to getting out of the toilet is to stop lowering yourself into it.
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For a true, National Community
The main reason I shifted my energy from marches and demonstrations, to Party politics, was NOT because I believe that marches and demonstrations are bad.

It was because I recognised that without any goal, purpose or organisation to actually back them up, marches and demonstrations become these events that are just entertainment for an hour, but lack any long-term value.

There will come a time when the National Rebirth Party will lead such things, but firstly only when there is value in doing it, and secondly when it is done in a way that demonstrates a clear, constructive and ultimately good agenda.
The Party prints a physical magazine, Rise Britannia, which contains articles, letters, submissions from members and supporters, and reports on the activities our Branches have been doing.

Order your copy for just £2 per edition plus delivery (2nd class postage)

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