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Dale H avatar
Dale H
Bendigo event March 15th-16th
Just received a message from Christopher Kay who will be attending on the Saturday, in which will be airing a one time only exclusive snippet of his upcoming movie Anavasi tickets 👇

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Dale H avatar
Dale H
RMDY is doing their 6 month homeopathy course starting in March. Welcome to the Revolution: Ignite the Change

These guys are second to none in what they have created and what they offer. At forefront of the reclaiming health and understanding the layers of how the body works and what it is.

Can use my discount code ‘DALE’ if you’d like to sign up.
Link 👇


To celebrate the next Numerology course starting in 4 days! I’m doing a FLASH Telegram Live (first time everrr) for 1 hour where I’ll be offering FREE mini readings to anyone that shows up!

Join me at 5pm Vic/Syd time !

See you soon!!

What could having a deep understanding of lifepaths do for you?
Well, when you understand the true nature of this number, you give yourself access to understanding the reason your soul incarnated in the first place. It's more than just a combination of numbers, it's quite literally, a blueprint for why and how to live your life. 
For example, I am a lifepath 30/3. I spent so much of my life trying to 'force' an outcome. Trying desperately to seek out business, relationships, my own family's healing, and way too many more things to name. I often felt depleted, exhausted, let down, down-trodden and completely bewildered that nothing I did worked, despite the blood, sweat, tears and so much sacrifice. 

Until I learned about the truth of my own lifepath number. 

Understanding the specific ways my soul needs to me design my life, and doing the work to re-align my life to this design meant that in less than a year I have not only been able to manifest a business that is almost able to retire my husband, established a name for myself as one of the most reliable numerologists in the field, but I have more soul family around me than I ever thought possible. Not to mention the absolute bliss that comes when you are living and breathing your highest vibrational soul truth.
Of course, I have used many different aspects of numerology to create this, but understanding my life path number, and re-aligning myself and my life by this design was/is a MAJOR part of this success.
I believe the true intention for the creation of numerology, and the reason my soul was contracted to bring it to earth, was for the empowerment of sovereignty for the individual. I was NEVER meant to keep this to myself. 


Had a few people reach out asking if it’s too late to join the Jan course so thought I’d respond publicly for those of you that may have fomo 🤪❤️🙌🏽

Email me: connect@georginagrace.net

Join course by 4th Feb:


SO stoked to be going round 2 with Dale ! Except this time, we are coming to his home town of Bendigo, Victoria.

March 15-16 - Be there or be square!!


We have limited seating, so if you want to see myself and my brother-from-another-mother in live action, be sure to get your hands on some tickets before they're gone! We are selling quick!! 🙈😄

TIckets below:

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Dale H avatar
Dale H
Schedule for the weekend is in link below. Think this should officially end the Bendigo chapter with love and respect for the place. Day 2 on Sunday we’ll be going around the main art and cbd area to show some of the locations I’ll be presenting in part of the first half of chat on Saturday.

Can’t wait will be fun weekend to catch up !!

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Rachel Vaughan
Ley Love Down are now providing Knowledge Transfer sessions –we have some amazing speakers joining us to share their experiences with ley lines and anything else they would like to share.

Our first Knowledge Transferr(er..!) will be popular speaker and dear friend Dale Holmes who will be sharing his experiences of ley lines at 4:30pm Bangkok time/8:30pm AEDT/9:30am UK time on Thursday the 13th of Feb.

Dale was one the first to publicly share images of ley lines, which are prolific in the Bendigo area where he used to live – after I had repeatedly pointed out to him that there were ley lines presenting in his regular walk and talks in that area.

At first Dale said he thought I was tripping when I kept pointing them out to him – or words to that effect 😂 – but when he finally saw the leys he was brave enough to share this with his viewers.

It was Dale and his beautiful co-host of the Sky to Earth Academy Madeleine Doherty who first hosted my own shares of ley lines in a public arena. So having Dale on as our first Knowledge Transfer guest is close to my heart. I also hope to rope Mads in to do the same (but I haven’t asked her yet – no pressure Mads!)

If you would like to join Ley Love Down to hear Dale’s experience of ley lines please go to this link and sign up – it is free and will no doubt be incredibly informative and a lot of fun!


Corresponding times for various time zones: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html?iso=20250213T093000&p1=5&p2=136&p3=28&p4=22&p5=tz_et&p6=56&p7=tz_aet

Ley Love Down platforms:

Rachel Vaughan genuine links– please beware of impersonators. I don’t send PM’s on Telegram or Messenger. I don’t sell any type of coin/crypto:
Cosmic Consciousness Conference 2025: https://www.cosmicconsciousness.com.au/speakers-facilitators
Gnostic TV’s Tales from the Dark Side: https://gnostictv.com/pages/tales-of-survival-from-the-darkside?via=rachel
Episode 19: The journey to discovering your own pure potential with Jason Keeble

Introducing Jason! Jason is a 41/5 lifepath and boy has he truly lived that life path! Jason shares his incredible story that all began with a forced adoption. A kind of trauma that would leave a lasting imprint on most of us, yet this man tells the tale of how he harnessed this rough beginning to fuel a full and wondrous life. This conversation is deeply authentic, powerful, so much fun and so so inspiring. We talk about the power of words, child birth, masculinity, travel and Jason even tests me on Numerology. You will love tuning into this convo. 

Remember, I love hearing your thoughts and feedback so please leave your comments below!

Watch FULL episode 👇🏽

Reach out to Jason for any enquiries via his direct email:

Join the next Power of Word workshop here:

Join the next 24hr Men's Retreat here:


The next Numerology Course starts: Tuesday Jan 28th from 6.30pm (AEDT) SYD/MLB time
You can book your spot via my website: www.georginagrace.net/numerology

Want to book a reading with me? You can do so via this link: www.georginagrace.net/numerology 

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Dale H avatar
Dale H
A little over 20yrs ago, Nereeda McInnes was birthed into this world 🌻

A major world event that I am so deeply grateful for 🥰❤️🙏🏽

So much love to you, warrior woman! Thank you for the shining light that you are and for shining over us all 🌸

Do you want to know what makes me CRAZY?!

The fact that we have had access to knowing every single thing about who we are, the soul that we are, the soul purpose we are here to accomplish, the way we are supposed to accomplish it, when we are supposed to accomplish it and HOW, since the day we were born AND YET billions of people, every single day, are swimming around in the middle of the ocean with no idea which direction to swim in!! Some people got in the damn ocean when they were n e v e r meant too!!

And no, it's not some convoluted, holy grail thing with crazy hieroglyphs with hidden coding inside.

It is literally the numbers the you were born with.

That is it.

So, why learn numerology as apposed to having someone read for you?

There are SOOOOO many reasons!

Our reality is literally coded by numbers. When you are born, the first thing you receive is numbers, your birth certificate records only numbers (letters are numbers), every single day, in every facet of your life and in the world, you interact with numbers. You interact with numbers probably more than you would actual humans on a daily basis! AND YET most of you have no idea BOTH; what you're actually doing with them, AND what they are doing with you!

"You can use the numbers -literally any and everywhere, OR, you can be used by the numbers -literally E V E R Y W H E R E."

-said by me.

So, that's why.

Now, join me and start USING the numbers.

Love you,

GG x

Let's GO!

P.s, no one should know YOU better than YOU.

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Dale H avatar
Dale H
Tickets available now for Bendigo March 15-16 two day event with myself and Georgina.

Full day Saturday, stay for dinner and then walking tour and lunch in park following day.

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