- Natural law, according to which all people—by virtue of being born—are endowed with inalienable 'natural rights', conferred not by act of legislation (as with 'legal rights') but by "God, nature, or reason."
- Individual sovereignty/self-ownership - the natural right of every person to be the exclusive controller of one's own body and life.
- Bodily autonomy - the natural right of all human beings to self-determination over their own bodies.
- Freedom of movement.
- Freedom of assembly.
- Freedom of speech
"The free and public expression of opinions without censorship, interference, and restraint by the government".
- The non-aggression principle, which asserts that no violence may be employed against a non-aggressor, in accordance with natural law.
- Non-violent civil disobedience.
- The Nuremberg Code.
- Mandatory or coerced vaccination, especially with experimental, gene altering mRNA technology, for which no long term safety data exists, and for which clinical trials are still ongoing.
- Mask mandates, which violate the principles of bodily autonomy and self ownership.
- Totalitarian lockdown restrictions, including (but not limited to): stay-at-home orders, forced business closures, forced quarantine of healthy people.
- Vaccine passports.
- PCR testing for diagnostic purposes.
- The Great Reset.
Our name is an homage to the WW2-era underground resistance group—active within Nazi Germany—who at great personal peril published and distributed a series of leaflets calling for active opposition to the Nazi regime. The courage, wisdom and ultimate sacrifice of Sophie and Hans Scholl, and all of their brave student allies, continues to inform and inspire us nearly 80 years later.
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