🔥 So, I finally reached that point: asked ChatGPT to show me how it sees my life. And here’s what it gave me—a picture of me, an absolute workaholic, obsessed with goals and hell-bent on turning a web3 startup into a unicorn through projects, goals plastered everywhere! 😂
I have mixed feelings about it! On one hand, "okay, that’s me," but on the other—does everyone who sees this instantly get that there’s something big in the works? A life mapped out by goals like a startup project plan. Sure, that’s part of it, but where’s the inspiration, the risk, the late-night meetings, the highs, the epic fails no one will ever hear about?
But, damn, I won’t lie—I love this challenge of balancing dreams and actually *doing* the work. Even if from the outside it looks like just a race for that unicorn, every startup has something deeper driving it. Call it workaholism? Fine, I’ll own it! 😎