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Exposing the Talmud and Judaism
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“Trump has started the Messianic process.”
– Rabbi Mendel Kessin

In the messianic age, as Rabbi Kessin explains, Esav (i.e., White Christians) must serve the Jewish race [Eruvin 43B] and assist in any of their needs.

🇮🇱Supremacist, Self-Aggrandizing and Satanic: The Jews As "Messiah", The "Messiah" As Beast 🇮🇱

In BT Sanhedrin 98b:12, none other than Rabbi Hillel the Elder - former Sanhedrin President whose "House of Hillel" has been the cornerstone of rabbinical scholarship for 2,000 years, the same Hillel who's grandson named Gamaliel the Elder trained Saul of Tarsus (Paul the Apostle) under the Sanhedrin who claimed to meet Jesus by hearing his voice as a bright light from heaven (Acts 9:1-19) he explained is 'Satan Masquerading as an Angel of Light' (2 Corinthians 11:13-15) and that Jews should 'Disregard a heavenly voice' in (Berakhot 52a) and finally that those of the Sanhedrin have to be 'Masters of Sorcery' (Sanhedrin 17a.21)

- declares, "There is no Messiah coming for the Jewish people, as they already ate from him, as all the prophecies relating to the Messiah were already fulfilled during the days of Hezekiah."

Immediately thereafter, we see a raw display of Jewish supremacism in BT Sanhedrin 98b:13 by Rabbi Abba Arikha, aka "Rav", who says bluntly, "The world was created only for the sake of David, by virtue of his merit." And of course, 'David' does not mean Nabi Dawoud, but the 'Davidic' line, i.e. Jewry. This is the root of Rebbe Schneerson's devilish lunacy about the "substance of all [divine] emanations" being "created only to serve the Jews."

And then, in BT Sanhedrin 98b:14, it gets ultra-twisted as various "sages" banter about what the name of the "Messiah" is, and they say collectively, "The leper of the house of Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi is his name".

A leper. As in someone suffering from leprosy, literally. But... Figuratively... Someone - or something - scaly, from the Greek word, "leprós". This highlights other Judaic sentiments, like BT Sanhedrin 97a:1, which bestows upon the "Messiah" the title of "bar nifli", meaning, as per the authoritative Jastrow dictionary, a lizard living in water; an animal descending into a pit; abortion; demon; falling; and even "nephilim", those who "caused the downfall of the world".

The "Messiah" is also seen as the Nechash, that is, the ancient serpent with a lineage derived from incestuous fornication [read: rape] between "Lot" and his daughters.

It puts the very title and concept of Synagogue of Satan into a whole light, doesn't it?

Bringing it back to the Jews themselves being the "Messiah" however, we switch over briefly to BT Horayot 13a:10, which says without ambiguity, "All of 'Israel' are fit for royalty." That not merely INCLUDES but ENCOURAGES rampant [demonic] inbreeding.

And now returning to BT Sanhedrin 98b:15, we see Rav Nachman and the aforementioned Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi, a murderous homosexual, comparing themselves to the "Messiah" and quipping about him being alive and walking amongst Jews or dead, but either way, he'd be like them.

In typically contradictory Talmudic fashion, Rabbi Hillel's comment, the seeming basis for the entire doctrinal foundation, is dismissed by Rav Yosef in BT Sanhedrin 99a:4, but don't be fooled: Yosef is Hillel's lesser in the "Torah" hierarchy and Hillel's stance is compounded by BT Pesachim 118a:16, which says the "birth pangs of the Messiah" are the Jews redeeming and delivering themselves from wars and catastrophes, and BT Shabbat 118a:7, which notes Jews save themselves from calamities through "verbal analogies".

Then factor in BT Beitzah 25b:7, which says the Jews are "impudent" and "like fire", and we come full circle, coming back to the Hebraic linguistic connections between Jews, "Messiah" and whispering, hissing serpent, and that they, in all their devilry, will be, "without metaphor", their own "Messiah".

And through their own "birth pangs", to reach their "Moshiach State", the Jews have established a global system of oppression and hegemony. A system of Dajjal... One which they say, as per BT Sanhedrin 99a:9, will last 7,000 years. Look at the world today. And imagine... 7 subsequent millennia identical to it. It is a horrifying and unacceptable thought.

Credits GRN
"We Need a Destruction Of Society And The World To Bring The New World Order & The Messiah."

Rabbi Daniel Yaakov Travis: "Before Moshiach comes and a New World Order is instituted, We Need a Destruction Of Society And The World"

Rabbi Travis is the head of the Toras Chaim Rabbinical Leadership Institute in Jerusalem.

According to Rabbinic Judaism under the Sanhedrin (Ancient High Court and Legislation), States that the Jews' Moshiach will only come if they're "entirely innocent" or "entirely guilty".

(BT Sanhedrin 98a:11)

Credits: Oneninetyfivenationrising
“The best of non jews should be killed”
Jewish mind virus is the epidemic.
Jewish Rabbis (Presumably Anti-Zionist Haredi's) Talk about the Enslavement of Gentiles when the Moshiach comes.

On Zechariah 8:23:1, one of Judaisms most Prolific Sage's 'Rashi' breaks down the math for how every Jew will receive 2,800 evedim (slaves) when Moshiach (Anti-Christ/Dajjal) comes.

This is backed in the Babylonian Talmud Shabbat 32b.6.
Do not support the 'Pro-Palestinian' Jews who claim to be 'Anti-Zionist'.

They claim to be against Israel because it is man-made, not 'Eretz Yisrael' from the Moshiach.

However, Prime Minister of Israel Netanyahu has been trying to speed up the Moshiach since 1990.

It is 'Good Jew Bad Jew'. They are both Zionists with both outcomes being complete control over the world, Over 70 Gentile Nations forcing Gentiles to obey Noahide Law via the Sanhedrin or be beheaded.
Jews can buy animals from male Gentiles because if they are willing to sell it, they can presume the Gentile hasn't engaged in bestiality or Idol Worship.

Jews can't buy animals from female Gentiles however, because they presume she uses it for bestiality.

(Avodah Zarah 22b.7)
Judaism: The Vilest, Most Ancient Misogyny 🇮🇱


While Jews love to portray themselves as historical and current leaders of "women's rights", the truth is, there's no misogyny in history more repugnant than Judaism.

And a trip through a few Tractates in the Babylonian Talmud solidifies this assertion 1,000, no, 6,000,000-fold.

In BT Eruvin 18a:15, the "sages" teach that "Adam" originally had a tail, but "God" ripped off this tail and used it to create "Eve", for that's all the woman is... An appendage of a man's backside.

Then in BT Eruvin 18b:1, the rabbis say that woman is nothing more than a storehouse, "wide on the bottom and narrow on top"--for the woman has no purpose but to pop out baby Jews to study "Torah".

It gets more demented as we reach BT Eruvin 18b:3, which says no man should walk behind a woman and if he does, he gets nothing in the Age of Moshiach. Nor should a man ever do business with a woman, because if he does, even if he's "Moses" who received the "Torah", he's going to hell. That's BT Eruvin 18b:4.

Rabbi Yohanan hated women so much that he declares in BT Eruvin 18b:9 that "it is preferable to walk behind a lion, and not behind a woman."

There is arguably nothing more notorious than BT Menachot 43b:17, a "prayer" recited by Jewish men daily in which they thank "God" for not making them a Gentile, a woman or an ignoramus.

BT Shabbat 152a:12 is equally despicable, spewing that a woman is "essentially a flask full of feces" with a "mouth full of blood".

Women shouldn't be trusted to ever offer up testimony because they are "of light mind" as per BT Kiddushin 80b:5.

Rabbi Reish Lakish says in BT Bava Batra 16b:6 that daughters bring "strife (meriva)". After this poison is BT Bava Batra 16b:9, in which Rabbi Simon gets upset at having a girl instead of a boy, and then Rabbi Bar Kappara tells him, "Fortunate is he whose children are males and woe to him whose children are females."

Rabbi Meir then says about "Abraham" in BT Bava Batra 16b:10, "The blessing is that he did not have a daughter."

The woman, according to Jews, is also seen as a throwaway amidst marriage. BT Gittin 90a:3 says a Jew can divorce his wife if she burns or over-salts his food. And Rabbi Akiva gives the green light in BT Gittin 90a:4 for a Jew to dump his missus if he finds a better-looking girl!

BT Pirkei Avot 1:5 instructs Jews not to talk to women, including one's wife, because conversing with women for too long causes one to inflict evil on oneself.

But it gets vomit-inducingly worse still!

It begins with BT Sanhedrin 82a:2, which describes Gentile women as "daughters of a strange god" and "prostitutes".

Rabbi Hiyya bar Avuya then extrapolates in BT Sanhedrin 82a:4, "With regard to anyone who engages in intercourse with a Gentile woman it is as though he married the object of idol worship itself."

It then takes vile to a new level in BT Sanhedrin 82a:7, as Gentile women are smeared as being in a perpetual state of menstrual impurity, "niddah"; as Canaanite maidservants, i.e. slaves, "shifchah"; as "Goyyah", the derogatory female equivalent of "Goy", i.e. non-Jew or lesser; and, rounding it out via BT Sanhedrin 82a:8, as "zonah", i.e. fornicator, whore, or harlot.

Hence the rabbinical acronym for all - we repeat, ALL - Gentile women, "NSHGZ"--Niddah, Shifchah, Goyyah and Zonah.

It is such a grave offense for a Jewish man to be with a Gentile woman that in BT Sanhedrin 82b:2, Rabbi Yohanan relays a story in which a spear is taken to the genitals to the "perpetrators" of this "profane act".

And the pièce de résistance is indubitably BT Soferim 15:10, a mirroring of JT Kiddushin 4:11:7, which states that the ABSOLUTE BEST of women is filled with witchcraft.
The Sanhedrin are men of high stature who must be masters of sorcery.

Jews can curse God's name, but Gentiles can not, or be faced with Capital Punishment under Noahide Laws.

(Mishneh Torah 2C Kings and Wars 9.4)
Which essentially means absolutely everyone who doesn't worship the Jewish God.

(Mishneh Torah 2C Kings and Wars 9.1)
“If a non-Jew violated one of the seven Noahide laws, he is liable to death by decapitation.”

(Babylonian Talmud, Sanhedrin 56A, Steinsaltz edition, Vol. XVIII, p92)

Makes you think of the Israeli Proxy ISIS who's swarming with Mossad Agents, beheads Gentiles including Muslims who don't follow the Noahide Laws 🤔
It is taught in a baraita that Rabbi Meir would say:

A man is obligated to recite three blessings every day
praising God for His kindnesses, and these blessings are: Who did not make me a gentile; Who did not make me a woman; and Who did not make me an ignoramus.

(Menachot 43b:17)
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7 Noahide Laws avatar
7 Noahide Laws
Speech For the UN That the Rebbe Reviewed
Historic Treasures by Rabbi Sholom Ber Schapiro: Synopsis of the speech that Rabbi Dr. Nissan Mindel presented at the United Nations in the early 80’s that the Rebbe personally reviewed and added notations to.

November 13, 2020
- COLlive Reporter

"There is the court of laws known as The code, the seven laws of the children of Noach. This God-given moral code serves as the foundation of human society from the very beginning. It predates the famous Babylonian Code. The Seven Noahide Laws were given to Noah and his children after the flood so that mankind would not again degenerate into a jungle, as happened before the flood. Mankind should develop in accordance with the will of God to be truly civilized and productive. However, people are not living up to these universal moral standards, which we need to reinforce through the teaching of the Seven Noahide Laws."
A great lead. Further concluding even the 'Anti-Zionist' Jews want all Gentiles to be their Slaves when the Moshiach comes to establish 'Greater Israel'.

"For once the Messiah comes, all the nations (Gentiles) will be 'subservient' to the Jewish People".

(Eruvin 43b:6)
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