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Even looks like a leaf
it is also important to note i dont care at all whether anything or everything im saying is entirely counter-factual, i have formed my beliefs entirely from jpgs on the internet that suited my pre-existing biases and do not intend to change my mind by a single fraction of a degree, also you're gay
Elysia chlorotica, an emerald sea slug, is the first animal known to be able to photosynthesize.
Average right winger when asked to condemn Israel
The Copsey Brothers who were the first men to build a jail in Lower Lake, California, were also the first to occupy it, after celebrating its completion too enthusiastically in a local saloon. They also were the first to escape it, after they realized that they had forgotten to nail down the roof.
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Chudjak avatar
Trump's FBI Director Kash Patel:

"We need America to wake up and prioritize Israel."

"We need to make sure that we stand by our number 1 ally: Israel."
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South Africa Reports avatar
South Africa Reports
📝 Orania's Joost Strydom:

Negotiations in the 90’s between the previous government and the ANC were based on two basic foundational agreements: Afrikaners can keep land that were their property, and Afrikaners can have their own educational institutions and schools.

In the past few months both these agreements fell victim to the ANC’s dishonesty.

If some Afrikaners want to leave SA, I completely understand and, though saddened, wish them well.

Orania however is suggesting a new dispensation.

Territory for Afrikaners should be recognised.

Without a dispensational change, the ANC will continue to vilify Afrikaners in order to cover up their own failures and satisfy their voter base.

Recognizing a territory for Afrikaners will be stabilising for the region, in the interest of peace, and a net positive for everyone.

What we ask, we also extend to others that can maintain the same.

Be solution driven.

Be like Orania

📎 Joost Strydom
You'll never guess what the latest black life hack is
More gold is being shipped quietly between countries right now than at any time in history. Why? Because we’re getting a new global financial system. Luke Gromen explains.

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(20:47) The Intel Community’s Propaganda Around Gold Owners
(24:41) Is Warren Buffet a Political Pawn for the Banks?
(30:17) The Biggest Global Players in the Gold Industry
(32:26) The Secret Initiative to Slow Energy Production
(41:19) Could Trump Use Gold to Fight National Debt?
(50:47) America’s Dependence on China and How Trump Is Fixing It
(1:02:21) The Parasite Bleeding the Life Out of Our Economy
(1:11:29) Trump and Vance’s Big Picture Plan for the US Economy
(1:22:15) Should You Invest in Gold?

Algae growing on the head of the Mary River Turtle
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Ohio Reich
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American Renaissance avatar
American Renaissance
President Trump has offered Afrikaners asylum. What they really need is an African homeland.
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