GRANT us, O LORD JESUS, faithfully to imitate the examples of thy Holy Family, so that in the hour of our death, in the company of thy Virgin Mother and St Joseph, we may deserve to be received by Thee into eternal tabernacles.
200 days, once a day
Leo XIII, March 25, 1897.
~ The Raccolta (1910)
GRANT us, O LORD JESUS, faithfully to imitate the examples of thy Holy Family, so that in the hour of our death, in the company of thy Virgin Mother and St Joseph, we may deserve to be received by Thee into eternal tabernacles.
200 days, once a day
Leo XIII, March 25, 1897.
~ The Raccolta (1910)
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Glory to God

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In reward for his heroic austerities in the monastic state, God bestowed upon him the gift of tears, and inspired him with a knowledge of spiritual things. As procurator, he was most careful of the wants of the brethren, and most hospitable to the poor and to guests. Declining to accept the abbacy, he built himself a little hermitage on the brook Anian, and lived some years in great solitude and poverty. But the fame of his sanctity drawing many souls around him, he was obliged to build a large abbey, and within a short time governed three hundred monks. He became the great restorer of monastic discipline throughout France and Germany. First, he drew up with immense labor a code of the rules of St. Benedict, his great namesake, which he collated with those of the chief monastic founders, showing the uniformity of the exercises in each, and enforced by his “Penitential" their exact observance; secondly, he minutely regulated all matters regarding food, clothing, and every detail of life; and thirdly, by prescribing the same for all, he excluded jealousies and insured perfect charity. In a Provincial Council held in 813, under Charlemagne, at which he was present, it was declared that all monks of the West should adopt the rule of St. Benedict. He died February 11, 821.
REFLECTION. — The decay of monastic discipline, and its restoration by St. Benedict, prove that none are safe from loss of fervor, but that all can regain it by fidelity to grace.
~ Pictorial Lives of the Saints (1878)
St. Benedict of Anian, pray for us.
In reward for his heroic austerities in the monastic state, God bestowed upon him the gift of tears, and inspired him with a knowledge of spiritual things. As procurator, he was most careful of the wants of the brethren, and most hospitable to the poor and to guests. Declining to accept the abbacy, he built himself a little hermitage on the brook Anian, and lived some years in great solitude and poverty. But the fame of his sanctity drawing many souls around him, he was obliged to build a large abbey, and within a short time governed three hundred monks. He became the great restorer of monastic discipline throughout France and Germany. First, he drew up with immense labor a code of the rules of St. Benedict, his great namesake, which he collated with those of the chief monastic founders, showing the uniformity of the exercises in each, and enforced by his “Penitential" their exact observance; secondly, he minutely regulated all matters regarding food, clothing, and every detail of life; and thirdly, by prescribing the same for all, he excluded jealousies and insured perfect charity. In a Provincial Council held in 813, under Charlemagne, at which he was present, it was declared that all monks of the West should adopt the rule of St. Benedict. He died February 11, 821.
REFLECTION. — The decay of monastic discipline, and its restoration by St. Benedict, prove that none are safe from loss of fervor, but that all can regain it by fidelity to grace.
~ Pictorial Lives of the Saints (1878)
St. Benedict of Anian, pray for us.
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February 11th ~ FEAST of OUR LADY of LOURDES
The Holy Virgin revealed five prophetic secrets to St. Bernadette, which were handwritten and entrusted to the Vatican. These were not disclosed until a century later, having been miraculously found in the Vatican Library in an unlabeled box by a priest researching Lourdes. Xavier Reyes-Ayral in his book Revelations (2022), mentions that the first four secrets (including Lourdes as a center of healing, the harnessing of electricity, the rise of Hitler and man’s flying in outer space and walking on the moon) have been fulfilled. The time of the fifth secret is the 21st century.
Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us.
St. Bernadette Soubirous, pray for us.
February 11th ~ FEAST of OUR LADY of LOURDES
The Holy Virgin revealed five prophetic secrets to St. Bernadette, which were handwritten and entrusted to the Vatican. These were not disclosed until a century later, having been miraculously found in the Vatican Library in an unlabeled box by a priest researching Lourdes. Xavier Reyes-Ayral in his book Revelations (2022), mentions that the first four secrets (including Lourdes as a center of healing, the harnessing of electricity, the rise of Hitler and man’s flying in outer space and walking on the moon) have been fulfilled. The time of the fifth secret is the 21st century.
Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us.
St. Bernadette Soubirous, pray for us.
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Glory to God

OF this Saint but little is known on earth, save that she was the sister of the great patriarch St. Benedict, and that, under his direction, she founded and governed a numerous community near Monte Cassino. St. Gregory sums up her life by saying that she devoted herself to God from her childhood, and that her pure soul went to God in the likeness of a dove, as if to show that her life had been enriched with the fullest gifts of the Holy Spirit.
OF this Saint but little is known on earth, save that she was the sister of the great patriarch St. Benedict, and that, under his direction, she founded and governed a numerous community near Monte Cassino. St. Gregory sums up her life by saying that she devoted herself to God from her childhood, and that her pure soul went to God in the likeness of a dove, as if to show that her life had been enriched with the fullest gifts of the Holy Spirit.
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Day 2 - September 11th
Remember, our Lady of la Salette, true Mother of Sorrows, the tears which thou didst shed for me on Calvary; be mindful also of the unceasing care which thou dost exercise to screen me from the Justice of God, and consider whether thou canst now abandon thy child, for whom thou hast done so much. Inspired by this consoling thought, I come to cast myself at thy feet, in spite of my infidelity and ingratitude. Reject not my prayer, O Virgin of reconciliation, convert me, obtain for me the grace to love Jesus Christ above all things and to console thee too by living a holy life, in order that one day I may be able to see thee in Heaven. Amen.
An indulgence of 500 days (S. P. Ap., Nov. 7, 1927, and Dec. 12, 1933).
(The Raccolta, 1957)
Day 2 - September 11th
Remember, our Lady of la Salette, true Mother of Sorrows, the tears which thou didst shed for me on Calvary; be mindful also of the unceasing care which thou dost exercise to screen me from the Justice of God, and consider whether thou canst now abandon thy child, for whom thou hast done so much. Inspired by this consoling thought, I come to cast myself at thy feet, in spite of my infidelity and ingratitude. Reject not my prayer, O Virgin of reconciliation, convert me, obtain for me the grace to love Jesus Christ above all things and to console thee too by living a holy life, in order that one day I may be able to see thee in Heaven. Amen.
An indulgence of 500 days (S. P. Ap., Nov. 7, 1927, and Dec. 12, 1933).
(The Raccolta, 1957)
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Glory to God

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In the Lent of 1541, being then twenty-one years of age, she had a vision of the Crucifixion so heartrending, that she was confined to bed for three weeks, and was only restored, on Holy Saturday, by an apparition of St. Mary Magdalen and Jesus risen. During twelve years she passed every Friday in ecstasy. She received the sacred stigmata, the wound in the left side, and the crown of thorns. All these favors gave her continual and intense suffering, and inspired her with a loving sympathy for the yet more bitter tortures of the Holy Souls. In their behalf she offered all her prayers and penances; and her charity toward them became so famous throughout Tuscany, that after every death the friends of the deceased hastened to Catherine to secure her prayers. St. Catherine offered many prayers, fasts, and penances for a certain great man, and thus obtained his salvation. It was revealed to her that he was in Purgatory; and such was her love of Jesus crucified, that she offered to suffer all the pains about to be inflicted on that soul. Her prayer was granted. The soul entered heaven, and for forty days Catherine suffered indescribable agonies. Her body was covered with blisters, emitting heat so great that her cell seemed on fire. Her flesh appeared as if roasted, and her tongue like red-hot iron. Amid all she was calm and joyful, saying, “I long to suffer all imaginable pains, that souls may quickly see and praise their Redeemer." She knew by revelation the arrival of a soul in Purgatory, and the hour of its release. She held intercourse with the Saints in glory, and frequently conversed with St. Philip Neri at Rome without ever leaving her convent at Prato. She died, amid angels' songs, in 1589.
REFLECTION. — If we truly love Jesus crucified, we must long, like St. Catherine, to release the Holy Souls whom He has redeemed, but has left to our charity to set free.
~ Pictorial Lives of the Saints (1878)
St. Catherine of Ricci, pray for us.
In the Lent of 1541, being then twenty-one years of age, she had a vision of the Crucifixion so heartrending, that she was confined to bed for three weeks, and was only restored, on Holy Saturday, by an apparition of St. Mary Magdalen and Jesus risen. During twelve years she passed every Friday in ecstasy. She received the sacred stigmata, the wound in the left side, and the crown of thorns. All these favors gave her continual and intense suffering, and inspired her with a loving sympathy for the yet more bitter tortures of the Holy Souls. In their behalf she offered all her prayers and penances; and her charity toward them became so famous throughout Tuscany, that after every death the friends of the deceased hastened to Catherine to secure her prayers. St. Catherine offered many prayers, fasts, and penances for a certain great man, and thus obtained his salvation. It was revealed to her that he was in Purgatory; and such was her love of Jesus crucified, that she offered to suffer all the pains about to be inflicted on that soul. Her prayer was granted. The soul entered heaven, and for forty days Catherine suffered indescribable agonies. Her body was covered with blisters, emitting heat so great that her cell seemed on fire. Her flesh appeared as if roasted, and her tongue like red-hot iron. Amid all she was calm and joyful, saying, “I long to suffer all imaginable pains, that souls may quickly see and praise their Redeemer." She knew by revelation the arrival of a soul in Purgatory, and the hour of its release. She held intercourse with the Saints in glory, and frequently conversed with St. Philip Neri at Rome without ever leaving her convent at Prato. She died, amid angels' songs, in 1589.
REFLECTION. — If we truly love Jesus crucified, we must long, like St. Catherine, to release the Holy Souls whom He has redeemed, but has left to our charity to set free.
~ Pictorial Lives of the Saints (1878)
St. Catherine of Ricci, pray for us.
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Glory to God

Benedict was the son of Aigulf, Governor of Languedoc, and was born about 750. In his early youth he served as cupbearer to King Pepin and his son Charlemagne, enjoying under them great honors and possessions. Grace entered his soul at the age of twenty, and he resolved to seek the kingdom of God with his whole heart. Without relinquishing his place at court, he lived there a most mortified life for three years; then a narrow escape from drowning made him vow to quit the world, and he entered the cloister of St. Seine.
Benedict was the son of Aigulf, Governor of Languedoc, and was born about 750. In his early youth he served as cupbearer to King Pepin and his son Charlemagne, enjoying under them great honors and possessions. Grace entered his soul at the age of twenty, and he resolved to seek the kingdom of God with his whole heart. Without relinquishing his place at court, he lived there a most mortified life for three years; then a narrow escape from drowning made him vow to quit the world, and he entered the cloister of St. Seine.

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February 11th ~ FEAST of OUR LADY of LOURDES
Between February 11, 1858 and July 16th, 1858 the Most Holy Virgin Mary appeared a total of 18 times to a poor, illiterate, fourteen-year-old peasant girl by the name of Bernadette Soubirous in Lourdes, France. The ‘Lady’ identified herself as the ‘Immaculate Conception’, confirming the doctrine infallibly defined, ex cathedra, by Pope Pius lX in 1854 (the Papal Bull Ineffabilis Deus) and a miraculous spring at the location of the apparitions has cured untold numbers of men, women and children. The apparition itself received formal papproval by Pope Pius lX on February 1, 1876. St. Bernadette died at the age of 35, a pious and holy nun, and her body remains incorrupt to this day.
February 11th ~ FEAST of OUR LADY of LOURDES
Between February 11, 1858 and July 16th, 1858 the Most Holy Virgin Mary appeared a total of 18 times to a poor, illiterate, fourteen-year-old peasant girl by the name of Bernadette Soubirous in Lourdes, France. The ‘Lady’ identified herself as the ‘Immaculate Conception’, confirming the doctrine infallibly defined, ex cathedra, by Pope Pius lX in 1854 (the Papal Bull Ineffabilis Deus) and a miraculous spring at the location of the apparitions has cured untold numbers of men, women and children. The apparition itself received formal papproval by Pope Pius lX on February 1, 1876. St. Bernadette died at the age of 35, a pious and holy nun, and her body remains incorrupt to this day.

For we deliver to thee a mystery and a hope of the life to come.
February 9th ~ FEAST of ST. CYRIL of ALEXANDRIA, Bishop, Confessor, Doctor of the Church
THIS feast was instituted in 1882 by Leo XIII, who chose this day because January 28, on which date the saint's name appears in the Martyrology, is already assigned to another Office. The name of St. Cyril immediately evokes the memory of those celebrated early sessions of the Council of Ephesus, when, through the agency of Cyril, the most splendid pages of the doctrine concerning the Blessed Virgin Mary were recorded. Nestorius having thrown doubt upon the dogma that in Jesus Christ there is only one person, it consequently resulted from this heresy that there could no longer be bestowed upon the Blessed Virgin the title of Mother of God, by which the faithful until then had been accustomed to invoke her. He died A.D. 444.
~ The New Roman Missal (1937)
St. Cyril of Alexandria, pray for us.
February 9th ~ FEAST of ST. CYRIL of ALEXANDRIA, Bishop, Confessor, Doctor of the Church
THIS feast was instituted in 1882 by Leo XIII, who chose this day because January 28, on which date the saint's name appears in the Martyrology, is already assigned to another Office. The name of St. Cyril immediately evokes the memory of those celebrated early sessions of the Council of Ephesus, when, through the agency of Cyril, the most splendid pages of the doctrine concerning the Blessed Virgin Mary were recorded. Nestorius having thrown doubt upon the dogma that in Jesus Christ there is only one person, it consequently resulted from this heresy that there could no longer be bestowed upon the Blessed Virgin the title of Mother of God, by which the faithful until then had been accustomed to invoke her. He died A.D. 444.
~ The New Roman Missal (1937)
St. Cyril of Alexandria, pray for us.
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Day 1 - September 3rd
O holy Virgin! who wert chosen by the adorable Trinity from all eternity to be the most pure Mother of Jesus, permit me, thy humble and devoted client, to remind thee of the joy thou didst receive in the instant of the most sacred incarnation of our divine Lord, and during the nine months thou didst carry him in thy chaste womb. I wish most sincerely that I could renew or even increase that joy, by the fervor of my prayers. O tender Mother of the afflicted! grant me, under my present necessities, that peculiar protection thou hast promised to those who devoutly commemorate this ineffable joy. Relying on the infinite mercies of thy divine Son; trusting in that promise which He has made, that those who ask should receive; and penetrated with confidence in thy powerful prayers; I most humbly entreat thee to intercede for me, and to obtain for me the favors for which I petition in this Novena, if it be the holy will of God to grant them; and if not, to ask for me whatever graces of which I most stand in need.
(Here specify your request.)
I desire by this Novena, which I now offer in honor of thy Holy Name, to prove the lively confidence I have in thine intercession. Accept it, I beseech thee, in honor of that supernatural love and joy with which thy sacred heart was replenished during the abode of thy dear Son in thy womb; in veneration of which I offer thee the sentiments of my heart, and these nine Hail Mary's.
(Here say 9 Hail Mary’s)
O Mother of God! accept these salutations, in union with the respect and veneration with which the angel Gabriel first hailed thee full of grace. I wish, most sincerely, that they may become so many gems in the crown of thy accidental glory, which will increase in brightness to the end of the world. I beseech thee, O comfortress of the afflicted! by the joy thou didst receive in the nine months of thy pregnancy, to obtain for me the granting of the favors which I have now implored through thy powerful intercession. For this end, I offer thee all the good works which have ever been performed in thy honor. I most humbly entreat thee, for the love of the amiable heart of Jesus, with which thine was ever so inflamed, to hear my humble prayer, and to obtain my requests.
Day 1 - September 3rd
O holy Virgin! who wert chosen by the adorable Trinity from all eternity to be the most pure Mother of Jesus, permit me, thy humble and devoted client, to remind thee of the joy thou didst receive in the instant of the most sacred incarnation of our divine Lord, and during the nine months thou didst carry him in thy chaste womb. I wish most sincerely that I could renew or even increase that joy, by the fervor of my prayers. O tender Mother of the afflicted! grant me, under my present necessities, that peculiar protection thou hast promised to those who devoutly commemorate this ineffable joy. Relying on the infinite mercies of thy divine Son; trusting in that promise which He has made, that those who ask should receive; and penetrated with confidence in thy powerful prayers; I most humbly entreat thee to intercede for me, and to obtain for me the favors for which I petition in this Novena, if it be the holy will of God to grant them; and if not, to ask for me whatever graces of which I most stand in need.
(Here specify your request.)
I desire by this Novena, which I now offer in honor of thy Holy Name, to prove the lively confidence I have in thine intercession. Accept it, I beseech thee, in honor of that supernatural love and joy with which thy sacred heart was replenished during the abode of thy dear Son in thy womb; in veneration of which I offer thee the sentiments of my heart, and these nine Hail Mary's.
(Here say 9 Hail Mary’s)
O Mother of God! accept these salutations, in union with the respect and veneration with which the angel Gabriel first hailed thee full of grace. I wish, most sincerely, that they may become so many gems in the crown of thy accidental glory, which will increase in brightness to the end of the world. I beseech thee, O comfortress of the afflicted! by the joy thou didst receive in the nine months of thy pregnancy, to obtain for me the granting of the favors which I have now implored through thy powerful intercession. For this end, I offer thee all the good works which have ever been performed in thy honor. I most humbly entreat thee, for the love of the amiable heart of Jesus, with which thine was ever so inflamed, to hear my humble prayer, and to obtain my requests.
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Glory to God

Alexandrina of Ricci was the daughter of a noble Florentine. At the age of thirteen she entered the third Order of St. Dominic in the monastery of Prato, taking in religion the name of Catherine, after her patron and namesake of Siena. Her special attraction was to the Passion of Christ, in which she was permitted miraculously to participate.
Alexandrina of Ricci was the daughter of a noble Florentine. At the age of thirteen she entered the third Order of St. Dominic in the monastery of Prato, taking in religion the name of Catherine, after her patron and namesake of Siena. Her special attraction was to the Passion of Christ, in which she was permitted miraculously to participate.
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Glory to God

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St. Severinus was the holy abbot of that place, and had governed his community many years in the exercise of penance and charity, when, in 504, Clovis, the first Christian king of France, lying ill of a fever, which his physicians had for two years ineffectually endeavored to remove, sent his chamberlain to conduct the Saint to court; for it was said that the sick from all parts recovered their health by his prayers. St. Severinus took leave of his monks, telling them he should never see them more in this world. On his journey he healed Eulalius, bishop of Nevers, who had been for some time deaf and dumb, also a leper, at the gates of Paris; and coming to the palace he immediately restored the king to perfect health, by putting on him his own cloak. The king, in gratitude, distributed large alms to the poor, and released all his prisoners. St. Severinus, returning toward Agaunum, stopped at Chateau-Landon, in Gatinois, where two priests served God in a solitary chapel, among whom he was admitted, at his request, as a stranger, and was soon greatly admired by them for his sanctity. He foresaw his death, which happened shortly after, in 507. The place is now an abbey of reformed canons regular of St. Austin. The Huguenots scattered the greatest part of his relics when they plundered this church.
REFLECTION. — God loads with His favor those who delight in exercising mercy. “According to thy ability be merciful; if thou hast much, give abundantly; if thou hast little, take care even so to bestow willingly a little."
~ Pictorial Lives of the Saints (1878)
St. Severinus, pray for us.
St. Severinus was the holy abbot of that place, and had governed his community many years in the exercise of penance and charity, when, in 504, Clovis, the first Christian king of France, lying ill of a fever, which his physicians had for two years ineffectually endeavored to remove, sent his chamberlain to conduct the Saint to court; for it was said that the sick from all parts recovered their health by his prayers. St. Severinus took leave of his monks, telling them he should never see them more in this world. On his journey he healed Eulalius, bishop of Nevers, who had been for some time deaf and dumb, also a leper, at the gates of Paris; and coming to the palace he immediately restored the king to perfect health, by putting on him his own cloak. The king, in gratitude, distributed large alms to the poor, and released all his prisoners. St. Severinus, returning toward Agaunum, stopped at Chateau-Landon, in Gatinois, where two priests served God in a solitary chapel, among whom he was admitted, at his request, as a stranger, and was soon greatly admired by them for his sanctity. He foresaw his death, which happened shortly after, in 507. The place is now an abbey of reformed canons regular of St. Austin. The Huguenots scattered the greatest part of his relics when they plundered this church.
REFLECTION. — God loads with His favor those who delight in exercising mercy. “According to thy ability be merciful; if thou hast much, give abundantly; if thou hast little, take care even so to bestow willingly a little."
~ Pictorial Lives of the Saints (1878)
St. Severinus, pray for us.

February 10th ~ FEAST of ST. SCHOLASTICA, Virgin
ST. SCHOLASTICA, the twin sister of St. Benedict, followed in the footsteps of piety of her saintly brother. In the Dialogues of St. Gregory the Great it is related that on the occasion of the last conversation of St. Scholastica with her brother, he had determined to return to his monastery at evening, but Scholastica leaning with her elbows on the table and holding her forehead in her hands began to shed tears. A violent storm immediately burst forth, and the rain fell in torrents, so that Benedict was compelled to remain and continue the spiritual conversation. St. Gregory says that on that occasion she had more power than he over the heart of God, because whilst St. Benedict upheld the law of discipline and justice she, on the other hand, appealed to a higher law, that of love: plus potuit, quia plus amavit. She died in the early half of the Sixth Century.
St. Scholastica, pray for us.
ST. SCHOLASTICA, the twin sister of St. Benedict, followed in the footsteps of piety of her saintly brother. In the Dialogues of St. Gregory the Great it is related that on the occasion of the last conversation of St. Scholastica with her brother, he had determined to return to his monastery at evening, but Scholastica leaning with her elbows on the table and holding her forehead in her hands began to shed tears. A violent storm immediately burst forth, and the rain fell in torrents, so that Benedict was compelled to remain and continue the spiritual conversation. St. Gregory says that on that occasion she had more power than he over the heart of God, because whilst St. Benedict upheld the law of discipline and justice she, on the other hand, appealed to a higher law, that of love: plus potuit, quia plus amavit. She died in the early half of the Sixth Century.
St. Scholastica, pray for us.
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Day 1 - November 18th
O Immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ and our Mother, penetrated with the most lively confidence in thine all-powerful and never failing intercession, manifested so often through the Miraculous Medal, we, thy loving and trustful children, implore thee to obtain for us the graces and favours we ask during this Novena, if they be beneficial to our immortal souls and the souls for whom we pray: [Here privately mention your Petitions.]
Thou knowest, O Mary, how often our souls have been the sanctuaries of thy Son Who hates iniquity. Obtain for us then a deep hatred of sin and that purity of heart which will attach us to God alone, so that our every thought, word and deed may tend to His greater glory. Obtain for us also a spirit of prayer and self-denial that we may recover by penance what we have lost by sin and at length attain to that blessed abode where thou art the Queen of angels and of men.
O Mary, conceived without sin,
pray for us who have recourse to thee. (3 times)
~ Taken from the “Perpetual Novena in Honor of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal”, a longer public prayer.
The Book of the Miraculous Medal (1940)
Day 1 - November 18th
O Immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ and our Mother, penetrated with the most lively confidence in thine all-powerful and never failing intercession, manifested so often through the Miraculous Medal, we, thy loving and trustful children, implore thee to obtain for us the graces and favours we ask during this Novena, if they be beneficial to our immortal souls and the souls for whom we pray: [Here privately mention your Petitions.]
Thou knowest, O Mary, how often our souls have been the sanctuaries of thy Son Who hates iniquity. Obtain for us then a deep hatred of sin and that purity of heart which will attach us to God alone, so that our every thought, word and deed may tend to His greater glory. Obtain for us also a spirit of prayer and self-denial that we may recover by penance what we have lost by sin and at length attain to that blessed abode where thou art the Queen of angels and of men.
O Mary, conceived without sin,
pray for us who have recourse to thee. (3 times)
~ Taken from the “Perpetual Novena in Honor of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal”, a longer public prayer.
The Book of the Miraculous Medal (1940)

February 12th ~ FEAST of The Seven Holy Founders of the Order of the Servants of the Blessed Virgin Mary
These holy men, canonized by Pope Leo XIII, were Florentine merchants, who lived in the Thirteenth Century. They·established the Order of the Religious Servants of the Holy Virgin, commonly called the Servites, which aimed to increase the devotion of Our Lady's Seven Sorrows. Their work was rewarded by the conversion of many sinners. They were called Servites by little children whose innocent lips were miraculously opened on one of the public squares of Florence to utter the praises of these seven holy men.
~ The New Roman Missal (1937)
Seven Holy Founders, pray for us.
These holy men, canonized by Pope Leo XIII, were Florentine merchants, who lived in the Thirteenth Century. They·established the Order of the Religious Servants of the Holy Virgin, commonly called the Servites, which aimed to increase the devotion of Our Lady's Seven Sorrows. Their work was rewarded by the conversion of many sinners. They were called Servites by little children whose innocent lips were miraculously opened on one of the public squares of Florence to utter the praises of these seven holy men.
~ The New Roman Missal (1937)
Seven Holy Founders, pray for us.
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Glory to God

St. SEVERINUS, of a noble family in Burgundy, was educated in the Catholic faith, at a time when the Arian heresy reigned in that country. He forsook the world in his youth, and dedicated himself to God in the monastery of Agaunum, which then only consisted of scattered cells, till the Catholic king Sigismund built there the great abbey of St. Maurice.
St. SEVERINUS, of a noble family in Burgundy, was educated in the Catholic faith, at a time when the Arian heresy reigned in that country. He forsook the world in his youth, and dedicated himself to God in the monastery of Agaunum, which then only consisted of scattered cells, till the Catholic king Sigismund built there the great abbey of St. Maurice.
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Glory to God

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Her brother was accustomed to visit her every year, for "she could not be sated or
wearied with the words of grace which flowed from his lips." On his last visit, after a day passed in spiritual converse, the Saint, knowing that her end was near, said, "My brother, leave me not, I pray you, this night, but discourse with me till dawn on the bliss of those who see God in heaven." St. Benedict would not break his rule at the bidding of natural affection; and then the Saint bowed her head on her hands and prayed; and there arose a storm so violent that St. Benedict could not return to his monastery, and they passed the night in heavenly conversation. Three days later St. Benedict saw in a vision the soul of his sister going up in the likeness of a dove into heaven. Then he gave thanks to God for the graces He had given her, and for the glory which had crowned them. When she died, St. Benedict, her spiritual daughters, and the monks sent by St. Benedict, mingled their tears and prayed, "Alas! alas! dearest mother, to whom dost thou leave us now? Pray for us to Jesus, to whom thou art gone." They then devoutly celebrated Holy Mass, "commending her soul to God;" and her body was borne to Monte Cassino, and laid by her brother in the tomb he had prepared for himself. “And they bewailed her many days;” and St. Benedict said, "Weep not, sisters and brothers; for assuredly Jesus has taken her before us to be our aid and defence against all our enemies, that we may stand in the evil day, and be in all things perfect.". She died about the year 543.
REFLECTION. — Our relations must be loved in and for God. Otherwise the purest affection becomes inordinate, and is so much taken from Him.
~ Pictorial Lives of the Saints (1878)
St. Scholastica, pray for us.
Her brother was accustomed to visit her every year, for "she could not be sated or
wearied with the words of grace which flowed from his lips." On his last visit, after a day passed in spiritual converse, the Saint, knowing that her end was near, said, "My brother, leave me not, I pray you, this night, but discourse with me till dawn on the bliss of those who see God in heaven." St. Benedict would not break his rule at the bidding of natural affection; and then the Saint bowed her head on her hands and prayed; and there arose a storm so violent that St. Benedict could not return to his monastery, and they passed the night in heavenly conversation. Three days later St. Benedict saw in a vision the soul of his sister going up in the likeness of a dove into heaven. Then he gave thanks to God for the graces He had given her, and for the glory which had crowned them. When she died, St. Benedict, her spiritual daughters, and the monks sent by St. Benedict, mingled their tears and prayed, "Alas! alas! dearest mother, to whom dost thou leave us now? Pray for us to Jesus, to whom thou art gone." They then devoutly celebrated Holy Mass, "commending her soul to God;" and her body was borne to Monte Cassino, and laid by her brother in the tomb he had prepared for himself. “And they bewailed her many days;” and St. Benedict said, "Weep not, sisters and brothers; for assuredly Jesus has taken her before us to be our aid and defence against all our enemies, that we may stand in the evil day, and be in all things perfect.". She died about the year 543.
REFLECTION. — Our relations must be loved in and for God. Otherwise the purest affection becomes inordinate, and is so much taken from Him.
~ Pictorial Lives of the Saints (1878)
St. Scholastica, pray for us.
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Day 4 - September 13th
Remember, our Lady of la Salette, true Mother of Sorrows, the tears which thou didst shed for me on Calvary; be mindful also of the unceasing care which thou dost exercise to screen me from the Justice of God, and consider whether thou canst now abandon thy child, for whom thou hast done so much. Inspired by this consoling thought, I come to cast myself at thy feet, in spite of my infidelity and ingratitude. Reject not my prayer, O Virgin of reconciliation, convert me, obtain for me the grace to love Jesus Christ above all things and to console thee too by living a holy life, in order that one day I may be able to see thee in Heaven. Amen.
An indulgence of 500 days (S. P. Ap., Nov. 7, 1927, and Dec. 12, 1933).
(The Raccolta, 1957)
Day 4 - September 13th
Remember, our Lady of la Salette, true Mother of Sorrows, the tears which thou didst shed for me on Calvary; be mindful also of the unceasing care which thou dost exercise to screen me from the Justice of God, and consider whether thou canst now abandon thy child, for whom thou hast done so much. Inspired by this consoling thought, I come to cast myself at thy feet, in spite of my infidelity and ingratitude. Reject not my prayer, O Virgin of reconciliation, convert me, obtain for me the grace to love Jesus Christ above all things and to console thee too by living a holy life, in order that one day I may be able to see thee in Heaven. Amen.
An indulgence of 500 days (S. P. Ap., Nov. 7, 1927, and Dec. 12, 1933).
(The Raccolta, 1957)
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