Nathaniel J. Higgers
Caught somewhere between Hakuna Matata and Sieg Heil.
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Sep 12, 2024Апошнія публікацыі ў групе "Nathaniel J. Higgers"
"No More Brother Wars" is a phrase often touted around the community, and for good reason. I think a lot of people underestimate or misunderstand how damaging the World Wars were to the European race.
Modern war is not the chivalric event that war once was in times passed. It is not this "survival of the strongest and most strategic and cunning," it's a grindhouse where death is largely random and any sort of bravery significantly increases your risk of meeting your end. That means that the majority of casualties are of the bravest, and most eugenic, class of men. The Great war killed 11 million military personnel alone. Lothrop Stoddard refers to these men as "the Flower of Europe," and the feeling of the day was that the world was set back at least a few generations by their loss.
We won't even get into the 15 million lives snuffed out because of Britain's lack of foresight and rational thought during World War 2.
That being said, "No More Brother Wars" does not even come close to describing the current situation. This system which advocates our destruction is being upheld by White men and White men alone. Without their cooperation, there is no ZOG. Do we avoid defending ourselves against a home invader because he is White? Do we avoid standing up to the school bully because he is a member of the European race? You'll find in this fight, that often the ones who are the most difficult obstacles in the freedom and well-being of White people, are White people.
Modern war is not the chivalric event that war once was in times passed. It is not this "survival of the strongest and most strategic and cunning," it's a grindhouse where death is largely random and any sort of bravery significantly increases your risk of meeting your end. That means that the majority of casualties are of the bravest, and most eugenic, class of men. The Great war killed 11 million military personnel alone. Lothrop Stoddard refers to these men as "the Flower of Europe," and the feeling of the day was that the world was set back at least a few generations by their loss.
We won't even get into the 15 million lives snuffed out because of Britain's lack of foresight and rational thought during World War 2.
That being said, "No More Brother Wars" does not even come close to describing the current situation. This system which advocates our destruction is being upheld by White men and White men alone. Without their cooperation, there is no ZOG. Do we avoid defending ourselves against a home invader because he is White? Do we avoid standing up to the school bully because he is a member of the European race? You'll find in this fight, that often the ones who are the most difficult obstacles in the freedom and well-being of White people, are White people.
The idea that "non-Whites can't assimilate and that's why they have to go" is one I find practical, but I always like to take it a bit further.
Not only can they not assimilate, but even if they could, I wouldn't want them around. They're ugly, they smell bad, they look different and value different things, and they can't create White people when breeding with White people.
I don't care if niggers committed less crime than us, they're disgusting and I hate looking at them. I don't care if they're capable of wholesome chungus 1950s utopia, I don't want to live near them. They're different from me.
We need our own space to develop down our own path and pursue our own destiny. Unmolested. Unaltered. Uninfluenced by the outside. Crime and their leeching of our resources are just convenient arguments in favor of this more fundamental truth.
Not only can they not assimilate, but even if they could, I wouldn't want them around. They're ugly, they smell bad, they look different and value different things, and they can't create White people when breeding with White people.
I don't care if niggers committed less crime than us, they're disgusting and I hate looking at them. I don't care if they're capable of wholesome chungus 1950s utopia, I don't want to live near them. They're different from me.
We need our own space to develop down our own path and pursue our own destiny. Unmolested. Unaltered. Uninfluenced by the outside. Crime and their leeching of our resources are just convenient arguments in favor of this more fundamental truth.
One thing I think that plagues this community is a fundamental inability for its various factions to see any common ground or put aside any difference to co-operate for a common benefit. (Very original take, I know, but hear me out.)
Alexander Hamilton was one of the founding fathers of the United States. He was a federalist, a devout follower in the religion of banking and finance, and very much an urban personality of the upper east coast cities. Thomas Jefferson was also a founding father of the United States. The son of a plantation owner, he himself owned a plantation. He was a yeoman in spirit, ruralist and venemously anti-federalist. The disagreements were so fierce and convicted, they resulted in the first ever split into political parties in US history.
You know what's more important than whether or not the government was centralized? Whether or not the land was independent of a foreign government to determine the answer to these questions to begin with. You know what's more important than whether or not we have this or that hyper-specific authoritarian regime or theocracy or peepee poopoo whatever? Our survival to determine the answers to these questions to begin with.
Just something to think about.
Alexander Hamilton was one of the founding fathers of the United States. He was a federalist, a devout follower in the religion of banking and finance, and very much an urban personality of the upper east coast cities. Thomas Jefferson was also a founding father of the United States. The son of a plantation owner, he himself owned a plantation. He was a yeoman in spirit, ruralist and venemously anti-federalist. The disagreements were so fierce and convicted, they resulted in the first ever split into political parties in US history.
You know what's more important than whether or not the government was centralized? Whether or not the land was independent of a foreign government to determine the answer to these questions to begin with. You know what's more important than whether or not we have this or that hyper-specific authoritarian regime or theocracy or peepee poopoo whatever? Our survival to determine the answers to these questions to begin with.
Just something to think about.

Many people who claim National Socialism can never be implemented in America on the grounds of its Whites being "too ethnically diverse" forget that nearly all of these ethnicities that have been here for the longest, to be considered ethnically American, are of mostly Nordic extraction.
Even if it doesn't take the form of open National Socialism, a nativist fascism would achieve effectively the same ends.
Even if it doesn't take the form of open National Socialism, a nativist fascism would achieve effectively the same ends.
Ironically and typically enough, jews themselves are the ones who contradict the age-old argument of, "Not all jews are bad/in on this plan!"
Not only is it through their blatant admission and even bragging about how they all stick together as a tribe even despite disagreements, it's also in their assertion that every German in NSDAP Germany was a Nazi.
If 80 million people, youngest to oldest, manliest to most womanly, athletic, scrawny, fat, tall, short, handsome, ugly, left and right, were complicit in the activities and goals of NSDAP, you better absolutely believe every single one of these 15 millions of jews alive today are on the same team.
Not only is it through their blatant admission and even bragging about how they all stick together as a tribe even despite disagreements, it's also in their assertion that every German in NSDAP Germany was a Nazi.
If 80 million people, youngest to oldest, manliest to most womanly, athletic, scrawny, fat, tall, short, handsome, ugly, left and right, were complicit in the activities and goals of NSDAP, you better absolutely believe every single one of these 15 millions of jews alive today are on the same team.
Great work by ZOG, banning TikTok for a grand total of half a day. Very competent legislation.
Probably to get everyone off the servers so they could reset algorithms and buff the resistance to "antisemitic propaganda" or download a virus onto every user's phones or something.
Probably to get everyone off the servers so they could reset algorithms and buff the resistance to "antisemitic propaganda" or download a virus onto every user's phones or something.
Happy birthday to one of the greatest heroes in American history. The man who took on the US government in a near-hopeless conflict, resigning from a prime position in its military and risking his entire career and very life, just to do what he felt was right.
Frugal, humble, and always kind to his men, Robert Edward Lee struggled on for four years, curtailing a much stronger opponent and sending them packing time and time again.
Eventually, after pushing deep into their own territory, being repelled and fighting tooth and nail on the backfoot til the end, the tide of fate turned against his nation, and he was forced to give up the ghost and resign to Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Courthouse on April 9, 1865.
May we all embody the dignity, honor, pride, and respect of self and others that expressed itself in General Lee.
And may we finish the work that was started to free our people from tyranny.
Frugal, humble, and always kind to his men, Robert Edward Lee struggled on for four years, curtailing a much stronger opponent and sending them packing time and time again.
Eventually, after pushing deep into their own territory, being repelled and fighting tooth and nail on the backfoot til the end, the tide of fate turned against his nation, and he was forced to give up the ghost and resign to Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Courthouse on April 9, 1865.
May we all embody the dignity, honor, pride, and respect of self and others that expressed itself in General Lee.
And may we finish the work that was started to free our people from tyranny.
It is at the height of an oligarchy's projection of power that it is the most vulnerable. It is when their position is at its most fragile, and the only place they have to go is down.
Cracking down on dissidents creates stronger resistance, living lavishly while others suffer in abject poverty creates a hotbed of resentment and public anger, and since there are hardly any treasures left to hoard, the ruling class turns their attention toward one another to rake in each other's wealth.
They are not much longer for this world, but it will take an inter-class coalition of like-minded and strong-willed men to create a system parallel to their own and able to challenge it.
Cracking down on dissidents creates stronger resistance, living lavishly while others suffer in abject poverty creates a hotbed of resentment and public anger, and since there are hardly any treasures left to hoard, the ruling class turns their attention toward one another to rake in each other's wealth.
They are not much longer for this world, but it will take an inter-class coalition of like-minded and strong-willed men to create a system parallel to their own and able to challenge it.
Every pagan people, save maybe a few like Buddhists, believe their ancestral gods, or at least their version of the gods, created reality and their race specifically for one reason or another.
How is one meant to determine which pantheon of gods is real? There is no inarguable way to do this, but one line of thought is to take whose progeny have created the most in the world.
Mortal man's creation is said to be a microcosm of divine creation. If that be true, then to look at the most creative race, and then look at their ancestral creators, would give one a strong argument to this question.
Obviously we know the Nordic, Northern Europen, race to be by far the most creative and inventive. It stands to reason if our lineage truly does stretch back into the divine, it would be those divine ancestors who would have created existence as we know it.
Much different than my usual content, I know. Just some interesting thoughts I'd had.
How is one meant to determine which pantheon of gods is real? There is no inarguable way to do this, but one line of thought is to take whose progeny have created the most in the world.
Mortal man's creation is said to be a microcosm of divine creation. If that be true, then to look at the most creative race, and then look at their ancestral creators, would give one a strong argument to this question.
Obviously we know the Nordic, Northern Europen, race to be by far the most creative and inventive. It stands to reason if our lineage truly does stretch back into the divine, it would be those divine ancestors who would have created existence as we know it.
Much different than my usual content, I know. Just some interesting thoughts I'd had.
I applaud Patriot Front on their complete disregard for this court summons and their decision.
I've been told that because PF is not a legal entity and has no assets, nothing can be seized from it and effectively this ruling carries no weight.
I saw the American Futurist's post about this, and while I do see their point of view, I think ignoring the kangaroo court and showing how impotent it truly is on these matters is also a show of power in itself.
Well done, gentlemen. A great show indeed.
I've been told that because PF is not a legal entity and has no assets, nothing can be seized from it and effectively this ruling carries no weight.
I saw the American Futurist's post about this, and while I do see their point of view, I think ignoring the kangaroo court and showing how impotent it truly is on these matters is also a show of power in itself.
Well done, gentlemen. A great show indeed.
A note on the controversy with West Virginians and Appalachians at large:
It's probably a good idea for this "movement" to stop denigrating and spitting on possibly the only demographic that would generally accept their viewpoints, as well as some of the most independent, rugged, and family-oreinted White people in America.
Sure, many Appalachians are less than desirable. I've definitely voiced criticism of some aspects of their culture. However, many Americans of every region are less than desirable and have much worse issues that are not being pointed to at all.
To say that because these people aren't perfect that they should be cast aside or that they're "unfortunate" is essentially to dishonor an entire strain of Americans; the strain most responsible for the pioneering spirit of independence, as well as the ones who are primarily responsible for securing America for our people from the red man.
It's probably a good idea for this "movement" to stop denigrating and spitting on possibly the only demographic that would generally accept their viewpoints, as well as some of the most independent, rugged, and family-oreinted White people in America.
Sure, many Appalachians are less than desirable. I've definitely voiced criticism of some aspects of their culture. However, many Americans of every region are less than desirable and have much worse issues that are not being pointed to at all.
To say that because these people aren't perfect that they should be cast aside or that they're "unfortunate" is essentially to dishonor an entire strain of Americans; the strain most responsible for the pioneering spirit of independence, as well as the ones who are primarily responsible for securing America for our people from the red man.
Patriotism is, in effect, ancestor worship on a national scale. It is paganism taken to its political and communal conclusion.
Something I think the non-racist people in the political sphere fail to realize is that we aren't only fighting for our racial preservation; we are fighting for the very concept of human freedom and dignity.
If we lose, our enemies will enslave everyone. White men are the only hope for all of humanity to resist totalitarian dystopia.
Liberals are the ones always talking about tolerating discomfort and inconvenience for the sake of higher values. Perhaps it's time they came to accept that diversity will have to be sacrificed to secure the freedom of mankind.
If we lose, our enemies will enslave everyone. White men are the only hope for all of humanity to resist totalitarian dystopia.
Liberals are the ones always talking about tolerating discomfort and inconvenience for the sake of higher values. Perhaps it's time they came to accept that diversity will have to be sacrificed to secure the freedom of mankind.
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