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Continental-Conscious avatar


Behold the Continents — Visible and Invisible — Moving Again.
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May 23, 2024

Апошнія публікацыі ў групе "Continental-Conscious"

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PRAV Publishing avatar
PRAV Publishing

Two years ago, PRAV Publishing released Askr Svarte’s (Evgeny Nechkasov’s) “most dangerous book in the world": Tradition and Future Shock: Visions of a Future that Isn’t Ours.

Recently banned from the shelves of the largest bookseller in the US, Barnes&Noble, this immense 538-page tome unmasks the dark forces at work behind Technological Singularity, Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence, and the smartphone in your pocket, and sheds light on a radical spiritual paradigm for living beyond the Postmodern matrix.

Tradition and Future Shock is available in hardcover for 20% off and paperback for 25% off until March 9th:

On the request of the author and in line with the spirit of Tradition and Future Shock, there will be no ebook edition.
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PRAV Publishing avatar
PRAV Publishing
One year ago, PRAV Publishing released For a Radical Life: Meditations by Daria Platonova Dugina.

This pocket-sized book is packed with a unique selection of quotations from Daria Platonova Dugina’s published and unpublished works, personal diary, social media, and interviews. For a Radical Life is an everyday companion to thinking and living through our perilous age.

Order your own copy by March 2nd for 15% off:

“I want to become a source of good in the world. There’s nothing more terrifying than this thought.”
– Daria Platonova Dugina, diary entry, 13 January 2022
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PRAV Publishing avatar
PRAV Publishing
To become Awakened, to be Awakened, to Awaken others, to serve Awakening, to pass along memory of or readiness for Awakening, to anticipate the Great Re-Awakening — all of the great, authentic, and worthwhile spiritual and philosophical teachings across Continents hold this in wait for you. Everything else is of a lesser order to be played with by those who are Awakened or those who are against Awakening.
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The Week of Wonders avatar
The Week of Wonders
"Philosophy is the reflection that leads one to recognise one’s own inadequacy and the need for absolute action from within"

- Jules Laigneau, published in the Revue de Métaphisique et de Morale in 1898. Chosen by Evola as an epigraph to his Essays on Magical Idealism.
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Arktos avatar
“Tradition, to [Daria] Dugina, is not an antidote to modernity – it is something far older, far wilder, something modernity has tried and failed to destroy. She does not see Tradition as a return to some idyllic past or as a museum exhibit to be preserved; it is a living, breathing force, a pulse running through the labyrinthine paths of existence.”

Constantin von Hoffmeister, MULTIPOLARITY!

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Eurosiberia avatar
"True aristocracy isn't inherited through lineage — that's a thing of the past. True aristocracy comes from inner superiority, a relentless devotion to a grand idea, and a refusal to be governed by the instincts and habits of a philistine."

Eduard Limonov
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Arktos avatar
"The art of not reading is a very important one. It consists in not taking an interest in whatever may be engaging the attention of the general public at any particular time. When some political or ecclesiastical pamphlet, or novel, or poem is making a great commotion, you should remember that he who writes for fools always finds a large public. A precondition for reading good books is not reading bad ones: for life is short."

— Arthur Schopenhauer
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PRAV Publishing avatar
PRAV Publishing
Passages: Studies in Traditionalism and Traditions - Volume II

Edited by Jafe Arnold, Evgeny Nechkasov, Luca Siniscalco, and Lucas Griffin


From the Editors: Speaking of Traditionalism

Askr Svarte - Tradition as Language

Alexander Dugin - The Language of Tradition and the Paradigms of the Modern Sciences: Rectifying Names and Measuring Distances

Maxim Medovarov - The Ontology of Language in the Light of Integral Traditionalism

Andrea Scarabelli - Telling the Origin: Language, Myth, and the Sacred

Tamás Bencze - A Few Remarks on the Spiritual Importance of Languages

Sebastiano Fusco - The Four Levels of Meaning: Polysemic Hermeneutics of Traditional Texts

Nuccio D'Anna - Cosmogony and Anthropogony: Symbols, Language, and Sacred Music in the Vedic Tradition

Giovanni Sessa - Giorgio Colli, Julius Evola, and Hellenic Mysteriosophy: Can Language and Writing be Truth-Makers?

Adolfo Morganti - Truth and Language: Attilio Mordini's Sapiential Hermeneutics of Language

Veleslav Cherkasov - Neo-Archaic Terms in the Theology of Contemporary Slavic Native Faith

Maxim Makovchik - The Traditional Understanding of the Non-Traditional

Alisa Zagryadskaya - Mouseion, Kunstkammer, and the Classical Museum as Models of Reality: The Transformation of Museum Practices and Our Image of the World from Premodernity to Modernity

Dmitry Moiseev - The Existential Dimension of Traditionalism in the Works of Julius Evola: Towards the Fundamental Principles of the Being of the Differentiated Man

László Virág - András László's Fundamental Contribution to Metaphysical Tradition

Róbert Horváth - The Idea of Tradition, Its Precedents, and Signs of Decline

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PRAV Publishing avatar
PRAV Publishing

NOW AVAILABLE from PRAV Publishing:

Passages: Studies in Traditionalism and Traditions - Volume II

Edited by Jafe Arnold, Evgeny Nechkasov, Luca Siniscalco, and Lucas Griffin

Featuring 16 texts by 18 authors from 5 countries.

382 pages, available in paperback.
«My analysis might be from the sphere of dreams, from a hybrid realm and interdisciplinary space. Nevertheless, I believe that it has every right to exist and that this is how we need to think now — through the prism of death, eschatology, and metaphysics.»

— Daria Platonova Dugina, A Theory of Europe: A View of the New Right, translated by Jafe Arnold (Arktos, 2024)
(in Serbian): “The list exists.” 🥸
Scripture for surfing the Kali-Yuga:

« On one occasion the Blessed One was staying at Ajjheya on the bank of the river Ganges. He saw a large log being carried along by the current near the bank of the river Ganges, and on seeing it said to the monks: "Monks, do you see that large log being carried along by the current of the river Ganges?”

"Yes, lord."

"Monks, if that log doesn't veer toward the near shore, doesn't veer toward the far shore, doesn't sink in the middle, doesn't get washed up on high ground, doesn't get snared by human beings, doesn't get snared by non-human beings, doesn't get snared in a whirlpool, and doesn't become rotten inside, it will tend to the ocean, tilt to the ocean, incline to the ocean. Why is that? Because the current of the river Ganges tends to the ocean, tilts to the ocean, inclines to the ocean.

"In the same way, monks, if you don't veer toward the near shore, don't veer toward the far shore, don't sink in the middle, don't get washed up on high ground, don't get snared by human beings, don't get snared by non-human beings, don't get snared in a whirlpool, and don't become rotten inside, you will tend to Nirvana, tilt to Nirvana, incline to Nirvana. Why is that? Because right view tends to Nirvana, tilts to Nirvana, inclines to Nirvana.” »

Saṃyutta Nikāya 4.35.200: Dārukkhandha Sutta
“Today we think in continents, and it is only our philosophers and historians who have not realized that we do so.”

— Oswald Spengler, The Decline of the West — Volume I: Form and Actuality (1918)
"Learn to swim, learn to swim, learn to drink vodka from the bottle, and early, early, be sure to read only 'The Horla' from the ouevre of Maupassant." — Evgeny Golovin
Увайдзіце, каб разблакаваць больш функцый.