USAID (United States Agency for International Development) was a CIA front, where United States’ credit (that is our credit, because we are the principal creditors of the federal government) was used to line the pockets of the jew controllers AND to keep their slaves (politicians, media, Hollywood, business and religious leaders, controlled opposition, etc.) in line by obtaining blackmail on them through satanic ritual abuse of children, pedophilia, bestiality, ritual murder, snuff films, rape, financial crimes, arms and drugs dealing, gangs, human trafficking, NGOs, porn industry, false flags, etc.
Some of the money was used for coup d’etat around the world and for operating the terrorist networks like ISIS that were created and managed by the axis of evil CIA, Mosad and MI6.
It’s not surprising that Marina Abramovic, a transgendered jew biological male manufactured entity engaged in “spiritual cooking” (ritual blood-sacrifice of children mostly) was on the USAID payroll. Marina Abramovic was also a CIA asset, some say he is the biological father of that other crypto-jew transgendered biological male manufactured entity Lady Gaga. I guarantee you Lady Gaga was on the USAID payroll as well - they all are.