Many mistake our worldview for cruelty, but in reality, we are merely acknowledging and adhering to the Natural Order. Nature itself is unforgiving—it does not tolerate weakness, nor does it grant equal outcomes to all. It is not cruel, for example, to recognize that some individuals, whether due to severe illness, deformity, or mental deficiency, are incapable of leading productive, functional lives. It is not cruelty to acknowledge that a Nation burdened with the incapable, the weak, and the alien cannot thrive. This is not an ideology of malice, but one of order, strength, and the preservation of what is good and fruitful.
The reality is that those who are of ill body and mind, and those who are racially incompatible with the society we seek to build, hinder progress rather than contribute to it. Nature makes distinctions—between the strong and the weak, between the fit and the unfit, between the worthy and the unworthy. Our role is not to impose cruelty, but to recognize these distinctions and structure our society accordingly. To deny this reality is to invite decay, dysfunction, and ultimately, destruction.
We do not seek suffering; we seek a world that flourishes. A people who are strong, a Nation that is vibrant, and a future that is sustainable. To reject the Natural Order in favor of sentimentality is not compassion—it is negligence. We embrace the path that Nature itself has laid before us, not out of cruelty, but out of duty to Our People, our future, and the higher order that governs all life.