Today’s world is different, and a variety of platforms, apps, and self-publishing options enable pro-White dissidents to speak for themselves with a simple and pure message of White consciousness and White unity. The outdated tactic of grabbing as many headlines as possible has proven to be a hindrance on today’s propaganda battlefield, accomplishing nothing but providing ammunition for those who want to define our movement as something antagonistic to decent White people.
As WN 3.0 continues to evolve and expand, an ever-deeper pool of music, art, culture, and action is developed for propaganda artists to pull from.
As they do so, it is imperative that they remember this hard-earned lesson from RAM and the Activism style: simple means effective when it comes to modern activism. There is power in keeping the message simple activists should not try to change years of indoctrination overnight but strive to provided stepping stones and bring our people home, the white awaking comes from white self-realization.
The White youth trapped in the multiracial hellscape our enemies have created are yearning for the message we have for them. They are eager to embark on the adventurous, challenging, and honorable way of life the WN 3.0 activist has chosen We should seek to send a message that will bring them into our Brotherhood, where they rightfully belong, the only thing we have to do is light a torch and extend our hand.