There is no greater joy, no deeper peace, than experiencing the nearness of God. We were created for fellowship with Him — to walk closely with our Creator, and to delight in His presence. Yet, in the noise of life, it is easy to drift. Distractions, worries, and even our own shortcomings can create a sense of distance between us and God. But Scripture assures us of a beautiful truth: When we take a step toward Him, He draws near to us.
“Come near to God and He will come near to you.” —James 4:8
This is not a passive promise. It is an invitation — one that requires action on our part. Drawing near to God is not about following religious routines or rituals or ceremonies; it is simply about pursuing Him with a sincere heart. Just as a loving father eagerly embraces a child who runs to him, so our heavenly Father moves toward us when we take steps of faith in His direction.
The journey toward God begins with a single step of faith. You can take that step right now by praying:
“Heavenly Father, by faith, I draw near to You this very moment. My heart longs to be close to You today. You have promised that if I come near to You, You will come near to me. So here I am, Lord — seeking, trusting, and inviting Your presence into my life. Draw near to me as I reach out for You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”
Sometimes, we make closeness to God more complicated than it needs to be. We overanalyze, overthink, and burden ourselves with unnecessary questions: Am I doing this right? Is my faith strong enough? What if I don’t feel anything? But Jesus didn’t tell us to approach God by first requiring that all our questions get answered — He simply told us to “become like little children” (Matthew 18:3).
Children don’t analyze love; they simply receive it. They don’t question whether their parents will care for them tomorrow; they simply rest in the security of today. A childlike faith involves waking up each day with a heart full of wonder, knowing that God is good and is in control, that He is near, and that He will take care of you — just as a child trusts their parent without questioning how their needs will be met. That is the kind of faith God desires — a trust that doesn’t get lost in theological complexity and rituals but simply believes.
My friends, you don’t need to have all the answers to draw near to God. You just need to come. Speak to Him with honesty. Rest in His love. Trust that He is near, even when you don’t necessarily feel it at first.
Don’t get me wrong — seeking answers to questions is a good thing (2 Timothy 3:16-17; Acts 17:11; Psalm 119:105). But don’t make the acquiring of answers a prerequisite for drawing near to God. Come to Him JUST AS YOU ARE (Matthew 11:28; Isaiah 55:1; Ephesians 2:13).
If you have felt distant from Him, take heart — He has not moved. He is waiting, longing for you to draw close. The door is open. The invitation is extended. Step into His presence, and you will find a love more intimate, a peace more profound, and a joy more complete than anything this world could ever offer.
“You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart.” —Jeremiah 29:13
Draw near to Him today.
He is nearer than you think.