Athletes who visualize their victory win. On how the should lift 400 kg in deadlift. Or how fighters should kick his opponent in the face. The task does not matter. What matter is how winners see themselves as winners.
The visualize it. They live it. They can see how their work leads to their victory. Visualization is the recipe for victory.
Adapt the same view on winning to your life. To our struggle.
You will not win by crying like a little faggot. Only pointing finger to the problems online and live a amoral life in the real world.
This is the breaking point. Our Rubicon. Do you visualize a greater life and white future? Or do you just talk like a little bitch?
The victory is near. Loosers will say we're wrong. And thats fine. We don't need loosers. We create winners.
C'était le 13 février 1945 à Dresde, souviens-toi du génocide des bombes britanniques et américaines. L'anéantissement de cette ville d'arts et de culture fit 150 000 morts, essentiellement des femmes et des enfants. Nous ne pardonnerons jamais.
13/02/2025 In memoriam Dresden 🇩🇪
It was 13 February 1945 in Dresden, remember the genocide of the British and American bombs. The annihilation of this city of arts and culture left 150,000 dead, mostly women and children. We will never forgive.
A real look at Orania instead of a hit piece. Its tough country out there which it why there's nobody else there. Its a bit like Australia when i was kid. You don't need to lock you doors. Dramatic contrast with the prison homes in the rest of country. People don't realize how shit life is these days in low trust society's because its all they have ever known. This is what a real community looks like where your part of what goes on instead of a powerless spectator. I have posted many times about how toxic big city's are and this is more proof. Lots of small towns is the best model for a future ethno-state.
“The Jew is immunized against all dangers: One may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I’ve been found out"." - Dr. Joseph Goebbels.
— 🇮🇱/🇺🇸 NEW: A Jewish restaurant in New York City was forced to close down, after the restaurant was discovered presenting two different menu cards to its customers – one for 'regular' customers, and one for Jews, with significantly cheaper prices
After an investigation by local police, the owner, 43 year old Moshe Feinman, was also found guilty on charges of money laundering and conspiracy to commit tax fraud.
XX/01/2025 Pologne 🇵🇱 Un antifa polonais est humilié, tabassé et forcé de saboter son tag. God night left side !
XX/01/2025 Poland 🇵🇱 A Polish antifa is humiliated, beaten up and forced to cross out his tag. Good night left side!