We venerate Your most pure image, O Good One, and ask forgiveness of our transgressions, O Christ our God. Of Your good-will You were pleased to ascend the Cross in the flesh and deliver Your creatures from bondage to the enemy. Therefore with thankfulness we cry aloud to You: You have filled all with joy, O our Saviour, for You came to save the world!

Receive me, O Christ, the Lover of all men, as You received the prostitute, the thief, the tax-collector and the prodigal. Take away the heavy burden of my sins, for You take away the sins of the world; You heal the infirmities of men, You call to Yourself and give rest to those who labour and are heavy-laden.

☦️ St John of Karpathos

“Preserve your inner peace at all costs and do not trade it for anything in this world.”
☦️ St Isaac of Syria
☦️ St Isaac of Syria
[2/2] Devotion to St Brigid remains strong in Ireland. With St. Patrick of Ireland (March 17) and St. Columba of Iona (June 9), she is one of the three patron saints of Ireland. She is also venerated in northern Italy, France, and Wales.
"Holy Brigid, You shower grace upon the world, and multiply miracles. Intercede with Christ our God that He may save our souls."
"Holy Brigid, You shower grace upon the world, and multiply miracles. Intercede with Christ our God that He may save our souls."
☦️ St Maximos the Confessor
St Nicholas, Equal of the Apostles and Archbishop of Japan (Feb 16/ Mar 1), prayerful intercessor for Japan and its people brought the Gospel to Japan in an era when Japanese looked upon foreigners as beasts and Christianity as a villainous foreign sect. In this atmosphere, the Russian-born Archbishop Nicholas and his flock endured many years of persecution. Yet, in 1911, a half century since the young hieromonk Nicholas had first set foot on Japanese soil, there were over 33,000 Orthodox Christians in 266 communities.
Archbishop Nicholas departed peacefully to the Lord in 1912.
When The Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church glorified St Nicholas in 1970, he had for many decades been honoured in Japan as a righteous man, and a prayerful intercessor before the Lord.
Archbishop Nicholas departed peacefully to the Lord in 1912.
When The Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church glorified St Nicholas in 1970, he had for many decades been honoured in Japan as a righteous man, and a prayerful intercessor before the Lord.

The best prayer is: “Lord! Thou knowest all things. Do with me as Thou willest!”
☦️St Theophan the Recluse
☦️St Theophan the Recluse

“Vindicate me, O Lord, For I have walked in my integrity. I have also trusted in the Lord; I shall not slip.
Examine me, O Lord, and prove me; Try my mind and my heart.
For Your lovingkindness is before my eyes, And I have walked in Your truth.”
Watercolour by Tracey Rolandelli
Examine me, O Lord, and prove me; Try my mind and my heart.
For Your lovingkindness is before my eyes, And I have walked in Your truth.”
Watercolour by Tracey Rolandelli

Glory to Thee for calling me into being
Glory to Thee, showing me the beauty of the universe
Glory to Thee, spreading out before me heaven and earth
Like the pages in a book of eternal wisdom
Glory to Thee for Thine eternity in this fleeting world
Glory to Thee for Thy mercies, seen and unseen
Glory to Thee through every sigh of my sorrow
Glory to Thee for every step of my life's journey
For every moment of glory
Glory to Thee, O God, from age to age
-from Ikos 1, "Akathist of Thanksgiving," found among the effects of Protopresbyter Gregory Petrov upon his death in a prison camp in 1940. The title is from the words of Saint John Chrysostom-- "Glory to God for all things" -- as he was dying in exile.
Glory to Thee, showing me the beauty of the universe
Glory to Thee, spreading out before me heaven and earth
Like the pages in a book of eternal wisdom
Glory to Thee for Thine eternity in this fleeting world
Glory to Thee for Thy mercies, seen and unseen
Glory to Thee through every sigh of my sorrow
Glory to Thee for every step of my life's journey
For every moment of glory
Glory to Thee, O God, from age to age
-from Ikos 1, "Akathist of Thanksgiving," found among the effects of Protopresbyter Gregory Petrov upon his death in a prison camp in 1940. The title is from the words of Saint John Chrysostom-- "Glory to God for all things" -- as he was dying in exile.

Feb 1: We commemorate St Brigid, “the Mary of the Gael,” known for her compassion for the poor.
St. Brigid established a monastery on land given to her by the King of Leinster. The land was called Cill Dara (Kildare), or “the church of the oak.” This was the beginning of women’s cenobitic monasticism in Ireland.
One of the most remarkable of St Brigid's many miracles is her healing of a blind nun named Dara. Once, during a particularly beautiful sunrise, the Saint took pity on Dara, making the sign of the cross and praying that Dara would be healed of her blindness, so as to experience the beauty of the sunrise. Dara's eyes were opened and she saw the sun in the east, and the trees and flowers sparkled with dew. Then, after awhile she turned to St Brigid and said, “Close my eyes again, dear Mother, for when the world is visible to the eyes, then God is seen less clearly by the soul.” St Brigid prayed and Dara again became blind.
St. Brigid established a monastery on land given to her by the King of Leinster. The land was called Cill Dara (Kildare), or “the church of the oak.” This was the beginning of women’s cenobitic monasticism in Ireland.
One of the most remarkable of St Brigid's many miracles is her healing of a blind nun named Dara. Once, during a particularly beautiful sunrise, the Saint took pity on Dara, making the sign of the cross and praying that Dara would be healed of her blindness, so as to experience the beauty of the sunrise. Dara's eyes were opened and she saw the sun in the east, and the trees and flowers sparkled with dew. Then, after awhile she turned to St Brigid and said, “Close my eyes again, dear Mother, for when the world is visible to the eyes, then God is seen less clearly by the soul.” St Brigid prayed and Dara again became blind.
'Let us who mystically represent the cherubim and sing the thrice-holy Hymn to the life-creating Trinity...''

"The flower of a rose does not make a sound, but its fragrance goes far in silence; so must all Christians live." ☦️ St. Theophan the Recluse

“Now, therefore,” says the Lord, “Turn to Me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning.” Joel 2:12

☦️ St Porphyrios

The “Triodion” refers to the ten weeks leading up to Pascha as well as to the book which contains the hymns, readings, and prayers specific to this season.
The name "Triodion" means “three odes”. During this period, the Canons (the series of hymns sung at Matins) contain only three odes instead of the usual nine.
The Lenten Triodion book is used continuously in services from the Sunday of the Publican through Great Lent and Holy and Great Week.
The name "Triodion" means “three odes”. During this period, the Canons (the series of hymns sung at Matins) contain only three odes instead of the usual nine.
The Lenten Triodion book is used continuously in services from the Sunday of the Publican through Great Lent and Holy and Great Week.

"Whoever wants to purely pray, he should not pay any attention to newspaper news, should not read unwholesome books, or be curious to know anything about the lives of others. All this brings to mind a lot of impure thoughts, and when people try to understand them, they become more and more confusing and tempt the soul."
+ St Silouan the Athonite
+ St Silouan the Athonite
The earliest known prayer to the Theotokos (Greek, Θεοτοκος, meaning “Bearer of God”) is found on a fragment of papyrus dating back to approximately AD 250.
"Beneath thy compassion, We take refuge, O Mother of God: do not despise our petitions in time of trouble, but rescue us from dangers, only pure one, only blessed one."
"Beneath thy compassion, We take refuge, O Mother of God: do not despise our petitions in time of trouble, but rescue us from dangers, only pure one, only blessed one."
Prayer of Spouses for Each Other: "O Lord Jesus Christ our God, who through Your holy apostle Paul have taught us to bear one another's burdens and so fulfil Your holy Law: mercifully grant me to bear the burdens of my husband/wife in love. Bless our marriage, sending down upon us perfect and peaceful love, preserving us in oneness of mind and in steadfast faith. Pour out Your love upon my husband/wife (name), that he/she may be filled with joy and may please You in all things. Defend us from quarrels and temptations and preserve us in peace and harmony that together we may forever glorify Your holy Name: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

God is one and Christ is one, and His Church and faith are one, and the people joined together with the glue of concord into the unbroken unity of a body. It is not possible for the unity to be rent asunder, nor the one body to be divided by the tearing apart of the structure, nor to be torn into fragments with the violent rending apart of its vital organs. Whatever splits off from the parent tree is not able to live and breathe apart from it. It loses the essential nature of health.
☦️ St Cyprian of Carthage, On the Unity of the Church
☦️ St Cyprian of Carthage, On the Unity of the Church

Blessed are those who do not like news and are not curious to learn about the affairs of other people. He will soon heal his spiritual wounds and reach into the love of God.
—Hieroschemamonk Jerome (Solomentsov)
—Hieroschemamonk Jerome (Solomentsov)

Do not be distressed if you do not at once receive from God what you ask. He wishes to give you something better — to make you persevere in your prayer. For what is better than to enjoy the love of God and to be in communion with Him? —The Philokalia
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