Statement from The Southern Nationalist League on H1B visas and on non-White immigration.
We have argued for three decades now that the South has been an economic colony of the American Empire since 1865. That the South and Southerners have been exploited as resources for the benefit of those who hate us and all for which we (the South and Southerners) have stood throughout our history. In fact, we have been taught to hate ourselves by a corrupt educational system and a perverse popular culture.
The South is our home, not an economic zone to be used for the benefit of foreigners who understand nothing of our culture, history, or heritage. While many of our people voted for Donald Trump based on his many MAGA promises, we cautioned them that he is not one of us and that we should take his promises with a big grain of salt, as it were.
Now, some in Trump's inner circle are advocating an immigration policy regarding H1B workers that would further erode our people's ability to work and prosper, especially in the technical fields.
We Southerners have had enough of the stereotypes depicting us as dumb and superficial hicks and rednecks. The truth of the matter is that what has been called "Yankee ingenuity" really should be called Southern ingenuity. Our people have done more with less than any other people in the world. And of that we are understandably proud.
The South can--and will--get along just fine without an influx of tech workers from India and other Third World countries. We are a hard-working, intelligent people. And we are determined to rule ourselves in our own best interests. This includes determining those whom we will allow to live and work among us.--Michael Hill, on behalf of our Board of Directors